A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Ayman Ahmed


Main Stories

Despite Its Lies Being Exposed, Israel Continues To Peddle Them

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

The zionists and their western allies are compulsive liars. Even though their lies have been exposed, they continue to peddle them. This is part of the policy to dehumanize the Islamic resistance in order to justify their crimes against innocent Palestinians.

Main Stories

Islamic Resistance Vs Zionist Invaders

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

There is little doubt that the zionists are perpetrating horrific crimes against the defenceless people of Gaza. This shows their barbarism yet such cruelties have not deterred the Islamic resistance from continuing to confront the invaders and inflict significant damage on them.

News & Analysis

Bani Saud Treachery Exposed Over Iran’s Retaliation Against Israel

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Both the Bedouins from Najd illegally occupying the Arabian Peninsula and the illegitimate Jordanian rulers joined in protecting the zionist entity from Iran’s retaliatory strikes. It would have been out of character if they had acted otherwise.

Main Stories

Zionists’ Escalatory Threats To Masjid Al-Aqsa

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 20, 14452024-03-01

While Zionist genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza continues, a more serious threat to Masjid al-Aqsa has gone unnoticed. Jewish terrorists have brought five unblemished ‘red heifers’ (cows) for ritual slaughter in Masjid al-Aqsa as prelude to its destruction and building of the mythical ‘third temple’ in its place.

Main Stories

Israel’s Genocide In Gaza Continues

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 20, 14452024-02-01

Despite the ICJ ruling of January 26 demanding the Israel take steps to prevent genocide, the zionist terrorists continue their attacks on unarmed Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The death toll has surpassed 26,000 with 6,000 injured, some of them critically.

News & Analysis

Sisi ‘Wins’ Third Term As President. No Surprises There!

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi claims to have “won” a third term as president. With opposition candidates also rooting for him, Sisi was a shoe-in. Why did he have to go through this ritual and whether he will be able to solve the myriad economic problems that he himself created?

News & Analysis

Understanding Zionist Racism

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14452023-12-01

The zionist project is built on racism. From the proponents of zionist ideology at the end of the nineteenth century to the present day, the one constant is racism. Built on the notion that Jews cannot assimilate in other societies and that they are superior to other people, we have this monstrosity called Israel.

News & Analysis

Dictator Sisi’s Electoral Farce In Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14452023-12-01

Dictators love ‘democracy’ despite the glaring contradiction. Take the case of General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi who wants to go through this farce once again on December 10. Since most political parties have been bludgeoned into submission, the result is a foregone conclusion.

News & Analysis

Western Lies Aimed At Delegitimizing Palestinian Struggle

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 17, 14452023-11-01

In war, truth is the first casualty but in Israel’s latest onslaught on Palestinians, western rulers have crossed all limits telling bald-faced lies. Such lies are easily refuted due to social media but that has not deterred western politicians from telling them in a failed attempt to delegitimize Palestinian struggle.

News & Analysis

Israel Will Not Survive Another War With Hizbullah

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

It appears zionist Israel has a death wish. It is issuing threats against Hizbullah but should another war break out between Israel and Hizbullah, it is almost certain that Israel will be obliterated. Even Israeli analysts admit this outcome.

News & Analysis

End Of The Zionist Project In Palestine?

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 15, 14452023-09-01

That the Zionist settler-colonial entity is illegitimate is well-known. It has managed to maintain its occupation through brute force. Now the practitioners of that force—the Israeli army and air force etc—no longer appear willing to maintain the criminal enterprise.

News & Analysis

Pakistani Generals Follow The Script Of Egyptian Counterparts

Ayman Ahmed, Tahir Mustafa

Safar 15, 14452023-09-01

There is much in common between the generals in Pakistan and Egypt. Both groups are cowards, thoroughly corrupt and willing to surrender to the enemy at the first opportunity but miss no opportunity to brutalize their own hapless people.

News & Analysis

Decade After Rabaa Massacre, Islam Remains The Dominant Force In West Asia

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 14, 14452023-08-01

August 2023 marks 10 years of the gruesome massacre of innocent civilians in Rabaa Square in Cairo. The slaughter was ordered by General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi but it had the full backing of the west. Unable to defeat Islam at the ballot box, they resorted to the wholesale slaughter of innocents.

Main Stories

Syria And The Fickle-minded Arab Rulers

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14442023-06-01

After participating in the blood-bath of at least half-a-million people in Syria and turning millions into refugees for 11 years, the Arab rulers have realized that it is impossible to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Asad. He needs to be brought in back into the Arab fold.

News & Analysis

Is The End Nigh For Zionist Israel?

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 11, 14442023-05-01

Zionist Israel is an artificial entity. It illegally occupies the land of the Palestinians, the Indigenous people. The land is called Palestine. Zionist contradictions are fast catching up with and its demise in now being openly talked about by even many leading Israelis.

News & Analysis

US Complicit in Zionist Crimes Against The Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

Zionist Israel would not be able to get away with the crimes it perpetrates on a daily basis against the Palestinian people were it not for American support. Thus, the Washington warlords are complicit in Israeli war crimes.

News & Analysis

Rehabilitating Asad Into The Arabian Fold

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

Recent developments in the West Asia region clearly point toward a realization among the Arabian regimes that their plot to overthrow the government of Bashar al Asad of Syria has failed. They have decided to bury the hatchet and bring Asad in back into the Arab fold.

Main Stories

How The 2003 Invasion Of Iraq Continues To Degrade Western Hegemony

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 09, 14442023-03-01

The easy part for the collective west was to overthrow the regime of dictator Saddam Husain. The invasion unleashed forces that have shaken the very foundations of the western-crafted world order. A multipolar world order is in the making.

News & Analysis

Zionist Terrorists Kill More Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 09, 14442023-03-01

That the zionists are terrorists and mass murderers is not in doubt. Their latest assault on the historic Palestinian city of Nablus provided ample proof of their terrorist nature.

News & Analysis

Dealing With The Menace Of Zionist Racism

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 10, 14442023-02-01

Zionism is racism. There is no other way to describe it. It is also a murderous ideology that has no respect for Palestinian life. It is important to find ways to deal with this menace and eliminate it so that peace can be restored to the Holy Land.

Main Stories

Israeli Killers Intensify Murderous Campaign Against Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

Never conducting themselves in a civilized manner, the zionists have intensified their barbaric attacks against the Palestinians making 2022 one of the deadliest years since 2005. Men, women and children have all been targeted and brutally murdered.

News & Analysis

Neo-Nazis Increase Their Role In The New Zionist Regime!

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 07, 14442022-12-01

Israeli neo-Nazis have made major inroads into the body politic of the zionist entity. Their anticipated capture of important portfolios in the new cabinet means more suffering for the Palestinian people.

Daily News Analysis

Israelis vote a terrorist and a crook back into power!

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 07, 14442022-11-02

Main Stories

Zionist Occupiers Escalate Terrorist Attacks Against Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 06, 14442022-11-01

The zionist occupiers are attacking Palestinians in the Aqsa Compound and the surrounding localities in East Jerusalem. Add to that the attacks on Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil (Hebron), Jenin and Nablus, and a clear pattern emerges. Despite such brutalities, the Palestinians refuse to give up the struggle.

News & Analysis

Changing Dynamics Of Struggle In Occupied Palestine

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 05, 14442022-10-01

That the Palestinians have not been cowed down despite the horrific cruelty of the Zionist occupiers is a testimony to their courage. Now, they are getting better organized in confronting their occupiers. Palestine Islamic Jihad has emerged as a leading challenger to the Zionists in the West Bank.

News & Analysis

End of Zionist Racism Prerequisite for Peace in Palestine

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

Zionism is racism. This is not an allegation but fact. It has been repeatedly confirmed by many human rights organizations, including Israeli organizations. There can be no peace in the holy land unless this racist ideology is defeated and uprooted.

News & Analysis

Israeli Jewish Reporter Snooping in Makkah and Arafat!

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 03, 14442022-08-01

Muslims worldwide have been dismayed to learn that an Israeli Jewish reporter managed to sneak into Makkah and even visit Arafat, reporting for Channel 13 in the zionist entity. How did he get there when non-Muslims are not allowed in Makkah? The Saudis have a lot to answer for.

Main Stories

Zionist Israel’s Impending Doom!

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

Zionist Israel is the most heavily-armed garrison state in the Middle East yet its survival is not guaranteed. This is the prognosis of not its enemies but some of its leading lights among them Ehud Barak, a former army chief and prime minister.

Main Stories

Zionists Continue Attacks against Palestinians at al-Aqsa Mosque and The West Bank

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 30, 14432022-05-01

Zionist occupiers of Palestine expose their brutal nature yet again by attacking worshippers inside Masjid al Aqsa but fail to break the Palestinians will to resist. Masjid al-Aqsa is the zionists’ special target.

News & Analysis

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Report Confirms Israeli Apartheid

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 29, 14432022-04-01

Another report, this one by the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine confirms yet again that zionist Israel is an apartheid state. Its horrific crimes against Palestinians are methodically documented to expose the brutal nature of the zionist regime.

News & Analysis

High Oil and Bread Prices Compound Egypt’s Financial Woes

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 29, 14432022-04-01

Egypt’s dependence on Russian and Ukrainian wheat has caused enormous problems for the Egyptian people. The price of bread, the staple diet of most Egyptians, has risen sharply together with escalating oil prices. Egypt under General Sisi is in deep economic trouble.

News & Analysis

Early Zionists Refused Entry to Elderly, Sick Jews into Palestine

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 28, 14432022-03-01

The Zionists make much fuss about the plight of Jews in Europe before and during the Second World War. The fact is, they did not care for the sick and elderly. The Zionists’ objective was to use the suffering of the Jewish people to create the zionist state of Israel in Palestine.

News & Analysis

With War’s End in Sight, Iran and Syria Move Toward Closer Economic Cooperation

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

The takfiri terrorists have been confined to pockets in Idlib province after 11 years of war. Iran and Syria have moved quickly to the reconstruction phase of Syria’s badly damaged infrastructure in which Islamic Iran will play a major role. This development belies the propaganda that Syria no longer wants Iran’s help.

News & Analysis

Zionist Entity: The Abnormal State

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

There is nothing natural about the Zionist state of Israel. It is established on stolen land (of Palestinians) by settler colonialists from Europe, Russia and North America. Its ideology is racist and unlike other states, it has no defined borders, pointing to its expansionist nature.

News & Analysis

How Moderate is MbS’ ‘Moderation’?

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 14432022-01-01

Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) is anxious to present an image of being a ‘moderate’. His crimes, however, are so egregious that they continue to hang around him like a bad odor. His moderation is a fraud as thousands of people continue to languish in Saudi jails and executions continue at an alarming rate.

News & Analysis

Zionist Racism’s Deadly Consequences

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 26, 14432021-12-01

Racism is an integral part of Zionist ideology. Its victims are Palestinian men, women and children. They suffer daily humiliations and attacks perpetrated by Zionist squatters (aka settlers) and the heavily armed Israeli soldiers.

News & Analysis

Syrian Army Close to Liberating Entire Country

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

After 10-years of a brutal war launched through mercenaries that came close to destroying the Syrian state, the Syrian army is on the verge of liberating all its territory. The latest example was Deraa. Only Idlib remains under Daesh control. How long will the terrorists last?

News & Analysis

Baghdad Summit’s Regional and Global impact

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 23, 14432021-09-01

Iraq is trying to play a significant regional role to try to reduce tensions. It also serves Iraq’s interests, as the Baghdad summit showed.

News & Analysis

Humiliating and Killing Palestinians, Routine for Zionist Occupiers

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 20, 14422021-07-01

The Zionist occupiers of Palestine continue to kill and maim Palestinians. There is also a determined push to occupy Masjid al Aqsa with a view to destroying it so that the Zionists’ mythical third temple can be built over its ruins.

Main Stories

Zionist Barbarism and its Western Enablers

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 20, 14422021-06-01

Zionist Israel would not be able to get away with its murderous assault on defenceless Palestinian civilians many of them children and women, without political, economic and diplomatic backing from Western regimes.

News & Analysis

Netanyahu Murdered Palestinian Women and Children in Bid to Cling to Power

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 20, 14422021-06-01

Netanyahu is a ruthlessly cynical politician. Facing criminal charges that are likely to land him in prison, he decided to unleash the war on Gaza killing hundreds of innocent people in order to cling to power. Even his murderous spree is unlikely to save his hide.

News & Analysis

The Grim Plight of Palestinian Men, Women and Children in Israeli Prisons

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 19, 14422021-05-01

Israeli occupation forces continue to keep Palestinian men, women and children in appalling conditions in prisons. Many are tortured and humiliated. Some prisoners have completed 29 years in jail. Zionist Israel, the pariah state, operates as a lawless entity.

Main Stories

Western Complicity in Israeli Crimes against Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 18, 14422021-04-01

Zionist Israel is perpetrating horrific crimes against the Palestinian people. Almost all Western regimes offer blind support, thereby making them complicit in such crimes against innocent people.

Islamic Movement

Islamic Movements and Elections in the Muslim World

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14422021-02-01

Among many trouble spots in the world, two stand out: Kashmir and Palestine. People in both locales face a ruthless enemy hell-bent on wiping out their identity. The people of Kashmir have been struggling for their basic rights for more than 70 years. They need our support.

News & Analysis

UN (non)Response to Muslim Trouble Spots

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14422021-01-01

The United Nations was created to prevent the eruption of future wars but it has been a roaring failure. Far from solving any problems, it has created many. Whose interests does it serve?

News & Analysis

Israeli Courts and Bulldozers Work in Tandem to Destroy Palestinian Homes

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14422020-12-01

Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem continues in high gear. Palestinians are being evicted from their homes that illegal Zionist settlers promptly occupy. Like the illegal regime, its court system is also completely biased against the Palestinians.

Daily News Analysis

Israel's illegal strikes kill 11 in Syria

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 14, 14422020-09-02

News & Analysis

Arabian Dinosaurs Rush to Embrace Zionist Occupiers of Palestine

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

Fearing for survival, the Arabian potentates have openly embraced the Zionist occupiers of Palestine. Decades of behind the scene dealings have now been publicly admitted. The Islamic strugglers’ task has been simplified.

Daily News Analysis

Devastating consequences of Beirut explosions

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 16, 14412020-08-06

Main Stories

El-Sisi: Pharoah Forever!

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has been in power for seven years but he has made a real mess of everything in Egypt. Far from solving any of the problems, he has created new enemies abroad while the people continue to suffer grinding poverty

Daily News Analysis

‘Saudi royals, we will strike your palaces’, warns Yemeni General

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 17, 14412020-07-08

News & Analysis

Economic Warfare on Syria

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

The latest round of Western sanctions on Syria are meant to starve the people and push them to a point where they will rise up against the government. This is likely to fail, as have previous attempts even if it creates much misery for ordinary Syrians in the short-term.

Daily News Analysis

Former leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad passes away

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 15, 14412020-06-07

Main Stories

Trump, Netanyahu Collude to Grab More Palestinian Land

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

Donald Trump has given the greenlight to Benjamin Netanyahu’s theft of more Palestinian land as if the ill-mannered American owns it. Informed observers have warned of dire consequences.


Syria’s non-NATO Opposition

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

Syria’s genuine opposition groups that have always advocated a non-violent approach to change, have received scant attention in the Western media. We break this silence and reveal the genuine opposition, unlike the groups financed by the Western powers for their own ulterior agendas.

Special Reports

Political Angle of the Saudi-Russian Economic War

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 07, 14412020-04-01

The Saudis are not likely to get away with their disruptive oil policy that is affecting Russian interests. There will be blowback and it will cost the Saudis more than they bargained for.

Main Stories

‘Deal of the Century’ or Recipe for Disaster?

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

Donald Trump is desperate to get re-elected as US president in the November 2020 elections. Aware that he would need the support of the Israeli lobby in the US, he is willing to give them anything they want and then some. His so-called deal of the century is part of this plan but far from bringing peace, it will lead to more chaos and turmoil in the region.

News & Analysis

Turkey’s Involvement in Libya to Serve As Game-Changer!

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14412020-02-01

Turkey has come to the aid of the internationally-recognized government of Libya. It has also announced plans to explore gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. Should Turkey succeed in shoring up the government in Tripoli, it could pose a threat to the regime in Egypt.

Main Stories

Le Mesurier: British Spy and Mercenary

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

While few would mourn his death, British spy and mercenary James Le Mesurier had outlived his useful for his imperialist/Zionist bosses. His housemaid had revealed he was stressed and suffered from high blood pressure in the days prior to his death/murder. Le Mesurier knew his days were numbered.

News & Analysis

Factors behind Yemen’s Valiant Resistance

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 04, 14412019-11-01

The Ansarullah Islamic movement in Yemen has astonished most observers as it has withstood the five-year onslaught waged by a coalition of heavily armed states.

News & Analysis

Gaza’s Alarming Statistics: Time to Sanction Israel

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 02, 14412019-10-01

Gaza has been describes as an open-air prison. It is much worse. Its grim statistics—95% of the water being undrinkable leading to many otherwise preventable diseases, lack of food and lack of desperately-needed medicines—all point to the people’s alarming plight at the hands of Zionist occupiers.

News & Analysis

The Pharaoh’s Dungeons in Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 02, 14412019-09-01

The Sisi regime in Egypt is one of the most brutal in the long tortuous history of the country. In Egypt’s dungeons, political opponents are tortured to death but the West still receives this brute in uniform in their capitals.

News & Analysis

Bani Saud Plan More Executions

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 27, 14402019-06-01

Emboldened by the execution of 37 innocent people in April, Bani Saud now plan to execute more people after Ramadan among them some leading Islamic scholars.

News & Analysis

Western-backed Turmoil in Libya

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 25, 14402019-05-01

Since the brutal lynching of Muammar Qaddafi in October 2011, Libya has not witnessed any peace. Now the Western regimes that created the mayhem in the first place are backing another “strongman” to protect their oil interests. The people of Libya must take a back seat.

News & Analysis

El-Sisi: Pharaoh Forever

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 25, 14402019-05-01

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Egyptian Pharaoh Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his henchmen have just enacted another farce to keep the thug in uniform in power forever!

News & Analysis

White Helmets, Black Deeds

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 23, 14402018-11-01

White Helmets are not the shining knights projected in the Western media. They are a propaganda tool in the hands of the West, their real creators.

News & Analysis

Egypt’s Terminal Decline

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 21, 14402018-10-01

October marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the Egypt-Syria War with Zionist Israel. Had it not been for Anwar Sadat’s cowardice, the Egyptian General, Muhammad Shadhli was winning the war, had he been allowed to do so.

Main Stories

El-Sisi Means Disaster for the People of Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

The three-year dictatorship of the Egyptian Pharaoh, El-Sisi has increased the misery of the people and there is no end in sight for any relief.

News & Analysis

Dictator el-Sisi’s Electoral Farce in Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14392018-03-01

By locking up all challengers, dictator el Sisi wants to be crowned uncontested king in Egypt’s presidential elections.

Main Stories

Iraqi army tightens noose around Mosul

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 04, 14382017-04-01

While not entirely its end, Mosul’s liberation will be a major blow to the takfiri terrorists in the region.

News & Analysis

Saudis buy more arms even while income falls

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 01, 14382016-11-01

Gripped by multiple crises, the Bani Saud think buying more weapons from the West would get them security. This is likely to hasten their downfall.

Islamic Movement

Significance of Quds Day rallies - 2016

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 26, 14372016-07-01

Masjid al Aqsa, the first qibla of Muslims, remains under Zionist occupation. Zionist squatters are becoming more aggressive and belligerently encroaching on the noble Sanctuary. It is incumbent on Muslims to highlight this and take urgent steps to redress this. A good starting point is the Quds Day rallies organized worldwide on the last Friday of Ramadan.

News & Analysis

Failure of the Ikhwan in Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 22, 14372016-02-01

The oldest contemporary Islamic movement—the Ikhwan al-Muslimoon—in Egypt is expected to display much better understanding and greater maturity but unfortunately their conduct has led to the disaster they faced.

News & Analysis

Egyptian elections fit for a dictator

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 19, 14372015-11-01

The ballot papers were all printed and arranged in neat piles in each polling station. The ballot boxes duly locked were also delivered to the appropriate polling stations. There were even election officials present — a remarkable achievement in a country where the bureaucracy is notorious for its lethargy.

News & Analysis

Egypt’s courts blot on the name of justice

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 12, 14362015-05-01

Judges in Egypt act like executioners and serve as slaves for the brutes in uniform. Handing death sentences by the scores has become routine in Egypt under the Pharaohs.

News & Analysis

Strange conferences on combating terrorism

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 10, 14362015-03-01

There were two conferences back-to-back on combating terrorism last month. The first was in Washington DC, the second in Makkah. The irony is that the host countries are the biggest supporters of terrorism.

News & Analysis

Fear turns every Egyptian into an informant

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 08, 14362014-12-01

The military regime in Egypt has instilled such fear in people that they have all become informants for the government.

News & Analysis

El-Sisi guilty of premeditated murder — HRW

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 06, 14352014-09-01

In a stinging 188-page report, Human Rights Watch has accused the Sisi-led military regime of premeditated murder and genocide against innocent civilians in Egypt. HRW has called for putting these people on trial.

News & Analysis

El-Sisi’s new order: control all masjids in Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 04, 14352014-08-01

After fraudulent elections in which he claimed to have won 96 percent of the vote, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has launched a crusade against masajid in Egypt. They are seen as a potential source of challenge to his illegitimate authority.

News & Analysis

Egypt’s mass execution verdicts and trials

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 14352014-04-01

Even by the brutal standards of the Egyptian military, the mass death sentences in one case—529 people sentenced to death for the killing of one policeman—have sent shockwaves globally. The regime may be digging its own grave.

News & Analysis

Lebanon hosts one million Syrian refugees

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 29, 14352014-03-01

Even while Saudi and Qatari vultures prey on vulnerable Syrian refugees in Jordan and Turkey, the government of Lebanon as well as Hizbullah are gamely looking after more than a million refugees that constitute a quarter of their total population.

News & Analysis

Egypt’s amended constitution fit for dictators

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 14352014-01-02

The thugs that have ruled Egypt for decades are re-writing a new constitution to provide a veneer of legitimacy for their illegal rule. The people meanwhile are being deprived of basic rights.

News & Analysis

Anti-coup rallies continue in Egypt despite army brutality

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 25, 14342013-10-01

Despite the military’s brutal crackdown, the Ikhwan al-Muslimoon are not down and out. They are able to mobilize the street power to pose a continuous challenge to the military-backed regime and the illegal coup.

Main Stories

Military pushes Egypt toward civil war

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

By massacring unarmed civilians that were merely holding a sit-in, the military has brought Egypt to the brink of civil war. While the military may have the guns and may be able to kill a very large number of people, they have lost all credibility and will ultimately pay a heavy price for such brutality.

Main Stories

What went wrong in Egypt?

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

The July 3 coup in Egypt has set the people of Egypt back by many decades. The brutal crackdown on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and mass killings prove the military’s evil intentions.

Main Stories

Mursi joins the US-zionist-Saudi crusade in Syria

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 22, 14342013-07-01

President Mursi has succumbed to US-Saudi-zionist pressure and joined the crusade in Syria. Since becoming president, he has badly mishandled Egypt’s affairs and with a bankrupt economy, he has embarked on a policy that will have serious repercussions for the country’s future.

News & Analysis

Egypt: grappling with old, and new problems

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 22, 14342013-06-01

June marks a grim anniversary for the people and armed forces of Egypt. While Egyptians deal with that grim legacy they are faced with fresh problems in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime.

News & Analysis

El-Sisi, Saudis both oppose free speech

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 22, 14342013-06-01

General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt and the Saudi regime sing from the same hymn page. They both oppose the people’s demand for free speech or even reforms.

News & Analysis

Egyptian NGOs: fronts for Western manipulation

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 20, 14342013-05-01

Western NGOs or those financed by the west have taken over from Western missionaries during the colonial era. We examine the forces behind them.

News & Analysis

Egyptians opt for stability over opposition-led chaos

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 19, 14342013-01-01

The people of Egypt showed they would not be persuaded to follow the path of instability and chaos. After two years of turmoil, they want peace and stability. They showed it by voting overwhelmingly in favour of the new constitution.

News & Analysis

Egypt: pitfalls of working within the old system

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 17, 14342012-12-01

The travails of President Mohamed Mursi clearly highlight the pitfalls of accepting half-measures and working within the existing jahili system. The old guards are fighting back frustrating the march toward a constitutional-based order in Egypt.

News & Analysis

Mursi’s report card as president of Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 16, 14332012-11-01

In addition to facing opposition from remnants of the Mubarak era, President Mohamad Mursi of Egypt will face his greatest foreign policy challenges from the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Ayman Ahmed explains why.

News & Analysis

Mursi attempts independent foreign policy for Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 14, 14332012-10-01

President Mohamed Mursi’s attempt to follow an independent foreign policy for Egypt does not sit well with the Americans who want only subservient rulers in the Muslim world.

Main Stories

Dr. Mursi’s long journey from prison to the presidency

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 11, 14332012-07-01

The euphoria that greeted the official announcement confirming victory of Dr. Mohamed al-Mursi of Hizb al-Hurriyah wa-al-‘Adalah (the Freedom and Justice Party) in the run-off presidential election of June 16 and 17 may prove short-lived.

Main Stories

Al-Mursi wins top spot in Egypt’s poll

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 11, 14332012-06-01

In a crowded field of 13 candidates, Dr. Muhammad al-Mursi of the Ikhwan-backed Hizb al-Hurriyah wa-al-‘Adalah (the Freedom and Justice Party), won the first spot in presidential elections on May 23 and 24.

News & Analysis

Polls in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt fail to end crises

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 07, 14332012-01-01

Exactly a year after peoples’ uprisings shook the Muslim East (Middle East) driving three dictators from power, considerable uncertainty still prevails. Elections have been held in Tunisia (October 23), Morocco (November 25) and Egypt (November 28–29; December 14–15 and the next round scheduled for January 9–10, 2012), but they have failed to stem unrest.

News & Analysis

Concern grows over military’s intentions in Egypt

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 05, 14322011-11-01

Unease and concerns have escalated among political activists in Egypt following announcement by two top generals that the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) intends to remain in firm control even after election of the People’s Assembly.

News & Analysis

Egyptians inch toward taking control of their destiny

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 03, 14322011-10-01

Egyptians will go to the polls on 11-28-2012 to elect representatives for a new parliament, the People’s Assembly, so that it can draft a new constitution. Elections to the upper Shura Council will take place on 1-29-2012. Once completed, the new constitution will then be put to a referendum for approval.

News & Analysis

Egyptians discover their struggle was hijacked

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 27, 14322011-05-01

The people of Egypt are gradually waking up to the reality that it is one thing to drive a dictator out, even one that has been around for as long as Hosni Mubarak — 30 years — and quite a different matter to change the political system and the culture of entitlement that has grown within it. There are many constituencies that have unfairly benefitted under the old system; they are not likely to give up their privileged positions so easily, Mubarak or not.

News & Analysis

The Egyptian awakening and American spies

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 26, 14322011-03-01

More than a year after the ouster of dictator Hosni Mubarak, Egyptians are faced with a curious dilemma that is both promising as well as frustrating. It is promising because the military regime has been forced to bring forward the date of presidential elections to May.

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