A mob of zionist terrorists, egged on by neo-Nazi ministers and rabbis, attacked Palestinians and journalists today (June 5) in Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
The mob needed little prompting.
They have indulged in such barbaric practices ever since the zionists occupied East Jerusalem in June 1967.
This year’s march, called the ‘Flag March’, has been particularly violent because of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and the stiff resistance the occupation army has faced from the Islamic resistance.
While 3,000 Israeli police were deployed, they did not prevent attacks on the few Palestinian shop owners whose had opened their stores to make a meagre living.
The police are under the control of Israel’s (non)security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir.
This neo-Nazi, together with Bezalel Smotrich, another minister in the occupation regime’s cabinet, have called for annextion of East Jerusalem.
They want to destroy the Aqsa Mosque and compound to build their mythical third temple.
While chanting inflammatory slogans, including “death to Arabs” and “Muhammad is dead”, the zionist mob threw stones and bottles at the Palestinians.
An editorial in Israeli newspaper Ha‘aretz branded the march “a festival of ugly Jewish thuggery.”
Such thuggery was on full display when the zionist mob knocked to the ground and kicked
Ha‘aretz journalist Nir Hasson.
The police intervened to rescue him but Palestinian photographer Ghassan Eid was not so fortunate.
He was attacked and wounded by the howling mob.
Several videographers were also attacked, as the mob attempted to violently prevent reporters from filming them.
Nearly a thousand zionist extremists stormed the Aqsa Mosque.
The heavily-armed police provided them protection.
The Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) condemned the Arab regimes’ silence over the zionist mob’s continued rampage through Al-Aqsa.
The Islamic resistance movement said because of “this shameful silence [of the Arab regimes], the zionist entity’s gangs are daring to desecrate the Muslim Ummah’s sacred sites.”
Masjid al-Aqsa, the first qibla of the Muslims, is not merely the responsibility of the Palestinians.
It is the responsibility of all Muslims, particularly those regimes around Occupied Palestine.
They have done nothing to protect the Palestinians from Israel’s ongoing genocide.
Nor are they prepared to do anything to protect Masjid al-Aqsa.
The Arab rulers are keen to normalize relations with the illegitimate zionist entity.
They see the Palestinian resistance as getting in their way.
That day, however, is not far when the Islamic resistance in Palestine will triumph and end the zionists’ illegal occupation of the holy land.
That will also be the beginning of the end of these illegitimate Arab regimes.
They are agents of imperialism and zionism.
In the meantime, the Palestinians’ resistance continues even if they have to pay a very heavy price for their freedom and dignity.
Their valiant resistance has exposed the ugly face of zionism.
The entire world has realized what a monstrous ideology it is.
The zionist mob’s provocative march through Al-Quds and attacks on Palestinians and journalists merely confirm their barbaric nature.