A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: United States

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News & Analysis

Reflecting On US Involvement In Israel-Lebanon War

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

American politicians of all stripes are under the complete control of the zionist lobby. Will the US join Israel’s war on Lebanon? If so, what will be its consequences.

News & Analysis

Is The US An Honest Broker In Mediating A Truce Deal In Gaza?

Omar Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Doha and Beirut in an attempt to force Hamas to accept US-Israeli terms for a temporary ceasefire. The warmongers’ aim is to secure the release of Israeli prisoners so that Netanyahu can continue his war on innocent Palestinians.

News & Analysis

Students Expose Hypocrisy Of Universities’ Investment Policies

Khadijah Ali

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Student encampments at university campuses have continued to expose the universities’ investments in companies profiting from Israel’s war on Gaza. Students have demanded that such complicity end. They have exposed the hypocrisy of university administrations.

News & Analysis

The Unhinged Surveillance State Of America

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

The US has just enacted into law a surveillance bill that allows for unwarranted intrusions into people’s personal lives and data. Already the most repressive state, intelligence agencies have been given vast new oppressive powers. Concurrently, criticism of Israel is being outlawed.

Main Stories

Protests Against Israel’s Genocidal War On Gaza Spread Across US Campuses

Khadijah Ali

Shawwal 22, 14452024-05-01

American campuses have erupted in unprecedented protests against Israel’s war on Gaza and US complicity in supporting and financing it. Students and faculty are demanding that universities end their investments in Israel as well as their cooperation with Israeli institutions.

News & Analysis

Gitmo Torture Chamber Still Open 21 Years Later

Khadijah Ali

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

Lest anyone forgets, the American torture camp at Guantanamo Bay is still running. Its population has dropped from 780 at its peak to a mere 30 now. No one has been tried even after 21 years. It shows American barbarism and criminal conduct.

Daily News Analysis

US warmongering tactics in the Red Sea

Crescent International

Muharram 26, 14452023-08-13

Main Stories

Condemning It Elsewhere, US Ignores Victims Of Its Own Torture

Waseem Shehzad

Muharram 14, 14452023-08-01

Nothing exposes US—and western hypocrisy in general—better than their selective morality and outrage. Indiscretions of enemies are condemned but their own criminal conduct is conveniently ignored. Torture of US victims represents a glaring example of such hypocrisy.

Daily News Analysis

US Sanctions Losing Punch as a Policy Tool

Crescent International

Ramadan 11, 14442023-04-02

News & Analysis

US, Israeli Strikes On Syria Constitute War Crimes

Tahir Mahmoud

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

The US and Israel, two outlaw regimes, continue to perpetrate war crimes by constantly attacking Syria and the hapless Palestinian people. Both countries, however, are currently convulsed in internal crises.

News & Analysis

US-NATO Stir Trouble In West And Central Asia

Zia Sarhadi

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

After the US’ humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, there was widespread belief that the Americans would leave Afghanistan alone. Far from it. They continue to meddle not only in Afghanistan by propping up discredited warlords, but also extending their mischief into Central Asia.

News & Analysis

Rogue Regimes, US and Israel, Steal Oil and Gas

Waseem Shehzad

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

The US Empire and zionist Israel are based on theft of land and resources of others. Their latest robbery involves stealing Syria’s oil and Lebanon’s gas. This could easily escalate into war. Both sets of thieves need to be confronted to prevent their grand larceny.

News & Analysis

Is JCPOA’s Revival On The Cards?

Zafar Bangash

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

Recent media reports suggest that the parties to the JCPOA are moving toward its revival. The US had unilaterally walked out of the deal, repudiating its own signature, and even imposed additional sanctions on Iran. We look at the various options.

Main Stories

Israel on His Mind as Biden Heads to the Middle East

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14432022-07-01

Joe Biden will be heading to the Middle East later this month. He has made clear it is to secure Israel, meaning that he will push for Saudi recognition of the zionist entity. Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Mohammad bin Salman is desperate for rehabilitation following his involvement in the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi that made him an international pariah.

Main Stories

Ukraine War: US Defeats, Occupies and Humiliates Europe, Crushing Its Economy

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

America’s “help” to Ukraine is not so much aid as it is loans that have to be repaid. More critically, the US has used the conflict in Ukraine to crush Europe’s attempt to gain freedom from Uncle Sam’s deathly embrace. So much for US friendship.

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