Syria’s genuine opposition groups that have always advocated a non-violent approach to change, have received scant attention in the Western media. We break this silence and reveal the genuine opposition, unlike the groups financed by the Western powers for their own ulterior agendas.
Has Feminism helped women or hindered their progress and negatively impacted their lives? We take a closer look.
Why did American scientists produce the coronavirus in the lab as early as November 2015? It raises serious questions about the US’ nefarious designs.
During the December 2019 Islamic Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia pushed among other policies, for the creation of a gold dinar. This is an important step and must be pursued vigorously to get out of the stranglehold of dollar hegemony.
India has always used Bollywood to project its soft-power but of late, it has turned even more sinister: it has become a tool to spread poisonous propaganda against Muslims. The anti-Muslim pogroms currently underway in India are a clear reflection of this phenomenon.
Turkey’s TV series, Ertugrul has taken much of the Muslim world as well as parts of the non-Muslim world by storm. It is a gripping docu-drama spanning hundreds of episodes but the Arabian potentates are not amused. They have got their court ulama to issue fatwas against it. How pathetic can they get when vulgar Bollywood and Hollywood movies are not banned.
The world’s value system has become so distorted that almost all people think acquiring wealth is the road to happiness. This has created a mad scramble to accumulate wealth without worrying about the means. The Pakistani elite seem to be the worst in this regard.
The principal philosophy behind fasting in Ramadan is to build taqwa. What does it mean? Zafar Bangash explains.
1In order to get a balanced view of the nature of the AKP agenda, one should understand the dynamics of the movement in light of its eight-year performance in both domestic and foreign policies.
One of the common misconceptions about the Taliban is that they were only formed as a movement in 1994...
The US, UK, Fatah and the secular tribal dictatorships in the Arabian world cannot use Islam to discredit Hamas because the Muslim masses judge individuals, organizations and states based on Islamic principles...
June 3rd marks the 21st anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s passing into heavenly company. Amid his many achievements was the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, establishing the first Islamic state in modern times...
The inability to subordinate Russia to all western political demands triggered a search to find leadership cracks in Russia. In the past few months media outlets and think-tanks worldwide have indulged in the “investigative” task...
Since the Second World War, the US, Britain’s upstart North American cousin, has supplanted London in carrying the white man’s burden. If British policy was characterized by cunning and guile, America has carried out cowboy style raids into others’ lands in pursuit of its “Manifest Destiny”...
While political elites in Central Asia, Russia and the West try to outwit each other and benefit from the revolt in Kyrgyzstan, the people of the former Soviet Union are studying the Kyrgyz revolt from a different perspective: to emulate it...