It speaks volumes for the US political and judicial system. A convicted felon cannot be hired as a security guard but he can become the president of the United States. Trump just proved this despite being convicted on 34 counts of felony.
Even while claiming that he wants to be known as a ‘peacemaker’ Donald Trump is acting like an ugly imperialist. He wants to grab Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal and has just renamed the Gulf of Mexico as the American Gulf. Welcome to American imperialism!
Just days before Trump’s inauguration as president, Russia and Iran signed a landmark Startegic Partnership Agreement that. Clearly signal the two countries’ desire to forge closer cooperation in numerous fields including energy, transportation, nuclear and defence.
The Bani Saud, especially the upstart de facto ruler, Muhammad bin Salman, are up for a rough ride. Trump has made clear that he wants them to cough up $1 trillion—yes, that is trillion with a ‘T’. Americans have a fine way of showing friendship!
Despite suffering setbacks, the Lebanese Islamic resistance movement Hizbullah has shown remarkable resilience. The movement is not personality-based. Rather, it is rooted in ideology based on the Islamic faith.
The fall of the Syrian government to US-zionist-Turkish-backed takfiris is definitely a setback for the Resistance Axis but not on a scale that it cannot be overcome. Collapse of the Syrian economy poses both challenges and opportunities and how they are addressed will be crucial.
The Ascendant Qur'an is a masterful English translation that transcends traditional approach to the understanding of the noble Book. The translator's mastery of both Arabic and English makes this a unique translation in the large body of English translations.
In the destruction of Syria and its occupation by the zionists, the Arab rulers played a major treacherous role. They lured Bashar al Asad into a trap with promises of wealth and reconstruction while financed the terrorists to storm Damascus.
As short-sighted Muslims are celebrating the “victory” in Syria, the zionist genocide in Gaza continues. Hatred of Bashar al-Asad has blinded them to the larger reality of the setback the takfiri takeover of Syria has caused to the struggle to liberate Palestine.
Recep Tayip Erdogan has exposed himself as a rank opportunist and hypocrite. His rhetoric is for the Palestinians while his oil and steel are sent to Israel. His role in Syria has exposed his truly criminal nature.
Professor John Mearsheimer is a leading American academic but his theory of the primacy of the nation-State rather than civilization falls short of realities on the ground.
With the loss of Syria to the imperialists and zionists, the Resistance Axis has suffered a major setback. Faced by escalating threats from the zionist war criminals, it may be time for Iran to revise its nuclear doctrine.
New battle lines are being drawn pitting Muslims against each other. The tussle is between the Madkhalis, a group that insists on not opposing the rulers—it must be nice, for the rulers, that is—and the Kharijis who denounce every Muslim not subscribing to their narrow worldview.
Saudi and Emirati rulers are overjoyed with Trump’s return to power. They believe happy days are here again but their euphoria may be misplaced. Trump is nobody’s friend. Besides, he is a narcissist, greedy and completely unpredictable.
That Hamas and Hizbullah cannot match the fire power of the zionists is a given. But they more than make up for their lack of material possessions with faith, determination and a willingness to sacrifice their lives. This is something the zionist war criminals cannot match.
Masjid al Aqsa in Al Quds/Jerusalem remains under constant zionist threat. It was such threats that led to the operation of October 7, 2023. While the Palestinians valiantly struggle to defend it, the rest of the Muslims must also do their part.
By opening up too many fronts, Donald Trump may be setting himself up for a fall. He may become the Gorbachev of US imperialism. The world cannot wait to see that happen.
Sixtgeen years after they brought a case against a US military contractor, three victims of torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib won a landmark judgement against CACI Premium Technology. Will other victims also now get compensation?
Pakistani generals are not only incompetent, they are also extremely greedy. This greed has led them to spread their tentacles in all spheres of life. If they are unable to perform in their own profession, how can they do anything positive in any other field for which they are not trained?
In his book, The Fall of Israel: The Degradation of Israel’s Politics, Economy & Military, 2025), author Dan Steinbok predicts the collapse of Israel. Canadian author and journalist takes us through Steinbok’s reasoning.