A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: al-Quds

Showing 1-20 of 36
Daily News Analysis

Zionists escalate aggression in Lebanon

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 22, 14462024-09-26

Daily News Analysis

Why Quds Day rallies are even more important today

Crescent International

Ramadan 26, 14452024-04-05

Daily News Analysis

Erdogan’s Israel Outreach borders on the scandalous

Iqbal Jassat

Sha'ban 12, 14432022-03-15

Daily News Analysis

Israeli Settlements Are War Crimes, says UNHRC Rapporteur

Iqbal Jassat

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14422021-07-12


Ramadan, the Noble Qur’an, and al-Quds

Zafar Bangash

Sha'ban 25, 14402019-05-01

For Muslims the month of Ramadan is more than simply going without food and drink for a number of hours. Ramadan is the also the month of the Qur’an and for worldwide al-Quds rallies to draw attention to its continued illegal occupation.

Letters To The Editor

Al-Quds and the Ummah

Mohsen Abdul Aziz

Shawwal 17, 14392018-07-01

It is reflective of the depth to which the Muslim rulers have sunk that the imperialists and Zionists declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel but there is not even a murmur of protest. Most of them did not utter even a word of protest at this insult to the Ummah and the first qiblah of the Muslims.

News & Analysis

Conduct over the Desecration of al-Quds

Kevin Barrett

Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

While Arabian rulers have been largely silent about the future of Jerusalem and Palestine, only Islamic Iran has taken the lead to mobilize Muslim public opinion.


Significance of Al-Quds

Salina Khan

Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

Muslims need to focus their minds and energies on the liberation of al-Quds at a time when the US plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem and the Zionists plan another war.

News & Analysis

Al-Quds: The Capital

Eric Walberg

Jumada' al-Ula' 15, 14392018-02-01

The seat of faith, not the nexus of Jewish exclusivism

Showing 1-20 of 36

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