American officials and media talking heads never tire of telling the world that America is the “most powerful democracy” in the world. The reality is that it is held hostage by the moneyed class through lobby groups of which the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is the most notorious.
Bangladeshi students have achieved remarkable success by driving the dragon lady, Sheikh Hasina from power. She fled to India, her real master, but Bangladesh faces an uncertain future unless the students remain vigilant and prevent their movement from being hijacked by vested interests.
With rising tensions in West Asia, fueled by the zionist terrorists in illegal occupation of Palestine, there is vigorous debate in Tehran about whether the Islamic Republic should revise its doctrine of eschewing nuclear weapons.
Through their control of all state institutions, the thugs in uniform are driving Pakistan into the ground. The economy is on life support; there is political instability and deep social divisions. Poverty stalks the land but the generals and their hangers-on continue as if nothing is remiss.
Treacherous Arab tribal chiefs and reactionary Turkish nationalist, Mustafa Kamal drove the nationalist dagger deep into the heart of the Ummah-concept. The Islamic revolution in Iran gave hope to the Muslims but the sectarian clergy class is undermining Islamic revival.
Racist riots in Britain targeting especially Muslims are symptomatic of a much deeper malaise afflicting western societies. Many western commentators have realized this but the apathy of the masses prevents meaningful change.
Not only is Uncle Sam being driven out of the rest of the world, the Empire is also in deep trouble at home. The travails of two geriatric men, and a lady of color reflect its problems.
American politicians never lose an opportunity to lecture others about the “ruled-based” global order. The US, however, follows no rules. The torture camp at Guantanamo Bay is reflective of American hypocrisy and gangsterism.
NATO was created during the west’s rivalry with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War. The Soviet Union is no more. It is time to disband NATO, too. Yet the western warmongers appear in no mood to do so.
Pakistan was created amid great hopes even if its birth was marked by much bloodshed and mayhem. The mafias led by the military that have hijacked its polity have driven it into the ground. Its very survival is at risk. Pity the people of Pakistan.
Three years after a chaotic US withdrawal, Afghanistan under the Taliban finds itself at the crossroads of competing global influences. Their relations with China, Russia, and Iran reflect a strategic pragmatism aimed at securing economic and political stability.
There is heightened speculation about the BRICS bloc creating its own currency to replace the US dollar. While US sanctions have antagonized many countries, most of them BRICS members, much work needs to be done to create a viable currency.
The Washington warlords are addicted to war and bloodshed. Their latest targets are Russia and China taking on both simultaneously. They have clearly lost their minds because if they had any sense they would have learned from their defeat in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen…
American politicians of all stripes are under the complete control of the zionist lobby. Will the US join Israel’s war on Lebanon? If so, what will be its consequences.
American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Doha and Beirut in an attempt to force Hamas to accept US-Israeli terms for a temporary ceasefire. The warmongers’ aim is to secure the release of Israeli prisoners so that Netanyahu can continue his war on innocent Palestinians.
Far from being the spiritual journey and fulfilment of a life-long desire to perform Hajj, for many pilgrims this year’s pilgrimage turned out to be a deadly experience. Thousands of pilgrims died because of Saudi incompetence and callousness.
America is barging into Africa under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The US itself is the biggest supporter and promoter of terrorism. Uncle Sam’s true aim is to plunder Africa’s resources following in the footsteps of the equally greedy Europeans.
The far-right’s rise in Europe is a worrying development. Centuries of colonialism devastating societies in Asia and Africa and in more recent years wars imposed on them under the pretext of fighting terrorism have forced millions of people to migrate. The Europeans don’t want them.
Iranians will go the polls again in a week’s time to vote in the second round of presidential election. The two front-runners, neither of whom secured the required 50% plus one vote, will face off each other on July 5.
Hajj is an important pillar of Islam and the largest assembly of the Ummah. Yet under the control of Bani Saud, it has been reduced to empty rituals. Discussion of burning issues like the plight of the Palestinians facing the zionist onslaught is strictly forbidden. Why?