A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Tahir Mustafa


News & Analysis

The Unhinged Surveillance State Of America

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

The US has just enacted into law a surveillance bill that allows for unwarranted intrusions into people’s personal lives and data. Already the most repressive state, intelligence agencies have been given vast new oppressive powers. Concurrently, criticism of Israel is being outlawed.

News & Analysis

Impact Of The Islamic Revolution On Global Politics

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 20, 14452024-02-01

After the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini called for export of the revolution. The illegitimate Arab rulers thought Iranian forces would invade them. By export, the Imam meant exporting the idea as witnessed in the emergence of the Axis of Resistance.

News & Analysis

Israel’s Blatant Lies Repeated By US, Western Officials

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

Even though its lies have been exposed, zionist Israel continues to peddle them shamelessly in order to justify its crimes against the Palestinian people. Western rulers and media are complicit in spreading these lies. We expose them one by one.

News & Analysis

Resistance Axis: Regional Alliance With Global Impact

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14452023-12-01

The Axis of Resistance may be a regional informal alliance at present but its impact is much wider. If the collective west is supporting the zionist war criminals, the Axis of Resistance is with the Palestinian cause.

News & Analysis

Pakistani Generals Follow The Script Of Egyptian Counterparts

Ayman Ahmed, Tahir Mustafa

Safar 15, 14452023-09-01

There is much in common between the generals in Pakistan and Egypt. Both groups are cowards, thoroughly corrupt and willing to surrender to the enemy at the first opportunity but miss no opportunity to brutalize their own hapless people.

News & Analysis

Western Complicity In The Serbs’ Genocide Of Muslims In Bosnia

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 14, 14452023-08-01

The Serbs’ genocidal war on the Muslims of Bosnia was perpetrated between April 1992 and December 1995. It resulted in the slaughter of more than 350,000 Muslims as well as some 60,000 women raped. Western regimes were complicit in this crime.

News & Analysis

Pakistan Under De Facto Martial Law

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 13, 14442023-07-01

While there may be a civilian regime by name in Pakistan, the reality is that the country is under de facto martial law. No policy can be implemented without the military’s approval. Politicians carry the negative fallout of ill-conceived policies while the army is cushioned from opprobrium.

News & Analysis

Russia, Islam and the Muslim world

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14442023-06-01

Russia appears to have made a strategic decision to deepen its relations with the Muslim world. This is reflected in its trade and economic policies as well as treatment of its own Musims citizens who were in the past greatly oppressed.

News & Analysis

US Weaponization Of The Dollar Backfires As Countries Move To Abandon It

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 11, 14442023-05-01

There has been talk of abandoning the US dollar for quite some time but only now have several countries taken practical steps to not use the dollar in trade transactions. This number is growing and the dollar may soon be reduced to the same level as the British pound or Japanese yen.

News & Analysis

The Decline Of Western Global Hegemony May Benefit Its Citizens

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

With the decline of western hegemony, will its elite realize that living in harmony with other people instead of subjugating them will also benefit their own citizens?

News & Analysis

How The Rest Of The World Is Made To Pay For US Debt

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 09, 14442023-03-01

Since the US dollar serves as a global reserve currency, Washington can continue to print dollars while the rest of the world is forced to pay the price of inflation. This theft can be ended if the dollar’s hegemony is brought to an end.

Main Stories

Iran Develops Knowledge-based Economy

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 10, 14442023-02-01

Guided by the Rahbar Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Islamic Iran has developed a knowledge-based economy that has enabled it to take major strides in the fields of science, technology and drones. It is also now almost self-sufficient in the production of military equipment.

Main Stories

Third Anniversary Of The Martyrdom Of General Qassem Soleimani

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

Islamic Iran has a score to settle with Donald Trump and his minions who were involved in the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani three years ago. It was a war crime and those responsible must be held accountable.

Main Stories

Hypocrisy Of Nuclear Weapons States

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 07, 14442022-12-01

Nuclear weapons are rightly called weapons of mass destruction. While the nuclear non-proliferation treaty calls for all members to reduce their stockpiles with the intention to ultimately abolish them, the major nuclear powers have demonstrably failed to do so.

News & Analysis

Issues Confronting Malaysians As They Head To The Polls

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 06, 14442022-11-01

Malaysians will go to the polls on November 19. Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob sensing loss of support within the ruling UMNO coalition decided to seek a new mandate. Interestingly, 97-year-old former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad is also contesting the polls.

News & Analysis

IAEA’s Anti-Iran Resolution Passed Under Political Pressure

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14432022-07-01

Under pressure from the US and on instructions from the zionist entity, the IAEA passed an anti-Iran resolution at its meeting of the Board of Governors. Iran condemned the move and in turn cut off IAEA access to its nuclear sites by turning off the monitoring cameras. Western gangsterism has to be confronted vigorously.

News & Analysis

Syria’s Asad And The Resistance Front

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

With the war winding down in Syria although not completely over, there was much speculation that President Bashar al Asad will distance himself from Islamic Iran. Such speculation has been laid to rest. Asad has pledged to remain part of the resistance front against imperialism and zionism.

News & Analysis

Why Qom Pulled It Off, But the Kremlin Couldn’t

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 30, 14432022-05-01

The ulama in Iran have managed to achieve remarkable success in managing their foreign policy while the Kremlin has failed despite being familiar with international politics for far longer than the men with turbans.

News & Analysis

MKO: The West’s Favourite Terrorist Cult

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 22, 14422021-08-01

The West uses the terrorist label against anyone or any group that opposes its hegemonic policies. Groups that actually indulge in terrorism but serve the West’s agenda are taken off this list. The terrorist outfit, MKO is the West’s favourite terrorist and patronized by it.

News & Analysis

Uncle Sam on Crutches

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 19, 14422021-05-01

America’s infrastructure is on the verge of collapse. Build 60 years ago, most bridges and watermains need replacement. Its highways are falling apart as is the electrical grid. Trillions of dollars are needed to repair and restore but so far, only small change has been offered.

News & Analysis

Why Leftist Dogmas Failed During the Islamic Revolution in Iran

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 17, 14422021-03-01

Prior to the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, groups in various countries vied for supremacy by aligning with either the West (capitalism) or the East (Communism). In Iran, the people turned to their own values derived from Islam. They won, and won big.

News & Analysis

French Secularists Attempt to Cover Up Inferiority Complex by Targeting Muslims

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14422021-01-01

The French suffer from an acute sense of inferiority complex. Unable to cope with this daunting reality, they are scapegoating Muslims by accusing them of "separatism". Perhaps, Muslims should opt for it.

News & Analysis

Pakistan under Pressure to Recognize Zionist Israel

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14422020-12-01

What countries are exerting pressure on Pakistan to recognize the Zionist entity and why? We take a closer look and offer some pointers.

News & Analysis

Virtual International Unity Conference This Year!

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14422020-11-01

Virtual conferences have become the new norm because of Covid-19. This year’s Islamic Unity Conference that is held in Tehran to coincide with the birthday of the noble Messenger (pbuh) is also being held virtually. Coping with the pandemic is a major theme.

News & Analysis

Time to Bury Dead Organizations

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 14, 14422020-10-01

When organizations fail to fulfill the objectives for which they were created, they become irrelevant and wither away. This is what is happening to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League. It is time to bury both.

Main Stories

US Humiliated in the Security Council over Iran Arms Embargo

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

Never before has the US been so humiliated in a forum that it virtually controls as it was on August 14 at the UN Security Council. The US tried to push a resolution to extend the arms embargo against Iran. Other members repudiated this illegal US attempt

News & Analysis

China’s Economic Challenge to the US

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

Since the US has declared China as enemy number one, Beijing’s economic plans of which the Belt and Road Initiative is a major component, have been targeted through huge negative propaganda. Lies peddled through the media are simply mind-boggling

News & Analysis

America’s Inequality in Numbers

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

More than three-quarters of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck while those at the top—the mega-thieves—have plundered $40 trillion of US wealth in the last 10 years. This is done quite “legally” since the laws are framed by their agents sitting in Congress.

Special Reports

Mineral Wealth Poised to Turn Islamic Iran into an Economic Giant

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

Iran’s mineral wealth estimated at $700 billion may reach as high as $1.4 trillion. Once brought on stream, it will make Islamic Iran an economic powerhouse in the region. It is already a regional military power.

Daily News Analysis

Trump faces arrest warrant over General Soleimani’s assassination

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 08, 14412020-06-29

Special Reports

“Opposition” Parties in the Muslim World: The Case of Turkey

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

MHP: Turkey’s friendly opposition that is used by the establishment to push certain policies

News & Analysis

Coronavirus is also a Political Catalyst

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

The Persian Gulf and the broader Middle East region are undergoing major changes as a result of US failures in coming to the aid of those that had relied on it for support in the past

News & Analysis

India’s New Quislings in Occupied Kashmir

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

With Indian occupied Kashmir in complete lockdown since August 2019, India is desperate to give an impression of a semblance of normalcy. This, however, is not possible because politicians of all stripes are in jail or house arrest. India has found new politicians that it has bought with offers of rewards and money to do its dirty work.

News & Analysis

Why Turkey Doesn't Cut Trade ties with Zionist Israel?

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

The main reason Zionist Israel can press the Palestinians for total capitulation is because many Israeli-backed autocratic regimes in the Muslim world do not provide any support for Palestinian self-defence. Apart from Islamic Iran, no one provides Palestinians with the means of self-defense.

Main Stories

Martyrdom Immortalizes Haj Qassem Soleimani

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14412020-02-01

If Donald Trump thought he would appear macho by assassinating General Soleimani, he has made a big mistake. The martyred revolutionary commander has become an even bigger figure in death than he was when alive.

Main Stories

Vision 2020: With Hindsight

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 06, 14412020-01-01

Based on our understanding of global events and their impact on the Muslim world, we identify certain trouble spots that are likely to remain in the news. We are not making predictions, merely analyzing trends that lead us to such conclusions.

News & Analysis

Eurasian Economic Union: The Geopolitical Angle

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

Islamic Iran is always thinking of creative ways to overcome the impact of America’s illegal sanctions—economic terrorism. The Eurasian Economic Union offers an appropriate outlet since the region is also connected by land with Islamic Iran.

News & Analysis

Despite Its Failure, Why the US’ Enduring Appeal?

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 04, 14412019-11-01

The US socio-economic and political system is a complete failure but the corporate media continues to project it as a huge success. America’s vital statistics paint a grim picture of its reality.

News & Analysis

The Khashoggi Saga and Saudi Brazenness

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 02, 14412019-10-01

Observers have asked the question why the Saudis had to murder and dismember Jamal Khashoggi in such a brutal manner? They could easily have bumped him off in an accident. The reason is they wanted to make Khashoggi an example for would be dissidents.

News & Analysis

Netanyahu’s war crimes

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 02, 14412019-09-01

Benjamin Netanyahu is a nasty creature and a compulsive liar. In order to enhance his chances of successes at the poll, he is prepared to kill not only people in other countries but also his own. Such are the ways of criminal politicians!

News & Analysis

Blasphemy Law and Pakistan’s Blackmailers

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 23, 14402018-12-01

There are various groups in Pakistan that try to use the blasphemy law in the country to advance their own political agenda disregarding the noble Messenger’s (pbuh) quality as a ‘mercy to all the worlds’.

News & Analysis

Oman Also Betrays the Palestinian Cause

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 23, 14402018-12-01

Among the Arabian regimes, Oman’s was considered to be following a somewhat sensible policy until the Zionist prime minister was seen hobnobbing with the ruler of Oman, in clear betrayal of the Palestinians!

News & Analysis

MESA: the Arabian NATO?

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 23, 14402018-11-01

The imperialists and Zionists never tire of cooking up new ways to rob the ignorant Arabian rulers of their wealth, as the ‘Arabian Nato’ ploy shows.

News & Analysis

America’s Self-Image and Its Ugly Reality

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

Despite its self-crafted image as a benevolent superpower, its record is one of murder and chaos on a gigantic scale.

News & Analysis

US warlords Turn Peaceniks in Afghanistan!

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

In recent weeks American officials have made calls for direct negotiations with the Taliban that they had earlier vowed to kill. Is the Americans’ change of heart genuine or is it another dishonest moves to trap the Taliban?

News & Analysis

Pakistan’s Chaotic Elections

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 17, 14392018-07-01

That democracy is a fraud is now well established. In Pakistan’s case, it is also a big time money game.

News & Analysis

French Spew Anti-Qur’an Venom

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

The French never miss an opportunity to spew anti-Muslim venom. From leading the anti-hijab/anti-niqab crusade to their war on the burkini, now they are spewing poison against the Qur’an.

Islamic Movement

The NGOs’ Real Agenda

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14392018-03-01

NGOs perform the same function in the civil domain that terrorist groups like Da‘ish do on the military front for imperialism and Zionism.

News & Analysis

Will Pakistan Cut the American Umbilical Cord?

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 15, 14392018-02-01

Facing humiliation in Afghanistan, Trump blames Pakistan for US failures.

News & Analysis

More lethal toys for US warlords

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 04, 14382017-04-01

Donald Trump has announced an increase of $54 billion in US military spending taking its total to $654 billion. That is more than the combined military budget of the next 10 countries.

News & Analysis

Slow progress in Syria talks led by UN

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 14382017-03-01

The UN-brokered talks in Geneva made little progress because the opposition groups have not fully reconciled to the ground realities following the defeat of the terrorists in Aleppo. Their foreign sponsors do not want peace in Syria.

Islamic Movement

Secret of Islamic Iran’s success

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 04, 14382017-02-01

The Islamic Republic of Iran has survived 38 years of sabotage, wars and sanctions and still made immense progress because of the commitment of its leaders to the values of Islam and support of its masses. Taqwa has been institutionalized in the Islamic Republic making it impregnable to the enemies’ conspiracies.

News & Analysis

Hariri faction submits to ground realities in Lebanon

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 14382016-12-01

Lebanon finally has a president in 29 months. Saad Hariri, a former prime minister, had to submit to ground realities by accepting the choice of Hizbullah, his political rivals, for president.

Main Stories

From Mosul to Aleppo: folding the takfiri tent

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 01, 14382016-11-01

While the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmarga forces have launched operations from the southeast and northeast respectively into Mosul, the western corridor to Syria remains wide open for the takfiris to escape. Why?

News & Analysis

Grozny conference challenges the Saudis

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 29, 14372016-10-01

It came as a shock to the Saudis that they were not only not invited to the Islamic conference in Grozny but that the final communiqué even excluded them from being Sunnis.

News & Analysis

Bani Qaynuqa‘, Bani al-Nadir, and Bani Qurayzah back in Madinah!

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14372016-09-01

The Zionists are not shy about declaring that hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been visiting ‘Saudi’ Arabia even though the two regimes have no formal diplomatic relations. We need to bear in mind that Zionist maps show Makkah and Madinah as part of ‘Greater Israel’.

News & Analysis

Being Muslim and travelling in Europe of 2016

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 27, 14372016-08-01

Europe’s mask of civility is off. Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment are rampant and expressed openly. Our correspondent offers some tips on how to go about living and traveling in Europe.

News & Analysis

Mleeta: symbol of Hizbullah resistance and prowess

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 26, 14372016-07-01

As museums go, Mleeta, the museum of resistance, is unique. It depicts with stunning clarity the humiliating defeat the Zionist aggressors suffered with their tanks, artillery and other war materiel embedded in concrete to reflect their impotence.

News & Analysis

Bani Saud obstruct Iranians’ Hajj pilgrimage

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 25, 14372016-06-01

Can Bani Saud prohibit Muslims from performing Hajj when Allah proclaims this for all the people? Should the Najdi Bedouins be allowed to get away with such crimes?

Islamic Movement

The Imam’s ijtihad on the Islamic state

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 25, 14372016-06-01

As Muslims worldwide commemorate the late Imam’s 27th anniversary, we reflect on some of his greatest achievements, among them his ijtihad on Islamic government.

News & Analysis

Collapsing pillars of the Bedouin kingdom

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 24, 14372016-05-01

The rotten kingdom of ‘Saudi’ Arabia is collapsing. Deep internal divisions have come to the fore as the unholy alliance between Bani Saud and Bani Abd al-Wahhab unravels.

News & Analysis

Reasons for Russia’s withdrawal from Syria

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 23, 14372016-04-01

By announcing withdrawal of the bulk of its forces from Syria, Russia has signaled that it is genuinely interested in seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Syria. It is now for Nato countries to show whether they want peace.

News & Analysis

How low can the Arabians get? Just watch

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 23, 14372016-04-01

The Arab League is not a serious organization; it has never been. Yet at its meeting last month declaring Hizbullah a ‘terrorist’ organization must rank as the lowest point it has fallen to in its miserable existence.

Main Stories

Desert storm engulfs Bani Saud

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 21, 14372016-03-01

The first requirement for getting out of a hole is to stop digging. The Bani Saud appear not to have heard this. They are digging themselves deeper into a hole. As the desert sand pours in, they will be buried under it.

Special Reports

Bani Saud’s atrocious human rights record

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 22, 14372016-02-01

The Bani Saud have unleashed a reign of terror against their own people as well as foreign domestic workers. There is no uniform law that applies to all equally. It is applied at the whim of the judges!

Islamic Movement

Post-nuclear sanctions — Iran vs. imperialism

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 22, 14372016-02-01

While the sanctions have been officially lifted, imperialists and Zionists have not given up on mischief-making. Sabotage of the Islamic Republic will continue in other forms.

Islamic Movement

The Islamic Awakening — five years later

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 20, 14372016-01-01

It is imperative for Islamic movement activists to study carefully how the imperialists and Zionists subverted their genuine aspirations for change. The old guard are back in power even after tens of thousands of people protested for months.

News & Analysis

Trouble in the doomed Kingdom of Bani Saud

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 19, 14372015-11-01

The Najdi Bedouins’ (aka Bani Saud or the House of Saud) hold on power has always been tenuous. It has become even more precarious because of recent developments in the region. Things are not working out as they had hoped for and their ill-conceived and totally destructive policies have constrained their options even further.

News & Analysis

Reality catching up with Bani Saud

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 17, 14362015-09-01

“Uneasy lies a head that wears the crown” is a phrase that was coined in Europe when it was engulfed in internecine conflict among warring knights as well as kings facing rebellious barons during the Dark Ages. Some, like Charles I (1649ce) and Louis XVI (1793ce) ended up on the chopping block. The French king’s wife, the Austrian-born duchess, Marie Antoinette faced the guillotine nine months after her husband’s public execution. Today, the monarchy is little more than an expensive piece of decoration to keep the European masses amused and to divert their attention from the drudgery of life.

Main Stories

Global seismic changes follow Iran deal

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 15, 14362015-08-01

Whether the deal between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1 group of coun-tries holds will depend largely on the conduct of the US.

News & Analysis

West’s hypocrisy over nuclear weapons

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 14, 14362015-07-01

The West makes much noise about preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons but they themselves are not prepared to live up to their obligations as the latest SIPRI report shows.

News & Analysis

Iran nuclear deal: Can the US/West be trusted?

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 14, 14362015-06-01

Despite the framework agreement that outlines the guidelines, the West led by the US is introducing new demands into the negotiations such as inspection of Iran’s military sites and interview of nuclear scientists. These could derail the talks.

News & Analysis

Takfiri project being folded in Iraq

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 12, 14362015-05-01

The takfiri terrorists, aided and abetted by the Ba‘athist terrorists in Iraq are gradually being driven from areas they occupied a year ago. In recent weeks, several masterminds have also been put out of action. Their end cannot be very far.

News & Analysis

Saudis and allies attack Yemen

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 12, 14362015-04-01

The Najdi Bedouins’ attack on Yemen is illegal and immoral. Ultimately, it will also prove their undoing because Yemenis are natural fighters.

Special Reports

Islamophobia and the rise of neo-Nazis

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 10, 14362015-01-01

Encouraged by official anti-Muslim policies, Islamophobia is rising alarmingly in Europe and North America. Neo-Nazi groups in league with Zionists are leading this criminal enterprise.

Main Stories

Obama’s real plan is regime change in Syria

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 06, 14352014-10-01

The US, its European allies and puppet Arabian regimes have not given up on overthrowing Bashar al Asad’s government in Syria. The ‘fight’ against takfiris is merely a pretext.

News & Analysis

Iraq’s new prime minister faces uphill battle

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 06, 14352014-09-01

Iraq will need more than a change of prime minister to create a sense of belonging among different groups that are being manipulated along ethnic and sectarian lines.

News & Analysis

Bandar, the godfather of takfirism in back

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 04, 14352014-08-01

It was premature to write off Bandar when he was relieved of his duties as the Saudi spy chief in May. He has re-emerged as special advisor to the king.

News & Analysis

The re-emergence of Hindu fascists in India

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 02, 14352014-05-01

India’s laborious elections are about to catapult the Hindu fascists back into power with disastrous consequences for the 180 million Muslims there. Pity India’s minorities; Delhi is about to adopt Nazi policies yet will be feted by the West.

News & Analysis

Islamic Iran’s resistance economy and culture

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 14352014-04-01

While the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 continue, the Rahbar, Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called upon officials and people to continue on the path of the resistance economy as well as safeguard their Islamic cultural values against Western onslaught.

Main Stories

Paradise Islands fit for a prince!

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 29, 14352014-03-01

Saudi Crown Prince and his entourage of 100 are relaxing on the sin islands of Maldives even while hundreds of tourists had their bookings cancelled without notice or apology.

News & Analysis

Zionists announce plans to destroy Al-Aqsa

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 01, 14352014-02-01

The zionists have long harbored ill-intentions towards Masjid al-Aqsa and the Haram al-Sharif. These evil intentions received a boost when Israel’s Minister for Housing and Construction Uri Ariel announced that the so-called “Third Temple” would be built there.

News & Analysis

Saudi-Zionist alliance against Muslims exposed

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 01, 14352014-01-02

There is much in common between the Saudis and the zionists. Both are illegal regimes occupying holy lands. Their secret alliance has now been exposed. Muslims must take appropriate steps to confront this phenomenon.

Main Stories

Content and implications of the Iran-West deal

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 27, 14352013-12-01

After three rounds of intense negotiations in Geneva, Iran and the P5+1 countries signed an interim deal in the early hours of November 24 relating to Iran’s nuclear program. The deal to last for six months calls for Iran to limit its nuclear activity in return for some relief from sanctions.

Main Stories

Policy course correction by Hamas

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 27, 14342013-11-01

The Palestinians have suffered for decades. If it is not at the hands of the zionists, then the faulty decisions of their leaders cause misery. This is what Hamas did recently . Is the leadership about to make a course correction?

Special Reports

West’s hypocrisy over chemical weapons

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 25, 14342013-10-01

The hysteria over the use of chemical weapons in Syria, wrongly accusing the Syrian government of using them, has inadvertently focused spotlight on the West’s own use of poison gas and chemical weapons. The West’s record is horrible.

Special Reports

India-perpetrated terror acts blamed on Pakistan

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

Indian bureaucrats have submitted written statements in court confirming that the highly publicized terror attacks in India were in fact the handiwork of successive Indian governments. Early this year, a number of politicians blamed the former BJP government of orchestrating some terror attacks. Now the Congress Party has also been found to be involved.

Special Reports

America’s demonization project targets Muslims

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 23, 14342013-08-01

Muslims are targeted for demonization because it fits into the US policy of having someone as an “enemy”. By keeping the American public fearful, corporate America can get away with its crimes.

News & Analysis

BRICS signals end of unipolar world

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 20, 14342013-05-01

The unipolar world so loudly proclaimed by the US after the demise of the Soviet Union is dead. A multipolar world has emerged, as witnessed at BRICS fifth summit in Durban, South Africa.

Special Reports

Muslim scholars address sectarianism

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 20, 14342013-04-01

Sectarianism has reared its ugly head, not because it is natural, but that there are forces deliberately trying to stoke fears. Muslim scholars in Malaysia have taken a bold stand against such machinations and called for proper understanding.

News & Analysis

Saudi “celebrity” preacher raped and murdered five-year-old daughter

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 19, 14342013-03-01

People in Saudi Arabia were outraged when a court said a preacher who was convicted of raping and brutally murdering his five-year-old daughter was to be set free after a few months in jail and paying “blood money” to the girl’s mother. What kind of law exists in the archaic kingdom?

News & Analysis

Obama’s policy of killing innocents with drones

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 19, 14342013-01-01

In choosing the lesser of the two evils by opting for Obama, Muslims forget that he has escalated the drone warfare to new height killing innocent Muslim women and children.

Main Stories

Killing Palestinians, way of life for the Zionists

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 17, 14342012-12-01

One thing the Zionists are really good at is killing Palestinian civilians. This is what Israel did in its latest onslaught on Gaza when 161 civilians were slaughtered and more than 1300 injured.

News & Analysis

UN envoy warns Syrian crisis “dangerous”

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 14, 14332012-10-01

Lakhdar Brahimi says the Syrian crisis threatens world peace while an Independent UN Commission has confirmed there is “alarming increase” in foreign terrorists in Syria.

Main Stories

The Anglo-Wahhabi-zionist war on Syria goes into high gear

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 12, 14332012-08-01

The Anglo-Wahhabi-zionist mafia is determined to prevent a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Syria by flooding the country with weapons and al-Qaeda terrorists.

News & Analysis

Nayef’s death causes panic in the Saudi Kingdom

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 11, 14332012-07-01

The death on June 16 of Saudi “Crown Prince” Nayef ibn ‘Abd al-Aziz in Geneva has sent the desert kingdom into a frenzy of grief and panic.


US anti-Iran embargo hits a BRICS wall

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 09, 14332012-05-01

The era of US unilateralism has ended. Apart from its European allies — and there too, only some of them — the rest of the world has dismissed Washington’s demands to impose oil and trade embargo on Iran.

News & Analysis

Preventing peaceful end to Syrian conflict part of US-Zionist agenda

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 09, 14332012-04-01

Civilian suffering, especially that of children, always arouses deep concern among Muslims, indeed all people. Human suffering of any kind should concern people everywhere and they should help end this tragic situation as quickly as possible. It is, however, at the larger level that there is much confusion and misunderstanding about what is really afoot in Syria.

News & Analysis

Beyond the noisy headlines, the real story in Syria

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 08, 14332012-03-01

Two competing narratives continue to dominate discussion about events in Syria. The first and most-often repeated narrative, eagerly projected by the Western corporate media as well as al-Jazeera, is that the people of Syria have risen up for their rights and will settle for nothing less than the ouster of President Bashar al-Asad.

News & Analysis

The crisis in Syria enters a stalemate

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 09, 14332012-02-01

The crisis in Syria has entered a stalemate with neither side able to deliver a decisive knockout blow. This may serve the regime better than its opponents although it is not for lack of trying by the opposition, especially aided by their foreign sponsors and backers. The major hurdle facing the regime’s opponents — and there are divergent groups — is that they are disunited.

News & Analysis

Husain, the other “Haqqani” the Americans love!

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 07, 14332012-01-01

Who says the Americans hate all the Haqqanis? Take the case of Husain Haqqani, the recently disgraced Pakistani ambassador to Washington, who was such a darling of the Washington neocons that he was publicly feted as a close ally.

News & Analysis

External powers destabilizing al-Asad regime in Syria

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 07, 14332012-01-01

It is now well established that foreign powers are deeply involved in destabilizing the regime of Bashar al-Asad in Syria. Such interference is not confined merely to anti-regime propaganda, although it plays a significant role by presenting misleading reports about civilian casualties to stoke anti-regime sentiment.

News & Analysis

Elections, but little freedom yet for Tunisians

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 05, 14322011-11-01

The Islamic party, al-Nahda, was the clear winner out of a crowded field of some 100 parties but it did not gain an absolute majority because of the way the electoral process was structured. Even so, party leaders were at pains to assure the secularists — and indeed the West — that al-Nahda had no plans to establish an Islamic state.

News & Analysis

Bahraini protests continue despite regime crackdown

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 03, 14322011-10-01

Thousands of peaceful protesters were back in the now-demolished Pearl Square in Bahrain’s capital city Manama on September 23 demanding serious and wide-ranging reforms to give the overwhelming majority the right to vote in free, fair and transparent elections.

Main Stories

Saudi king turns pro-reform activist, but only for Syria

Tahir Mustafa

Shawwal 03, 14322011-09-01

Saudi king Abdullah may appear dour at the ripe old age of 87 and with one leg already in the grave, but he is not without sense of humor. On August 8, he broadcast a message on Saudi television calling on President Bashar al-Asad of Syria to implement “comprehensive and quick reforms” in his country.

News & Analysis

Turkey’s contradictory policy on Muslim East uprisings

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 01, 14322011-08-01

Turkey’s policy vis-à-vis the uprisings in the Muslim East (Middle East) have left many observers bewildered. It has not only joined the US-NATO assault on Libya but Ankara has also recognized the Libyan rebels in the opposition National Transitional Council (NTC) as “legitimate representatives” of the Libyan people.

Main Stories

Jordan’s tentative steps toward political reforms inadequate

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 29, 14322011-07-01

King Abdullah’s June 12 speech did not impress most Jordanians seeking serious political and social reforms in the country and curbs on the king’s vast arbitrary powers. In his first televised address since uprisings began in the Muslim East six months ago, the putative monarch, while promising electoral reforms, did not specify any date for their implementation.

News & Analysis

Status quo interests frustrate Egypt’s uprising

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 28, 14322011-06-01

The slogan on Facebook and Twitter for rallies accurately captured the mood in Egypt: “I have not felt the change, I am going back to Tahrir,” as protesters called for renewed protests on Friday May 27. Gradually the Egyptian youth and people are finding out that they have been cheated out of the rights they fought so hard for and that their struggle is far from over.

News & Analysis

Bizarre episode of Osama’s killing and burial

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 27, 14322011-05-01

In the late hours of May 1, US President Barack Obama went on the air to break the news of Osama bin Laden’s killing in Pakistan. While he did not give much detail about the operational side of the attack, he did “thank” the Pakistanis for their “cooperation” in the operation that was carried out on a “compound in Abbottabad”, home to the Pakistan Military Academy at Kakul (just outside Abbottabad).

Special Reports

US, Israeli, Saudi involvement in Syrian uprising

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 27, 14322011-05-01

Dr. Haytham Mannaa a prominent Syrian opposition activist confirmed that the foreign hand was involved in the events in Syria from the very early start of demonstrations.

News & Analysis

Erdogan shows the way toward Muslim unity

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 26, 14322011-01-01

Even as US-Zionist agents were attacking ‘Ashura ceremonies in Pakistan and Iran, in Turkey something remarkable was taking place. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s appearance at an ‘Ashura commemoration ceremony of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom sent a powerful message of Muslim unity.

News & Analysis

Canadians demand answers to G20 police brutality

Tahir Mustafa

Rajab 18, 14312010-07-01

Those arrested included students, journalists, lawyers and even bystanders. Ugly scenes of police attacking and knocking people to the ground and putting handcuffs on them were seen on television.

News & Analysis

OSCE: the West’s tool to legitimize the illegitimate

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Ula' 16, 14312010-05-01

One of the primary functions of international organizations is to provide legitimacy to states and governments that are subservient to the strategic interests of the West...

Special Reports

Reality of the American material dream

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14312010-04-01

These are not allegations made by America-haters or people who “hate America’s freedoms”, in the infamous words of George Bush...

Special Reports

Internal enemies of the Ummah

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14312010-03-01

The historic roots of the alliance between Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and the House of Saud in 1746 will not be analysed here. A brief reference to it, however, is necessary to understand its contemporary repercussions...

Special Reports

Like Pakistan, the US too now a failed State

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 15, 14312010-01-01

Politically the US has become too weak to be able to advance its interests through diplomacy so it relies on terrorism and military aggression...

News & Analysis

Bagram torture camp a gift of 9/11

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 14, 14302009-09-01

Last month, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) demanded that President Barack Obama’s administration release information on 600 detainees held at Bagram...

News & Analysis

Brutal murder of Muslimah in German courtroom

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 10, 14302009-08-01

The brutal murder of a hijab-clad woman in a German court last month has once again exposed the deep-seated racism and Islamophobia that rage in Europe and North America...

Special Reports

Language of Western political discourse

Tahir Mustafa

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14302009-06-01

During the last years of the Soviet Union when Mikhail Gorbachev was President (mid- to late nineteen eighties), a group of Soviet journalists was invited to see how a “free press” in the US worked. This was intended to teach the By Tahir Mustafa


Iran’s presidential elections spark excitement

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Thani 05, 14302009-04-01

Elections in Iran, whether local, parliamentary or presidential, are never dull but this year’s presidential elections are beginning to take on a decidedly more exciting tone. In addition to the incumbent, President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, being in the race, two other leading figures have indicated they will contest the polls: Ayatullah Mehdi Karoubi, and Mir Husain Mousavi.


Bring Khadr home, says his Canadian lawyer

Tahir Mustafa

Rabi' al-Awwal 04, 14302009-03-01

While the February 19 visit of US President Barack Obama to Ottawa led to official chest-thumping about the importance of Canada because it was the first country he graced with his presence since becoming president, it also mobilized various groups to press for Omar Khadr’s return from Guantanamo Bay.

Special Reports

Israel and the mainstream media: tight bedfellows

Tahir Mustafa

Safar 05, 14302009-02-01

Wars are fought on several fronts of which the one in the media is just as important as the shooting war. While the outcome of a shooting war cannot be predicted with certainty despite careful planning and use of the most sophisticated weapons, the media war is often better controlled and managed, especially if the crimes are perpetrated by the US and its surrogate Israel.


Stirrings in the Central Asian republics of ‘Troublistans’

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 04, 14302009-01-01

The “stans” of Central Asia are stirring in ferment and revolt. For the rest of the world, the five repubics — Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan — are important only because like the oil producing countries of the Middle East, they sit atop vast reserves of oil and gas that the West covets.

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