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Keyword: al-Quds

Showing 21-35 of 35
Editor's Desk

Al-Quds, Hamas and Palestinian hunger strikers


Ramadan 06, 14382017-06-01

While al-Quds remains under Zionist occupation and 1600 Palestinian prisoners endure 45 days of a hunger strike, Hamas leadership under the influence of Arabian potentates all but abandons the struggle for the liberation of Palestine.

Daily News Analysis

The Black Banners of Khorasan: A Common Sense Interpretation

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 14382017-03-01

On one side of Khorasan, Iranian revolutionaries struck a blow against the US (capitalist) empire. On the other side, Afghan freedom fighters struck a blow against the Russian (communist) empire. Taken together, these events signaled the decline and fall of the two major Western imperial ideologies of the 19th and 20th centuries. Therefore the simplest and most obvious interpretation of the Khorasan ahadith is that the “Muslim army” that will liberate al-Quds is a unified army of the Islamic Awakening which emerged simultaneously from the two sides of Khorastan in 1979.

Letters To The Editor

Al Masjid al-Aqsa and Palestine

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 10, 14362015-01-01

With Muslims engrossed in the fitna created by the takfiris, the Zionists are busy tightening their grip on al-Masjid al-Aqsa and digging their claws deeper into Palestine.

Daily News Analysis

Zionist occupiers shut down al Aqsa Mosque and kill Palestinians

Crescent International

Muharram 06, 14362014-10-30

Even while encroaching on the Haram al-Sharif (the holy precinct) in al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Zionist occupiers have gone on a killing spree of unarmed Palestinians. At least two Palestinians were killed today following attack on an American-born extremist rabbi, Yehuda Glick who is leading the campaign to demolish Masjid al Aqsa and build in its place the so-called Third Jewish Temple.


Quds Day massacre in Nigeria

Zafar Bangash

Shawwal 04, 14352014-08-01

The Nigerian regime of Goodluck Jonathan is not only corrupt but also completely subservient to the zionists. To prove loyalty to his masters, his army perpetrated a bloodbath of peaceful participants in the Quds day rally.

Daily News Analysis

Nigerian army’s massacre of Quds rally participants

Crescent International

Shawwal 02, 14352014-07-30

The zionists are slaughtering innocent Palestinians in Gaza while their agents around the world are busy killing those that protest such crimes. This is what happened in Nigeria when the army opened fire on Quds Day rally participants killing 25 instantly. Another 12 people were arrested and executed at an army compound. The dead included three sons of Mallam Ibrahim Zakzaky, leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria.

Daily News Analysis

Toronto holds North America’s biggest Quds Day rally

Crescent International

Ramadan 29, 14352014-07-27

Toronto holds the biggest Quds Day rally in its history attended by people of all faiths--Muslims, Christians, Jews and others--in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine, especially in Gaza where they have faced a relentless barrage of Israeli bombs for more than three weeks. At least 1,000 Palestinians, 80 percent of them civilians, have been murdered by the zionists.


Significance of Quds Day rallies

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 03, 14352014-07-01

Every year, al-Quds rallies are held worldwide on the last Friday of Ramadan. They are important because they remind the Muslims as well as non-Muslims that the first qibla of Muslims remains under alien occupation. Its liberation is the responsibility of every Muslim.

News & Analysis

Zionist blackmail fails to stop Toronto Quds Rally

Khadijah Ali

Shawwal 24, 14342013-09-01

The annual Quds Day rallies have become a global phenomenon. In North America, Toronto holds by far the largest rally anywhere. At the same time, the rally has also attracted some unsavoury characters, like the Zionist thugs that want to disrupt it. They have failed and will continue to fail in the future as well, insha’Allah.

News & Analysis

Occupy the masjids to liberate them!

Salina Khan

Safar 19, 14342013-01-01

A masjid ought to be more than simply a fancy building where people just come to offer salat. Frustrated by lack of meaningful activities in the masjids, Salina Khan argues they ought to be occupied by activist Muslims to liberate them.

News & Analysis

The Global March to Jerusalem

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Jumada' al-Ula' 09, 14332012-04-01

Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world have converged on countries bordering Occupied Palestine in an attempt to march to al-Quds (Jerusalem) in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Called the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ).


The Ummah and al-Quds

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 22, 14312010-09-01

There was a time when every Muslim student instinctively knew about the significance of Masjid al-Aqsa (al-Quds), the first qiblah of Muslims. It was from there that the noble Messenger (pbuh) went on his mi‘raj in the twelfth year of his prophetic mission

Islamic Movement

Timeless truths on Israel and al-Quds: ‘temporary state... eternal capital’

Kalim Siddiqui

Rabi' al-Awwal 19, 14232002-06-01

The issues confronting the Islamic movement in Palestine today are not new. Here we reprint an editorial on the Israeli problem written for Crescent International by the late DR KALIM SIDDIQUI (r.a.) over twenty years ago.

Book Review

The importance of Al-Quds in Judaism and Islam

Crescent International

Rajab 22, 14201999-11-01

The plight of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) under Zionist occupation is one of the most serious issues facing Muslims in the world today, and is also inseparable from the wider issue of western hegemony over Muslim lands, societies and minds.

Occupied Arab World

Ethnic cleansing of Al-Quds continues apace

Khalil Marwan

Dhu al-Hijjah 14, 14191999-04-01

The Zionists’ altercation with the European Union (EU) over Al-Quds [Jerusalem] which hit newspaper headlines on March 11 was not merely about semantics. While the affair has domestic implications for the Zionists’ forthcoming polls on May 17, the issue is of far wider significance.

Showing 21-35 of 35

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