A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Akhmet Makhmoudov


News & Analysis

Russian Withdrawal from Azerbaijan: A Grand Geopolitical Chess Move

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

In a surprise move, Russia pulled its forces out of Karabakh unilaterally. This has great geostrategic and political implications that also reflect Moscow’s confidence and its ability to maintain influence in the Caucasus region.

News & Analysis

Russia-NATO Tussle in Central Asia and The Caucasus

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

The conflict in Ukraine has opened up space for intrigue in other regions: Central Asia and the Caucasus. NATO regimes would like to create problems for Russia in its near-abroad but there are serious risks for NATO as well.

Main Stories

Russia vs NATO: The Economic Battlefield

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Sha'ban 29, 14432022-04-01

There are many variables in the proxy war between Russia and the US-led NATO in Ukraine. The economic dimension is one of them but it is not all a one-way street. Since Russia’s economy is deeply intertwined with that of Europe, sanctions on Russia are negatively impacting Europe as well.

News & Analysis

What the Kazakh Uprising Reveals about Central Asian Politics

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

While the regimes in Central Asia are autocratic, they can only survive with Russian help. Central Asia also continues to be the soft underbelly of Russia, as it was of the erstwhile Soviet Union and it is here that Nato regime will try to undermine Russia

News & Analysis

Iran’s Pushback against the Aliyev Regime

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

Islamic Iran is determined to push back against the Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan from providing a foothold for Zionist Israel on the border with Iran.

News & Analysis

Internal and External Dynamics of the Karabakh War

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14422020-11-01

Aliyevs, the ruling clan in Azerbaijan, is using the Karabakh conflict to secure their future even though they connived with Armenian nationalists and committed treason by handing over the region to Armenians in 1994. The wild card in this equation is Russia.

News & Analysis

Post-Soviet Space & Russia’s Reconfiguration of Soft Power

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Safar 14, 14422020-10-01

Russia’s default position in the post-Soviet region is to resort to military force when there is trouble. While it has advantage in this field, it would be a mistake to always rely on brute force to solve problems.

News & Analysis

Growing trouble in Russia’s far off territories

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

The unusual crisis that erupted in Russia’s Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk last month may turn out to be the biggest challenge for Kremlin in 20 years. It could even shake Vladimir Putin’s government.

Special Reports

Armenia-Azerbaijan Ceasefire Violations: What is All the Fuss About?

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

Last month’s massive protests in Azerbaijan were sparked by its humiliation in clashes with Armenian forces. A leading Azeri general was killed. The regime launched a crackdown of opposition forces, claiming Armenia would exploit the protests and cause further damage to Azerbaijan

Special Reports

Syria, the Daily Beast and Crude Propaganda

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

After reading critical comments in some Russian media outlets about government of Bashar al-Asad in Syria, Western media speculated that Moscow wants to get rid of him. This is based on the assumption that the Russian media takes orders from the Kremlin. It doesn’t.

News & Analysis

Central Asia: COVID-19 and the Decline of Oil Prices, a Storm in the Making?

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

The autocratic regimes in Central Asia and the Caucasus are feeling the heat as a result of the pandemic (that they deny) and the falling oil prices (that they cannot deny). Will the survive the expected storm?

News & Analysis

Broader Look at Russia-Israel Partnership

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Sha'ban 07, 14412020-04-01

It is commonly believed that Russia intervened in Syria at the end of September 2015 to save the government of Bashar al Asad. There is another opinion: it did so to undermine the influence of Hizbullah and Iran in Syria at the behest of Zionist Israel with whom Russia has hidden but deep relations.

News & Analysis

Constitutional Reforms in Russia

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

Vladimir Putin’s constitutional reforms are meant to build institutions so that the system can continue long after he is gone from the scene. At present, almost everything revolves around his personality.

News & Analysis

TANAP will Revive Geopolitical Struggle in Central Asia

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14412020-02-01

Turkey and Azerbaijan announced completion of the gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea to Western Europe bypassing Russia but it did not sit well with Moscow. There will be repercussions for the Central Asian republics if they cross Russia’s path.

News & Analysis

Kadyrov: A Successful Dudayev?

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Safar 02, 14412019-10-01

Ramzan Kadyrov is successfully exploiting the situation in Chechnya to garner support and stay in power.

News & Analysis

Revival of pro-Independence Narrative in Chechnya

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

Unlike the Wahhabi-led narrative after Russia defeated the pro-independence movement in Chechenya in 1994, the new pro-independence sentiment based on reasoned approach is more difficult to dismiss.

News & Analysis

Strategic Political Shift in Azerbaijan

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Shawwal 27, 14402019-07-01

With the emergence of the Huseyniyyun organization in Azerbaijan, the Aliyev regime has lost its monopoly on force. It bodes ill for the autocratic ruler.

News & Analysis

Analyzing the Politics of Central Asia

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Jumada' al-Akhirah 24, 14402019-03-01

Despite the end of communism, the Central Asian republics are still controlled by family-based oligarchtes that continue to rule with an iron-fist. Dissent is ruthlessly suppressed.

Daily News Analysis

Prominent Muslim-Russian Journalist Orkhan Djemal Killed in C.A.R.

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Dhu al-Hijjah 18, 14392018-08-29

At the end of July (July 31), Russian and international media reported that three Russian journalists investigating Russian presence in the Central African Republic were killed. One of those journalists was Orkhan Djemal, the other two are Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko.

News & Analysis

Azerbaijan: Political Violence Triggers Social Earthquake

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

The heroic act of Yunis Safarov has led to social earthquake in Azerbaijan putting the dictatorial regime in a bind: ignore the protests and appear weak, use the iron-fist and provoke more backlash.

News & Analysis

Wahhabi Trend in Former Soviet Republics

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

The traditionally Sufi-oriented former Soviet republics have been swept by Wahhabi zealots with disastrous consequences for the people.

Special Reports

US uses soft power in the Middle East

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Muharram 08, 14362014-11-01

The US uses a number of tools in its arsenal to advance its agenda in the Middle East. Soft power is one of them.

Special Reports

America’s Ukraine bid to keep Russia in check

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Jumada' al-Akhirah 01, 14352014-04-01

The US and its allies do not care for the people of Ukraine; their interest lies in destabilizing Russia that is becoming increasingly assertive.

News & Analysis

Bandar’s Moscow visit exposes Saudi weaknesses

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

Bandar bin Sultan, the most venal character of the House of Saud, was in Moscow early last month but his offer to buy $15 billion worth of Russian arms to get Vladimir Putin to change his policy on Syria was rebuffed.

News & Analysis

Turkey’s US-NATO mission in Central Asia

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Jumada' al-Akhirah 20, 14342013-05-01

People in Central Asia are beginning to see through Turkey’s plans to promote Pan-Turkism in the region because Ankara is viewed as advancing Washington’s agenda.

News & Analysis

US-Russian competition in Central Asia

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Jumada' al-Ula' 20, 14342013-04-01

The US is not as helpless in Central Asia as thought of, nor is Russia as powerful and liked as is generally believed. Each views the other as a threat to its interests.

Special Reports

Russian policy in the “near abroad”

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Rabi' al-Thani 19, 14342013-03-01

Russia is determined to assert itself in Central Asia and the Caucasus by using its former puppets to advance its agenda. Some republics offer better prospects than others.

News & Analysis

Regime change rumours in Azerbaijan

Akhmet Makhmoudov

Rabi' al-Awwal 20, 14342013-02-01

While Ilham Aliyev appears to have been rattled by rumours of Russia’s plan to replace him, most observers believe it is just that: rumours.

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