A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Kevin Barrett


News & Analysis

Can The US Take On Russia And China Simultaneously?

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

The Washington warlords are addicted to war and bloodshed. Their latest targets are Russia and China taking on both simultaneously. They have clearly lost their minds because if they had any sense they would have learned from their defeat in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen…

News & Analysis

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Few Americans know that Israel carried out a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. It was a US spy ship operating in the Mediterranean. The Israelis deliberately attacked it killing 34 US servicemen but then US President Lyndon Johnson hushed up the matter.

Main Stories

Iran Retaliates — and Transforms Regional and Global Orders

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

Amid Israel’s ongoing genocidal war on Gaza, Iran’s retaliatory strike on the zionist entity has radically transformed the regional and global orders. It has exposed both American and Israeli impotence and served notice that Iran will no longer tolerate Israeli aggression.

Main Stories

Why Are Arab Regimes So Impotent in the Face of zionist Barbarism?

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 20, 14452024-03-01

Fear of being targeted by the zio-imperialists and lack of spiritual quality has paralyzed Arab rulers to act in support of the Palestinians. Without public support, they are no match for the demonic energy of the zionist shayateen.

Main Stories

Genocide in Palestine: The Whole World Is Watching

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

Zionist Israel’s genocide in Gaza is the most televised crime in world history. It is backed by western powers led by the US. Israel is guilty of collective punishment and its rulers—civilian and military—must be held accountable.

News & Analysis

Why Does The West Support The Genocide Of Gaza?

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14452023-12-01

The west’s support of Israeli-perpetrate genocide in Gaza reflects the dying gasps of a decaying empire and the realization that western hegemony is coming to an end.

News & Analysis

Will Muslim East + BRICS Liberate Palestine?

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 17, 14452023-11-01

The outpouring of sympathy and support for Palestinians in the face of zionist barbarism is so huge that despite US pressure, most regimes in the Muslim East and North Africa have refused to abide by Washington’s demands. At least in public, they have spoken in favour of Palestine.

Main Stories

India-Middle East Corridor: A Zio-American Belt and Road?

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

The India-Middle East Europe Corridor (IMEC) was announced amid much fanfare at the G20 summit in Delhi last month. It is more the wishful thinking of US president Joe Biden than a realistic option to replace China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Main Stories

9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

Kevin Barrett

Safar 15, 14452023-09-01

How did Building No. 7 collapse when no plane had struck it? This uncomfortable question is never answered because it will expose the entire fraud of 911 and the real perpetrators behind it.

News & Analysis

When An Anti-Islam False Flag Shut Down The US Capitol

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 13, 14442023-07-01

The Anthrax scare that followed on the heels of the 911 attacks was a false flag operation that was soon exposed but not before it had created enough hysteria against Muslims in the US.

News & Analysis

Ex-President’s Legal Woes: “Trumped-Up” Charges, or Symptoms of US Decline?

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 11, 14442023-05-01

America’s terminal decline is reflected in the manner in which ex-president Donald Trump is being entangled in legal cases about election fraud. Sure, America is a thoroughly corrupt state. Money talks. Every politician is in someone’s pocket. So, what is new about Trump?

Main Stories

Russia-China-Islam: The New Superpower?

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

A new power bloc has emerged on the global scene. It comprises Russia, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran. All three face illegal sanctions imposed by the US and its allies. The victims have decided to hit back and challenge the global bully.

Main Stories

Why Hasn’t Iran’s Revolution and Governance Model Spread?

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 10, 14442023-02-01

It would reasonable to assume that given the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, its model would be emulated by other Muslim countries. What has prevented its spread to other countries and who is behind the campaign of obstruction and containment?

News & Analysis

Russia-Ukraine War: Narratives vs. Reality

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

Western corporate media propaganda would have one believe that Russia is not only losing the war in Ukraine but that it is about to disintegrate. Ground realities are very different. Ukraine is gradually being grinded and soon there will be nothing left of it if the war continues.

News & Analysis

Iran Joins SCO; Next Day, “Spontaneous” Riots Erupt

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 06, 14442022-11-01

Is it a coincidence that a day after Iran joined SCO, riots erupted over the unfortunate death of a young woman in hospital (not the police custody, as alleged)? There was nothing spontaneous about these riots; they were engineered by the US and its agencies.

Main Stories

The 9/11 Fallout: US-Imposed Destruction of Afghanistan and Pakistan

Kevin Barrett

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

Washington warlords used the false-flag events of 911 to destroy Afghanistan and Pakistan before moving on to Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other Muslim countries.

Main Stories

Russia-China-Iran Alliance: Will the West’s Suicide Bring World Peace?

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 03, 14442022-08-01

The stupidity of US foreign policy elites has driven Russia, China and Iran closer together into an alliance that will consign US pretensions of being a global power into the dustbin of history. The world will definitely be a much safer place for it.

News & Analysis

Russia Is Winning in Ukraine: Get Ready for the Post-American Century

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14432022-07-01

The US and its allies have made a strategic mistake by provoking the war in Ukraine with Russia. Ukraine has lost the war and the west, especially the US will pay a heavy price for this folly. The American century is over before it hardly began.

Main Stories

Ukraine War: US Defeats, Occupies and Humiliates Europe, Crushing Its Economy

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

America’s “help” to Ukraine is not so much aid as it is loans that have to be repaid. More critically, the US has used the conflict in Ukraine to crush Europe’s attempt to gain freedom from Uncle Sam’s deathly embrace. So much for US friendship.

News & Analysis

Can Yemen’s Fragile Ceasefire Hold?

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 30, 14432022-05-01

While a fragile ceasefire, brokered by the UN has gone into effect in Yemen, will it last is the big question on everyone’s mind.

Main Stories

Can the JCPOA Succeed, and Endure?

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 29, 14432022-04-01

While the US has been forced to agree to most of the reasonable demands of Islamic Iran, can the nuclear deal (officially known as the JCPOA) succeed and endure given America’s mindboggling duplicity and dishonesty?

Main Stories

Seven Years of Saudi War Crimes—and Defeats—in Yemen

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 28, 14432022-03-01

The Saudi regime continues to perpetrated horrific war crimes in Yemen. It is backed by western imperialist regimes as well as mercenaries yet it has failed to achieve any of its objectives. Instead, it has faced defeat on multiple fronts.

Main Stories

Iran’s Achievements Since the 1979 Revolution: Islam as a Source and Stimulant of Knowledge

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

This month, Iran celebrates 43 years of the Islamic Revolution. Despite a vicious campaign of assassinations, sabotage, an Iraqi-imposed war and illegal sanctions by the US, Islamic Iran has taken great strides in all fields including science, stem-cell research and space.

News & Analysis

Russia and China Can Expel the US from Eurasia—by Exposing the Petrodollar Fraud

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 14432022-01-01

That the US-centric world order is no more is self-evident. China and Russia have re-emerged to challenge US imperialism. Hitherto, US imperialist adventures were financed by petro-dollars. This fraud not only needs to be exposed but it will lead to the expulsion of US from Eurasia.

Main Stories

The Constitution of Madinah: A Model for the Taliban, and for All Islamic Governance

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

As the Taliban grapple with the issue of recognition, they should study the Covenant of Madinah (aka the Constitution of Madinah) as to how the noble Messenger (pbuh) brought diverse groups together into a formal compact to establish the first Islamic State.

Main Stories

Taliban’s Triumph: A Geopolitical Earthquake

Kevin Barrett

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

The Taliban victory over US imperialism and its Nato allies has shifted the balance of power to the Eurasia landmass. This region will now serve as the engine of economic growth and development.

News & Analysis

US Defeat in 9/11 Wars Accelerates “Pivot to China”—Opening for Islamic Alternative

Kevin Barrett

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

The US pivot to China has opened up space for Islamic self-determination to reassert itself to determine its own future and indeed that of the rest of the world. Afghanistan’s Muslim neighbours, especially Iran, Pakistan and Turkey must not lose this opportunity.

News & Analysis

Biden’s New Cold War: History Repeats Itself as Farce

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 20, 14422021-07-01

In his June 26 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden attempted to revive the Cold War mentality but it is likely to cost America dearly. The world has changed considerably in the last 30 years.

News & Analysis

JCPOA’s Half-life is Rapidly Expiring

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 20, 14422021-06-01

Talks between Iran and the P4+1 are underway in Vienna to revive the JCPOA that the US had repudiated in May 2018. There are serious concerns about whether the US and its European allies can be trusted to fulfill their promises. Their track record does not evoke much confidence.

Main Stories

Quds Day and The Covenants of the Prophet (pbuh)

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 19, 14422021-05-01

Since it was declared by Imam Khomeini in 1980, Quds Day has now become a global phenomenon. Millions of people in cities across the globe participate in this event to draw attention to the illegal occupation of the Holy City and Land by the Zionists.

News & Analysis

Islamophobia in Europe: What’s a Muslim to Do?

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 18, 14422021-04-01

Failing to attract Muslims to their hedonistic culture, Western regimes have embarked on policies prohibiting Muslim practices. France, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Britain are in the forefront of this vicious campaign of Islamophobia.

Main Stories

Can US Political Divide be Bridged? The Short Answer is No

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 17, 14422021-03-01

America is a deeply divided society today. Events of the last few months have brought these divisions to the fore. Can Americans overcome such divisions? The chances of reconciliation appear slim.

News & Analysis

Will Biden Lead America into World War III?

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14422021-02-01

While most people have heaved a huge sigh of relief at Trump’s departure, reposing too much faith in Joe Biden would be a mistake. His record shows he is pro-war and a hardcore Zionist. He may even initiate a destructive war at the behest of the military-industrial-banking complex.

Main Stories

Macron Escalates False Flag War on Islam

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14422020-12-01

In the West, attacking Islam and insulting its revered personalities is a sure way to garner public support. This is what Emmanuel Macron of France is doing. A number of false flag operations have been perpetrated to blame Muslims. Ultimately the entire French society will suffer.

Main Stories

Post-Election Implosion: Could Civil Unrest, Even War(s), Break Out in the USA?

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14422020-11-01

Is America heading for a civil war following the November 3 presidential election? Given the polarization and deep hatreds that have been aroused, it cannot be ruled out.

Main Stories

Shaikh Sudais Desecrates Masjid al Haram by Kowtowing to Zionists

Kevin Barrett

Safar 14, 14422020-10-01

It is a sad reflection of the Muslim world that some court ulama are prepared to distort the teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah to appease their paymasters. And they do so from the most sacred Mosque, al-Masjid al Haram in Makkah.

News & Analysis

Will Trump Lead Militias into Civil War?

Kevin Barrett

Safar 14, 14422020-10-01

The US stands at a dangerous point in its history. Donald Trump has already said that if he loses, he will not accept the election result. He is likely to appeal to the heavily-armed militias to defend him leading to civil war in the country.

Main Stories

Could Iran-Turkey Alliance Revitalize the Muslim East?

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

Two leading Muslim countries—Iran and Turkey—could transform the Muslim world and lead the Ummah to its natural dominant position that it once enjoyed if they were to come together

News & Analysis

Will the Dollar Die of COVID-19?

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

One possibility, increasingly whispered about in financial circles, is that the dollar may die sooner rather than later, and that its cause of death may be listed as COVID-19.

Main Stories

Will the US Economy Rebound from the Pandemic?

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

The pandemic has badly damaged the US economy. Will it rebound or the pandemic will prove to be the iceberg that hit the Titanic sending it to the bottom of the ocean?

News & Analysis

Biden vs. Trump: Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

Biden’s opponent, incumbent president Donald Trump, is not only intellectually sub-par, but also has character flaws big enough to drive an oil tanker through.

News & Analysis

Who’s Backing Trump—And Will They Yield to Protests… or Hijack Them?

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

America is not run by people occupying ministerial or congressional seats. Its real masters operate behind the scenes who determine who should occupy the White House or sit in Congress. Trump will soon find out whether he would be allowed to remain in the White House.

News & Analysis

Trump Wants Out of Afghanistan, Establishment Says “Not So Fast!”

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

For Trump, exit from Afghanistan before the November presidential elections is the one act that he can present as ‘achievement’ of sorts. But is the American establishment prepared to allow him to do so?

News & Analysis

Coronavirus Launches 4G/5G War on China

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

Is the US itching for war with China because the latter is making huge economic progress that will leave the US far behind? There is a long history of the US’ false accusations to convince the American public to support wars against perceived enemies.

News & Analysis

Will COVID Crisis Prolong US Hegemony, or End It?

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

The US economy has been badly affected by COVID-19 (some analysts have said it was already in the dumps before the virus outbreak). Will it end US global hegemony or prolong it? The jury is still out on this.

Main Stories

Coronavirus vs. US Economy: Chaotic Devastation or Targeted Strike?

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

The US economy has been devastated by the pandemic. While the Trump regime has sent a single check of $1200 with his name on it to individuals as if this is from his personal account, trillions are going to the too-big-to-fail corporations. It is casino capitalism at its best!

News & Analysis

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Mockingbird Media Slams Russia, China, Cuba for Helping Coronavirus Victims

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

Far from appreciating the help China, Russia and Cuba have extended to other countries including the US, the corporate media has embarked on a disinformation campaign to accuse these countries of ulterior motives.

News & Analysis

Trump Clashes with Media on Coronavirus

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

How does Trump fight the coronavirus? He attacks the media and blames everyone else for the pandemic. He refuses to take any responsibility but claims he has absolute authority!

News & Analysis

Bernie Sanders (and American People) Cheated Again by Billionaire Oligarchs

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 07, 14412020-04-01

The American political system is so corrupt that it will not allow the legitimate wishes of the people to be realized. This was again witnessed in the manner in which Bernie Sanders’ campaign was sabotaged by billionaire oligarchs to select Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee.

News & Analysis

As Syria Reclaims Its Territory, Turkey Faces Tough Choices

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 07, 14412020-04-01

Turkish-backed terrorists have started to target Turkish troops in Syria and are violating the March 5 agreement between Moscow and Ankara. This has put Erdogan in a quandary. He should abandon his support for the terrorists and bring to end this terrible project.

News & Analysis

US Tries to Break Up Iraq Via “Sunni State” in Anbar

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

The American neo-cons have gone berserk. They have embarked on a plan to break-up Iraq following demands by the Iraqi parliament and government for US and foreign troops to get out of Iraq. The demands came in the wake of the assassination of Iran’s top general, Haj Qassem Soleimani and his Iraqi comrade, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis on January 3 at Baghdad airport. The US missile strikes were described by most legal experts as war crimes.

Main Stories

Jeff Brown of Bioweapon Truth Commission: ‘Coronavirus Is US Biowar on China’

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

Jeff Brown, co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, grew up on a farm in Oklahoma, USA. He has lived and worked in Africa, the Muslim East, and Europe throughout most of his adult life, and speaks Arabic, Portuguese, French, and Mandarin. He spent the 2010s in China, publishing three books on that country and maintaining the China Rising blog. On February 7, 2020, Kevin Barret interviewed Jeff Brown on Truth Jihad Radio.


Trump Stuck Between Iraq and A Hard Place

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14412020-02-01

By assassinating General Qassem Soleimani, Donald Trump violated international law and committed a war crime. For this, he would be liable to capital punishment under the Nuremberg Law.

News & Analysis

Will Iraq Unite to End Foreign Occupation?

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14412020-02-01

Millions of Iraqis, setting aside political differences, joined hands in a peaceful rally in Baghdad on January 17 to demand the ouster of all US forces from the country.

News & Analysis

Haj Soleimani’s Assassination Misreported in The Western Media

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 07, 14412020-02-01

True to their devious nature, Western media outlets have indulged in customary disinformation pertaining to the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani. It was a war crime and must be condemned as such.


Chaos in Iraq: Imperialist Divide-And- Conquer Policy

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 06, 14412020-01-01

Exploiting the legitimate grievances of the Iraqi people, the US has unleashed its paid agents to sow chaos in Iraq to bring down the government. The overall objective is to undermine Islamic Iran’s influence thereby weakening the resistance front.

News & Analysis

Syria “Truth Bombs” Explode Western Lies

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 06, 14412020-01-01

The vicious lies peddled about Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons attack on Douma in April 2018 that nearly led to World War III have been exposed by insiders from the OPCW, the body tasked with preventing or investigating such attacks. The Western media, however, refuses to report these explosive revelations.

Book Review

An Honest Account of Atrocities

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 06, 14412020-01-01

William R. Polk, who taught Arabic at Harvard and the University of Chicago, gives a fairly accurate account of Western atrocities against Muslims in his 2018 book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North


Trump Flees in Disgrace from Syria But Brags of War Crimes

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

Only a moron like Donald Trump would publicly admit that he is keeping US forces in Syria to steal its oil. This is a war crime. His predecessors were no better but they were more sophisticated than Trump.

News & Analysis

Imperialists Weaponize Protests in Iraq, Lebanon, Iran…

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

While the concerns of Iraqis and Lebanese, and more recently of the people in Iran, are legitimate, the manner in which external agents have infiltrated and weaponized these protests reveal a sinister agenda: regime change through sabotage!

News & Analysis

Impeachment Circus

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

Will Clown Trump be driven from the big tent? His other crimes are far more serious but opponents are going only after his phone call with Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden’s son…


Is a Hidden Hand Destabilizing Iraq?

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 04, 14412019-11-01

The timing of Iraqi protests that have degenerated into violence raise serious questions about imperialist-Zionist conspiracy to destabilize the Iraqi government that can only benefit the enemies of Islam.

Main Stories

Turks Invade, Trump Flees: Is a Solution Looming?

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 04, 14412019-11-01

Turkey invades northeast Syria while US forces betray the Kurds, yet again, open possibilities for both peace as well as more destabilization of the resource rich region.

Islamic Movement

Sheik Ubaid on the Crisis in Kashmir

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 04, 14412019-11-01

Long-time human rights activist explains the tragedy of the Kashmiri people and the fascist ideology that has gripped India.


IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism: A Racist Lie

Kevin Barrett

Safar 02, 14412019-10-01

IHRA’s definition of anti-Semitism is meant to hide the holocaust of others by the imperialist powers as well as justify Zionist crimes against the Palestinians.

News & Analysis

Inching Toward the Liberation of Idlib

Kevin Barrett

Safar 02, 14412019-10-01

After more than eight years of bloodletting, the grand conspiracy of regime change in Syria is finally seeing its end with the last remnants of the takfiri terrorists on the verge of final defeat.

Book Review

US Biological Warfare

Kevin Barrett

Safar 02, 14412019-10-01

Among all the states in the world, the US has the dubious distinction of not only using atomic weapons against Japan in 1945, it is also responsible for creating germs that have resulted in the eruption of the deadly Lyme Disease.


18th Anniversary of 9/11: Official Story Implodes

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 02, 14412019-09-01

The official version of 911 is now questioned by a near majority of the Americans including many first responders. They want clear answers to who was behind the most catastrophic attack on the US mainland.

News & Analysis

US-China Trade War: Long-term Geostrategic Clash

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 02, 14412019-09-01

The US-China trade war is part of a struggle for dominance that involves international institutions and alliances, but whose ultimate arbiter is raw military power.


Zionist Genocide of Palestinians Continues

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

If there is one consistent Zionist policy it is the genocide of Palestinians. They spare no one: men, women or children. The fact that such crimes are seldom reported mean few people are even aware of such horrors.

Main Stories

Trump Doesn’t Scare Iran

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

It is revealing no secret to state that Donald Trump has a pretty low IQ. The Donald, of course, would contest this and insist he is a “stable genius” but 27 American psychiatrists have said he is a nutcase. Take his twitter threats that do not scare Iran.

News & Analysis

Palestinians Reject $50 Billion to Sell Country

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner thought he could bribe the Palestinians with $50 billion by assembling the corrupt Arabian rulers in Bahrain. The Palestinians refused to sell their country.

Book Review

Inside Zionism’s Murder Incorporated

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

Zionist Israel has always thrived on terror and a campaign of assassinations. Dr Kevin Barrett reviews Ronan Bergman’s 2018 book, Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations. It makes grim reading.

Main Stories

Geopolitical Impact of the Stillborn ‘Deal of the Century’

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 27, 14402019-07-01

Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is a crude attempt to buy off the Palestinians by burying their aspirations forever but it has found few takers.


Battle of the Conferences: Bilderberg Vs. St. Petersburg

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 27, 14402019-07-01

Last month two conferences took place—Bilderberg and St Petersburg—yet their formats were very different. The first as usual was shrouded in secrecy while the second one was open and transparent.

News & Analysis

US Threatens Russia and China

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 27, 14402019-07-01

US threats against Russia and China are nothing new; this has been Washington’s policy since 1992 articulated by the notorious Zionist warmonger, Paul Wolfowitz. The result is Russia and China are getting closer to each other and shifting the balance of power to Eurasia.

Special Reports

Russia-China Strategic Alliance

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 27, 14402019-07-01

US belligerence and policy of ‘exceptionalism’ are driving Russia and China closer to each other to create a multipolar world.


European New Right: Symptom of the West’s Decline

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 27, 14402019-06-01

The rise of far right parties in Europe and indeed even in North America reflects the moral and political decline of the West.

Main Stories

Islamophobes in the US: Not Just White Extremists

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 27, 14402019-06-01

It would be tempting but wrong to assume that Islamophobia is peddled only by white extremists. There are powerful forces behind the scenes, many of them Zionists that are financing the nasty work of frontline donkeys!


Saudi Hush Money to Khashoggi Family

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 25, 14402019-05-01

Without even seeking their consent, as required by Islam, the Bani Saud have paid hush money to the Khashoggi family to buy their silence over the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi that was ordered by the crown prince Bin Salman.

Main Stories

Turkey Defies US: A Quest for Total Independence

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 25, 14402019-05-01

Will Turkey take the next logical step and quit NATO that is a military alliance against Muslims?

Special Reports

Islam and the Rise of China

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 25, 14402019-05-01

While Muslims can learn from China’s work ethic, they can offer a moral-based value system that would save humanity from total collapse.


US Trade Deficit: Symptom of the Riba Disease

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 25, 14402019-04-01

Instead of looking at the symptoms, the root cause of deficit, whether in trade or other areas, must be understood. It is riba (usury) that is responsible for the misery of people. All scriptures prohibit it but vulture capitalists thrive on it.

News & Analysis

Iranian Spying, or Neocon War Crimes Cover-up?

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 25, 14402019-04-01

The US has targeted Monica Witt, a US air force whistler-blower, as well as Press TV and the New Horizon conference in order to cover its own nefarious acts globally.

News & Analysis

Venezuela Coup Attempt Another Defeat for US Empire

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 25, 14402019-04-01

The scandalous manner in which the US has attempted to overthrow the legitimate government of Venezuela but failed shows the Empire has lost yet again.

News & Analysis

Civil War in the US: 1861, 2019… 2074?

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 24, 14402019-03-01

America is in the midst of a civil war. The Reds and the Blues that fought in 1861 never disappeared. They are very much alive and there is every likelihood that the US might disintegrate in the new bust-up.


Ilhan Omar and “All about the Benjamins”

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 24, 14402019-03-01

One can criticize American government policy or the president; one can talk about the influence of the gun or oil lobbies but the moment Israel or Israel lobby are mentioned, all hell breaks loose. Why are these topics off limits, as Representative Ilhan Omar found out?


Iran’s Islamic Revolution: The Real Islamic Alternative

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 26, 14402019-02-01

With Western-instigated wars raging in different parts of the world, death, destruction and famine are everywhere. Only Islam offers a solution to this deeply troubled world provided people open their eyes and see its reality, especially as reflected in the achievements of the Islamic revolution in Iran.

News & Analysis

US in Terminal Decline: An Overview

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 26, 14402019-02-01

Notwithstanding its pretentious claims to being the “sole superpower”, the US is in terminal decline politically, economically and socially. It can no longer orders others to follow its commands.

News & Analysis

Panicking Neocons Held Marzieh Hashemi Hostage

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 26, 14402019-02-01

Almost every policy that the neocons could think of has failed. In their desperation, they attacked a courageous but defenseless Press TV anchor, Marzieh Hashemi but even this has backfired on them.


Rising American violence: Images and Reality

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14402019-01-01

Violence is as American as apple pie. The country with the largest military budget by far has caused great mayhem abroad while Americans continue to kill each other in large numbers.

Main Stories

Syria Endgame

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14402019-01-01

The imperialist-Zionist regime change plot has been defeated in Syria but it may be premature to celebrate total victory until Zionism has also been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Special Reports

2019: Year of the Black Swan?

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14402019-01-01

Making predictions about the future is hazardous but by studying trends, one can make reasonably informed guesses about what to expect in 2019.


Muslims Win, Islamophobia Loses…

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 23, 14402018-12-01

The US mid-term elections have produced some interesting results that will surely force many to think again: Islamphobes have lost big time and Muslims have won. This gives cause for reflection.

News & Analysis

Iran Sanctions Dead on Arrival

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 23, 14402018-12-01

The US-imposed sanctions on Iran have largely failed primarily because the rest of the world is fed up with US bullying and blackmailing tactics. Instead of Iran, it is the US that stands totally isolated.

Book Review

Experts Conclusively Debunk the Official 9/11 Story

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 23, 14402018-12-01

That 911 was an inside job is now becoming widely recognized. Most people, however, have only a hunch about it. In this book, many experts prove beyond doubt that the official version put out by the US regime is total bunk.


Genocide Apologist Haley Contemplating Presendtial Run?

Kevin Barrett

Safar 23, 14402018-11-01

Nikki Haley was not the US ambassador to the UN; she represented her real masters, the Zionists, at whose behest and whose support she may make a bid for the US presidency.

News & Analysis

Khashoggi Murder a Wake-up Call?

Kevin Barrett

Safar 23, 14402018-11-01

One would be closing eyes to reality to assume that Muhammad bin Salman gave the order to murder Khashoggi on his own. There are American fingerprints all over this sordid affair.

News & Analysis

Trump’s Iran Sanctions

Kevin Barrett

Safar 23, 14402018-11-01

Islamic Iran may initially suffer a setback due to America’s illegal sanctions but Trump’s policy will spell the death knell of dollar hegemony.


Woodward’s ''Fear'' Exposes Trump’s Ineptitude

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 21, 14402018-10-01

Bob Woodward is an undercover naval intelligence officer masquerading as a journalist. His book based on insider tips exposes the chaos that engulfs the Trump White House.

News & Analysis

Idlib Endgame

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 21, 14402018-10-01

The terrorists are all assembled in Syria’s Idlib province now but the US and its allies including Turkey want to protect them. Syria is determined to liberate every inch of its territory from the scourge of terrorists. Ultimately, the US would not be able to protect its terrorist proxies.

Book Review

From Reason to Racism

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 21, 14402018-10-01

The official reason for banning Muslim practices—hijab, ban on construction or expansion of mosques in France—goes against the very principle of liberty that French officials are allegedly trying to protect.


Godfather Trump Makes Iran An Offer It Can Definitely Refuse

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

It is a waste of time to take Donald Trump seriously. That is precisely what the leaders of the Islamic Republic did when Trump offered to talk to them anytime, any place without preconditions after imposing illegal sanctions on Iran.

News & Analysis

Iranian Rial Targeted by Empire’s Currency Wars

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

Uncle Sam is waging economic and financial warfare against the Islamic Republic in order to undermine its independence based on the Islamic value system.

Book Review

Book Exposes History of Zionist Terrorism

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

Shining light on the terrorist nature of Zionism and the birth of Israel that emerged by shedding the blood of Palestinian civilians and by indulging in ethnic cleansing.


Islam vs. Scientism: Limits of the Scientific Worldview

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

Scientism has mesmerized many people including some Muslims but it does not offer any answers to critical questions in life.

Special Reports


Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

The Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki has sent American establishmentarians into a frenzy but is the summit the beginning of new détente or mere window dressing?

Special Reports

Islamophobia Now Official US Policy

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

The US Supreme Court has endorsed Trump’s racist ban on citizens of several Muslim countries. The excuse advanced is that inclusion of non-Muslim North Korea and Venezuela in the list indicates it is not Muslim specific.

Main Stories

Trump Meets Kim: Triumph for Peace or Hypocrisy?

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 17, 14392018-07-01

Trump’s hypocrisy was on full display as he met North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in Singapore

Main Stories

Trump Blows Up G7 Summit: Is That Such a Bad Thing?

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 17, 14392018-07-01

Much media hype about Trump’s bad manners at the G7 summit but the sky is not falling.

News & Analysis

“Iran Standoff”: More Evidence of US Insanity

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 17, 14392018-07-01

The US deep state and its current front man are obsessed about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons .

Main Stories

Why do Imaginary Iranian Nukes Terrify the West?

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

Islamic Iran has no nuclear weapons, North Korea does. The US is talking up Iran’s non-existent threat while willing to talk to the North Koreans. Is it time for Iran also to acquire nuclear weapons?

News & Analysis

Conduct over the Desecration of al-Quds

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

While Arabian rulers have been largely silent about the future of Jerusalem and Palestine, only Islamic Iran has taken the lead to mobilize Muslim public opinion.

Special Reports

Da‘ish Recruiter Robert Spencer

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

With little or no knowledge of the Qur’an or of basic Islamic sources, Islamophobe Robert Spencer passes off as an ‘expert’ on Islam.

News & Analysis

The Weaponization of Human Rights

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 15, 14392018-05-01

Human rights are a tool used by the imperialists and zionists to advance their nefarious agenda worldwide. They have nothing to do with helping the victims.

News & Analysis

Will the Anglo-Zionist Empire Declare War on Russia and China?

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 15, 14392018-05-01

The imperialists and Zionists are deliberately spoiling relations with Russia and China that could easily lead to war.

Main Stories

The Witch-hunt of Dr. Tariq Ramadan

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

Unable to match his intellectual skills, the French have launched a scandalous campaign to tarnish Dr Tariq Ramadan’s image. He has been falsely accused and put in prison. So much for French freedom and liberty!

News & Analysis

Billionaire Beggar Mooches off Anglo-Zionist Masters

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

Bin Salman’s US trip is aimed at enticing American businessmen to invest in the bankrupt kingdom. This ignorant man does not realize that Americans take, not give money.

News & Analysis

Escalating Gun Violence: Symptom of US Decline

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

Even as US wars continue abroad, lawlessness grips its cities and schools where increasing numbers of people are getting shot and killed.

News & Analysis

Trump’s Nuclear Buildup Threatens Global Annihilation

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14392018-03-01

Trump’s announcement to build more lethal nuclear weapons means only one thing: annihilation of the human race.

News & Analysis

Islamophobia: Neocon-Zionist PR Campaign Bears Strange Fruit

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14392018-03-01

The alarming rise in Islamophobic attacks in the US is related to manipulation of public perception about the need for perpetual scapegoats and the imaginary threat of Muslims.

Book Review

From Yahweh to Zion

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 15, 14392018-02-01

Zionists try to turn God into an exclusive Jewish deity.

Book Review

Will Madman Trump Rain “Fire and Fury” on the world?

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 15, 14392018-02-01

With his itchy finger on the nuclear button, arrogant and dumb Trump is a clear danger to the world.

Main Stories

Al-Quds: Heart of Islamic Unity

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 14392018-01-01

Muslims have historically respected the rights of other religions—Christianity and Judaism—and it is only Muslims that are the rightful custodians of Jerusalem/al-Quds and the Holy Land.

Book Review

Enlightenment Unitarianism

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 14392018-01-01

Enlightened Unitarianism’s huge debt to Islam and its ideas of social and political justice.


Reflections of the Soviets’ 1979 invasion of Afghanistan

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 12, 14392017-12-01

The Afghan mujahideen’s defeat of the Soviet army in Afghanistan resulted not only in collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of communism but also brought radically changes in global politics.

News & Analysis

Massacres, Terrorism, and Islamophobia

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 12, 14392017-12-01

Zionist Israel was not only created through terrorism but the contemporary terrorism blames on Muslims is the direct result of Zionist-imperialist-inspired campaign to tarnish Muslims and have a pretext for perpetual war.

Main Stories

Balfour: 100 years of deception, genocide and denial

Kevin Barrett

Safar 12, 14392017-11-01

The Balfour declaration not only led to the unending genocide of the Palestinian people but also to a series of lies, deception and denial to obfuscate the truth.

News & Analysis

Trump sabotages Iran-P5+1 nuclear deal

Kevin Barrett

Safar 12, 14392017-11-01

The deep State and the Zionists have given Trump a mandate: to create chaos and prepare the ground for more wars. Sabotaging the Iran nuclear deal is part of this plan.

News & Analysis

North Korea’s standoff: The emperor has no clothes

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 11, 14392017-10-01

The Western corporate media projects North Korean leader Kim Jung un as irrational but the fact is North Korea’s actions are entirely justified keeping in mind the horrendous destruction the US wrought on the Peninsula from 1950-1953.

Special Reports

Rights and wrongs of the Alt-Right

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 11, 14392017-10-01

The alt-right, while seeded by many unsavory characters, is not a monolith. It consists of hardcore Islamophobes as well as anti-Zionists. Most Islamophobes are Zionists and Israel-firsters

Islamic Movement

Time and Justice in Surat al-Kahf – Part II

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 14382017-09-01

In the second part of his commentary on Surat al-Kahf, Dr Kevin Barrett narrates the story and travels of Dhul-Qarnayn, the powerful yet humble figure before God.

Islamic Movement

Time and Justice in Surah al-Kahf

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 08, 14382017-08-01

Surat al-Kahf, the 18th surah in the noble Qur’an, has attracted unusual amount of commentary. Its three main narratives – concerning the People of the Cave, Moses and the mysterious servant of God, and the travels of Dhul-Qarnayn – are somewhat enigmatic and seem to demand interpretation.

Daily News Analysis

The Black Banners of Khorasan: A Common Sense Interpretation

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 14382017-03-01

On one side of Khorasan, Iranian revolutionaries struck a blow against the US (capitalist) empire. On the other side, Afghan freedom fighters struck a blow against the Russian (communist) empire. Taken together, these events signaled the decline and fall of the two major Western imperial ideologies of the 19th and 20th centuries. Therefore the simplest and most obvious interpretation of the Khorasan ahadith is that the “Muslim army” that will liberate al-Quds is a unified army of the Islamic Awakening which emerged simultaneously from the two sides of Khorastan in 1979.

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