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Section: Editorials

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What Are The Prospects Of US-Iran Talks Under Trump 2.0?


Sha'ban 02, 14462025-02-01

The very idea of US-Iran talks appears far-fetched given the extreme hostility Trump showed toward Tehran during his last term as president. There are, however, moves and statements from both sides that give hint to possible backdoor channels working.

Dictators In West Asia Running Scared After Asad’s Overthrow


Rajab 01, 14462025-01-01

Bashar al Asad’s overthrow has caused panic among dictators in West Asia, notably in Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan. They are trying to convince the people that if they do not back the military, the terrorists will come after them. The masses are not buying this canard.

Trump, Gaza, Amsterdam And The Normalization Of Muslims’ Genocide


Jumada' al-Ula' 29, 14462024-12-01

Donald Trump is a vagabond, a certified liar and a crook. The US-backed genocide in Gaza and attacks by zionist hooligans on pro-Palestinian protesters in Amsterdam clearly point to the normalization of the Muslims’ genocide. Reposing trust in Trump would be disastrous.

If Iran’s Oil/Nuclear Facilities Were Attacked, ‘Israel’ Would Be Wiped Out


Rabi' al-Thani 29, 14462024-11-01

The zionist entity was warned that if attacked Iran’s oil or nuclear facilities, the blowback would be so severe that the illegitimate entity would be wiped out. Not surprisingly, the zionist war criminals were at pains to emphasize they only hit military targets. Expect a response; it won’t be pleasant.

Israel’s Escalation Against Hizbullah Has Failed


Rabi' al-Awwal 27, 14462024-10-01

Netanyahu’s two objectives in intensifying the war on Hizbullah in Lebanon are to separate it from the Palestinian struggle in Gaza, and assuage public anger over his failure to return the squatters to their settlements in Occupied North Palestine. He will fail in both.

MbS “scared” For His Life


Safar 27, 14462024-09-01

Most rulers live in fear of their people because they oppress them. Rulers venture out only under heavy security. The Saudi de facto ruler, Mohammad bin Salman says he fears for his life because of normalizing relations with the zionist entity. Simple solution: don’t normalize!

When Oppression Intensifies, Resistance Becomes Mandatary


Muharram 26, 14462024-08-01

Notwithstanding the vile anti-Palestinian propaganda, International Law and UN resolutions authorize people under occupation to resist their occupiers by any means necessary. This is precisely what the Palestinians are doing.

The Evil Nature Of Zionism


Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

Zionism is an evil ideology. It is linked to many other evil ideologies spawned by Europe. Many leading zionists had close links with the Nazis, seeing them as helping their drive to colonize Palestine.

Imam Khomeini, Al-Quds And Palestine


Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Imam Khomeini was the first Muslim leader in the contemporary era to draw attention to the illegal occupation of Al-Quds and Palestine. On his June 3 anniversary, his contribution to reviving the struggle for the liberation of Al-Quds and Palestine will be remembered.

Iran’s Retaliatory Strike A Global Game-changer


Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Israel’s days of hit-and run are over. Iran’s strategic patience in the past was misinterpreted as weakness. When Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus killing seven Revolutionary Guards, Tehran struck back and with force. Henceforth, Israel will receive a fitting response.

What Inspires Gaza’s Resistance


Ramadan 22, 14452024-04-01

The odds facing the people of Gaza are immense. They face the biggest and most ruthless military machine in the region. Yet the Palestinian people remain steadfast in the face of indescribable brutality and oppression. What give them such strength?

Do Not Invite Israeli Apartheid To Your Iftaar Table


Sha'ban 20, 14452024-03-01

With the approach of Ramadan, Muslims begin to think of items for Iftaar. One of the essential items is dates. Muslims must not purchase and consume Israeli dates that are produced on stolen Palestinian land and packaged under misleading labels. We provide the list.

US Military Bases In West Asia


Rajab 20, 14452024-02-01

The West Asia region bristles with US military bases. It is not difficult to surmise who they are meant against. The illegitimate Arab regimes facilitate these bases to undermine the Islamic Republic.

World Beyond The UN


Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14452023-12-01

Despite its high-sounding principles, the United Nations has demonstrably failed to prevent wars, protect the weak and provide justice. The reason is that three of the five permanent members of Security Council have hijacked its agenda. It is time to think of establishing an alternative organization.

Demonizing Hamas To Justify Israel’s Genocide In Gaza


Rabi' al-Thani 17, 14452023-11-01

Telling lies is part of politics, especially in the west. Politicians, however, lie to promote the interests of their own countries. In zionist Israel’s case, western politicians tell lies to justify zionist crimes against the Palestinian people. It is truly disgraceful.

Suicide Bombings During Prophet’s Birthday Celebrations In Pakistan


Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

Terrorist attacks have become routine in Pakistan. The victims are almost always innocent people. Merely condemnation will not solve the problem; the root causes of terrorism must be addressed. Only a representative government can do that, not an army-imposed regime.

Landing On The Moon Does Not Whitewash Indian Crimes On Earth


Safar 15, 14452023-09-01

All countries try to project their best image to the world. This is done to paper over their less savoury conduct. India may bask in the glory of landing a spacecraft on the moon but its horrific mistreatment of minorities and brutal killings represent its true nature.

How To Confront The Qur’an-burning Menace?


Muharram 14, 14452023-08-01

Muslims must find more creating ways of confronting episodes of Qur’an-burning in Sweden and Denmark. Merely holding demonstrations and shouting slogans, while reflecting Muslim anguish, will not resolve the issue. It requires hitting the offenders in their pockets.

The Zionist Disease


Dhu al-Hijjah 13, 14442023-07-01

Zionism is not only a racist ideology it is also a disease that has infected many people. It has to be eradicated to have a healthy society in Palestine.

Dealing With The Zionist Menace


Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14442023-06-01

Since the implantation of the zionist entity in the heartland of Islam, there has been no peace for the people of Palestine or indeed the broader region. The racist ideology of zionism must be defeated for there to be a chance for peace in the region.

Showing 1-20 of 530

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