Omar has an MSc International Security and Global Governance from Birkbeck, University of London. He has travelled throughout the Middle East, including studying Arabic in Egypt as part of his undergraduate degree. His interests include the politics, history and religion of the MENA region.
The fall of the Syrian government to US-zionist-Turkish-backed takfiris is definitely a setback for the Resistance Axis but not on a scale that it cannot be overcome. Collapse of the Syrian economy poses both challenges and opportunities and how they are addressed will be crucial.
With the loss of Syria to the imperialists and zionists, the Resistance Axis has suffered a major setback. Faced by escalating threats from the zionist war criminals, it may be time for Iran to revise its nuclear doctrine.
Masjid al Aqsa in Al Quds/Jerusalem remains under constant zionist threat. It was such threats that led to the operation of October 7, 2023. While the Palestinians valiantly struggle to defend it, the rest of the Muslims must also do their part.
The lines are clearly drawn: on the one side is the Axis of Resistance facing zionist barbarism, on the other stand the illegitimate Arab rulers trying to appease the aggressors and their American masters. Never before have these regimes stood more exposed.
Masjid al-Aqsa is the first qibla of the Muslims. Its protection is the responsibility of all Muslims yet it is left to the Palestinians to face zionist extremists. The neo-Nazis that dominate Israel’s cabinet are hell-bent on destroying it. The Muslim world must step up to its responsibility.
With rising tensions in West Asia, fueled by the zionist terrorists in illegal occupation of Palestine, there is vigorous debate in Tehran about whether the Islamic Republic should revise its doctrine of eschewing nuclear weapons.
Three years after a chaotic US withdrawal, Afghanistan under the Taliban finds itself at the crossroads of competing global influences. Their relations with China, Russia, and Iran reflect a strategic pragmatism aimed at securing economic and political stability.
American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Doha and Beirut in an attempt to force Hamas to accept US-Israeli terms for a temporary ceasefire. The warmongers’ aim is to secure the release of Israeli prisoners so that Netanyahu can continue his war on innocent Palestinians.
Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan is an eloquent speaker. Listening to his speeches about Israeli crimes, one would think he is a staunch supporter of the Palestinians. His policies belie his rhetoric. Turkiye under Erdogan continues to do brisk business with zionist Israel.
Zionist Israel faces deep internal divisions. These range from great dissatisfaction about Netanyahu’s rule as prime minister because of corruption charges to the new controversy surrounding inducting ultra-Orthodox Jews into the army.
Hizbullah’s pressure on the zionists in northern Palestine has emptied out occupied areas of illegal settlers. It may not be long before the whole of Palestine is liberated and back in the hands of its indigenous population. Hizbullah will be a major component of this effort.
Americans are beginning to feel the heat of resistance in Iraq. This intensified especially after Iran’s strike at a Mossad base in the Kurdish city of Erbil on January 16. While the principal resistance group, Kataib Hizbullah has temporarily suspended operations, the resistance continues.
While Syria continues to grapple with the disruptive presence of Daesh terrorists, now confined to a small area, Damascus still faces multiple challenges. These include the illegal presence of US forces on its soil and Israel’s incessant attacks on its infrastructure killing both Iranian advisors and Syrians.
The Ansarallah in Yemen have shown true grit and determination in supporting the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. They have targeted Israeli-bound ships and have increased the cost of shipping to the zionist entity.
It is impossible to wipe out Hamas (‘Khamas’ in the guttural pronunciation of the zionists.) Hamas is not just an organization, it is an idea that throbs in the hearts of most Palestinians.
China has given strong indication that it supports the Palestinians’ struggle against their occupiers. Both zionist Israel and its western backers are disappointed but Beijing is determined to forge an independent policy based on truth and justice.
The Americans, especially Joe Biden is desperate to clinch a deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. So is Netanyahu but Saudi crown prince is playing coy. What is MbS up to with his on again off again normalization plan?
BRICS as a bloc is not only expanding but is emerging as an alternative to the US-dominated global order. Most countries have suffered US bullying and are taking steps to break the shackles of dollar hegemony to help create a better world.
Iran’s joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a full member is a game-changer in global politics. Being the dominant regional power, its inclusion will lead to far-reaching changes economically, politically and militarily.
Syria’s return to the Arab fold means the Arab regimes have realized that their attempt to overthrow Bashar al-Asad’s government in Syria by flooding it with mercenaries has failed. It inflicted immense suffering on the Syrian people but hopefully this tragic episode has ended.
Re-establishment of diplomatic ties between Tehran and Riyadh create a realistic opportunity to rebuild Al-Baqee, offering a chance to restore and revitalize the historically significant Islamic cemetery, while also reducing sectarian tensions fuelled by geopolitical rivalry.