Just like most things done by Donald Trump (DT), it appears that his decision of declaring Al-Quds, as the capital of the Zionist entity was an impulsive decision with no clear strategy in place.
Trump’s illegitimate decree has no legal or political benefit for the imperial designs of US imperialism. In fact, DT shot the US imperialism in the foot and exposed the US vassals in the Muslim world. Something justice seeking people worldwide should be thankful about. Washington backed corrupt regimes in the MENA region,will no longer be able to peddle the well-known lie that the US is some kind of a “peace” broker, which it never was.
As pointed out by a prominent Lebanese academic, Dr. Amaal Saad on her Facebook page, “Trump's Jerusalem [CI- Al Quds] declaration will help shatter the myth of Israel's invincibility; it exposes how dependent Israel's existence is on the US: one declaration & the world acts as if Jerusalem really *is* Israel's capital as if US discourse has a constitutive effect on Israel's very being.”
Prominent British Palestinian academic and political activist,Azzam Tamimi, also pointed out that Trump’s decision has changed nothing, the occupation remains as it was. DT’s ignorant decision will further inflame Palestinian resistance, which is always a positive thing.
DT’s decision is a blessing in disguise as it has unmasked the US stance on the Palestinian question. As the regional US vassals are openly surrendering to Israel on the political front, the Islamic resistance axis led by Iran, which includes Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Palestinian resistance factions,manifests itself as the only real alternative to subjugation and occupation.
Islamic Iran has no border disputes with the Zionist entity, Israel. By opposing the Zioinist entity, Islamic Iran made some powerful enemies. Iran’s unconditional support for the Palestinians as publicly acknowledged by a senior Palestinian political leader Mahmoud al-Zahar and others, is solely due to its strategic Islamic political identity and humanism. Iran derives no economic or political benefits from backing the Palestinians. Thus, DT’s decision further strengthens the soft-power of the resistance axis led by Iran.
The Trump regime managed to reduce the US into a second tier global player. DT’s ignorance should not be disappointing, but utilized intelligently. Washington has thrown its most dedicated servants like Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qadhafi, Ali Abdallah Saleh, Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak under the bus, thus creating an atmosphere of distrust amongst Washington’s regional vassals. United they stand, divided they fall, DT is dividing, let him do the job, hopefully for two terms.