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Section: News & Analysis

Showing 1-20 of 1089

Can The US Take On Russia And China Simultaneously?

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

The Washington warlords are addicted to war and bloodshed. Their latest targets are Russia and China taking on both simultaneously. They have clearly lost their minds because if they had any sense they would have learned from their defeat in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen…

Reflecting On US Involvement In Israel-Lebanon War

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

American politicians of all stripes are under the complete control of the zionist lobby. Will the US join Israel’s war on Lebanon? If so, what will be its consequences.

Is The US An Honest Broker In Mediating A Truce Deal In Gaza?

Omar Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Doha and Beirut in an attempt to force Hamas to accept US-Israeli terms for a temporary ceasefire. The warmongers’ aim is to secure the release of Israeli prisoners so that Netanyahu can continue his war on innocent Palestinians.

Saudis Turn Hajj Into A Death Trap For Pilgrims

Khadijah Ali

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

Far from being the spiritual journey and fulfilment of a life-long desire to perform Hajj, for many pilgrims this year’s pilgrimage turned out to be a deadly experience. Thousands of pilgrims died because of Saudi incompetence and callousness.

AFRICOM Botswana Conference: US Imperialism’s Intrusion In Africa

Tahir Mahmoud

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

America is barging into Africa under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The US itself is the biggest supporter and promoter of terrorism. Uncle Sam’s true aim is to plunder Africa’s resources following in the footsteps of the equally greedy Europeans.

Rise Of The Far-right And The Migration Debate In Europe

Brecht Jonkers

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

The far-right’s rise in Europe is a worrying development. Centuries of colonialism devastating societies in Asia and Africa and in more recent years wars imposed on them under the pretext of fighting terrorism have forced millions of people to migrate. The Europeans don’t want them.

Analysis Of Iran’s Presidential Elections

Waseem Shehzad

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

Iranians will go the polls again in a week’s time to vote in the second round of presidential election. The two front-runners, neither of whom secured the required 50% plus one vote, will face off each other on July 5.

Hajj And The Plight Of The Palestinian People

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Hajj is an important pillar of Islam and the largest assembly of the Ummah. Yet under the control of Bani Saud, it has been reduced to empty rituals. Discussion of burning issues like the plight of the Palestinians facing the zionist onslaught is strictly forbidden. Why?

Students Expose Hypocrisy Of Universities’ Investment Policies

Khadijah Ali

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Student encampments at university campuses have continued to expose the universities’ investments in companies profiting from Israel’s war on Gaza. Students have demanded that such complicity end. They have exposed the hypocrisy of university administrations.

Impact Of President Raeisi’s Martyrdom On Politics In Iran

Tahir Mahmoud

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Following the untimely death of President Raeisi, western media outlets have been predicting doom and gloom in Iran. This is their default mode after each tragedy that strikes Iran. Their predictions have proved wrong in the past and will be proved wrong again.

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Few Americans know that Israel carried out a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. It was a US spy ship operating in the Mediterranean. The Israelis deliberately attacked it killing 34 US servicemen but then US President Lyndon Johnson hushed up the matter.

How Genuine Is Erdogan’s Stance Against Israel?

Omar Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan is an eloquent speaker. Listening to his speeches about Israeli crimes, one would think he is a staunch supporter of the Palestinians. His policies belie his rhetoric. Turkiye under Erdogan continues to do brisk business with zionist Israel.

The Unhinged Surveillance State Of America

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

The US has just enacted into law a surveillance bill that allows for unwarranted intrusions into people’s personal lives and data. Already the most repressive state, intelligence agencies have been given vast new oppressive powers. Concurrently, criticism of Israel is being outlawed.

Thuggish Generals, Corrupt Politicians And Judges Destroying Pakistan

Zia Sarhadi

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Pakistan is in the grip of brutish, corrupt generals and corrupt politicians and judges. Their corrupt practices have bankrupted the country. It is on the verge of collapse but neither the generals nor their puppets in politics and the judiciary care.

Pakistan’s Treacherous Generals

Zia Sarhadi

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Pakistani generals are not only incompetent and thoroughly corrupt, they are also traitors to Pakistan’s cause. They have targeted and killed or undermined every patriotic Pakistani wishing to serve the country and its people. The generals appear hell-bent on destroying Pakistan. Should the people let them?

The Impending Israeli Implosion Over The Haredi Draft

Omar Ahmed

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Zionist Israel faces deep internal divisions. These range from great dissatisfaction about Netanyahu’s rule as prime minister because of corruption charges to the new controversy surrounding inducting ultra-Orthodox Jews into the army.

Bani Saud Treachery Exposed Over Iran’s Retaliation Against Israel

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Both the Bedouins from Najd illegally occupying the Arabian Peninsula and the illegitimate Jordanian rulers joined in protecting the zionist entity from Iran’s retaliatory strikes. It would have been out of character if they had acted otherwise.

Can Pakistan Survive Under The Heavy Boots Of Its Generals?

Zia Sarhadi

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Pakistan’s future seems uncertain. The moronic generals have usurped all power and are hell-bent on keeping it that way. They are greedy, corrupt and incompetent when facing the external enemy, jeopardizing the very survival of the country.

Jordan: The US-British-Zionist Colony

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Jordan is an artificial entity. The British carved it out of a part of Palestine and handed it over to Hussain ibn Ali, who was the Sharif (governor) of Makkah after he lost out to the Bani Saud. Jordan serves as British-US-zionist colony and indulges in treachery against the Muslims.

Russian Withdrawal from Azerbaijan: A Grand Geopolitical Chess Move

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

In a surprise move, Russia pulled its forces out of Karabakh unilaterally. This has great geostrategic and political implications that also reflect Moscow’s confidence and its ability to maintain influence in the Caucasus region.

Showing 1-20 of 1089

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