A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Mohamed Ousman


Islamic Movement

The Ascendant Qur’an (TAQ) And The Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Part I

Mohamed Ousman

Sha'ban 02, 14462025-02-01

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a reliable tool to assess the quality of translation of The Ascendant Qur’an. Further, AI is not intelligent enough to assess the profound of message contained therein.

Islamic Movement

Mullahs Imitate The Pharisees To Implement Non-Islamic Legalism: An Ideological Overview – Part 2

Mohamed Ousman

Sha'ban 02, 14462025-02-01

Any society, including one comprising a plurality of Muslims, will not meet the standards of being Islamic unless it is governed by the laws—moral, ethical and legal—ordained by Allah in the noble Qur’an.

News & Analysis

The Ascendant Qur’an: A Masterful English Translation – Part II

Mohamed Ousman

Sha'ban 02, 14462025-02-01

The Ascendant Qur'an is a masterful English translation that transcends traditional approach to the understanding of the noble Book. The translator's mastery of both Arabic and English makes this a unique translation in the large body of English translations.

Islamic Movement

Mullahs Imitate The Pharisees To Implement Non-Islamic Legalism: A Seerah Overview

Mohamed Ousman

Rajab 01, 14462025-01-01

Islamic laws cannot be implemented in society when the Muslims’ hearts are not attached to Allah. This is a lesson that comes across most clearly from the Muslims’ 13-year struggle in Makkah. The emphasis was not on rituals—there were none—it was an ideological struggle.

Islamic Movement

The Islamic Movement Perspective On Muslim Personal Law Legislation In South Africa

Mohamed Ousman

Rajab 01, 14462025-01-01

If Muslims want to implement Islam in their lives, they cannot use un/anti-Islamic tools to do so. They must clarify their thought processes and cleanse their thinking. The clergy class in South Africa is guilty of using un-Islamic tools to implement Islamic laws. It will not work.

Daily News Analysis

Syria heading for Sectarian Civil War and Subsequent Balkanization

Mohamed Ousman

Jumada' al-Akhirah 26, 14462024-12-28

Daily News Analysis

Maulana Tariq Jamil targeted by South Africa's zionist Muslims

Mohamed Ousman

Jumada' al-Akhirah 20, 14462024-12-22

Daily News Analysis

Muslims Limp From Christian Crusades to Sectarian Crusades, Lessons Lost

Mohamed Ousman

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14462024-12-10

Daily News Analysis

Did Russia Betray the Islamic Resistance and What to Expect next?

Mohamed Ousman

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14462024-12-10

News & Analysis

Launch of The Ascendant Qur’an Translation In South Africa

Mohamed Ousman

Rabi' al-Thani 29, 14462024-11-01

The English only version of the translation of The Ascendant Qur’an was launched in South Africa last month. All available copies were sold out with demand for more copies. We urge readers to assist in this noble cause by supporting the effort in sponsoring copies.

News & Analysis

Why The Islamic Republic in Iran is Islamic

Mohamed Ousman

Rabi' al-Awwal 27, 14462024-10-01

The Islamic Republic in Iran is Islamic because it refuses to compromise on Islamic principles for the sake of financial or political gains from the forces of kufr, shirk and dhulm. It is paying a huge price but has remained steadfast.

News & Analysis

Opposition To The Islamic State Then And Opposition To It Now

Mohamed Ousman

Rabi' al-Awwal 27, 14462024-10-01

The munafiqeen and a Christian priest established Masjid ad-Dirar, to rival Masjid al-Nabawi. Allah revealed to His Prophet to demolish it. Today the Muslim world is full of Masajid al-Dirar built by munafiq rulers. Will today’s Muslims follow the Prophetic sunnah.

News & Analysis

Zionists, Imperialists And Their Sectarian Clergy-class

Mohamed Ousman

Safar 27, 14462024-09-01

Treacherous Arab tribal chiefs and reactionary Turkish nationalist, Mustafa Kamal drove the nationalist dagger deep into the heart of the Ummah-concept. The Islamic revolution in Iran gave hope to the Muslims but the sectarian clergy class is undermining Islamic revival.

Islamic Movement

The Role Of Ulama In Society: South Africa’s Case

Mohamed Ousman

Muharram 26, 14462024-08-01

The ulama are supposed to be successors to the Prophet. They can only perform this role if they follow the teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah and Seerah. If they follow taghuti powers for short-term worldly gains, they betray the trust of the masses.

Islamic Movement

The Islamic Movement: Rebuilding The Trust

Mohamed Ousman

Muharram 26, 14462024-08-01

The Islamic movement is the natural platform to pursue and advance the Islamic agenda in all spheres of life: political, social and economic. It needs the building of trust but this will not be possible if Muslims play politics with Allah’s Deen.

News & Analysis

US, west facilitate break-up of Sudan

Mohamed Ousman

Muharram 26, 14322011-01-01

Barring some unforeseen problems, South Sudan will hold its referendum on January 9, 2011 and almost certainly secede from the North. The largest country in Africa would have been dealt a terrible blow whose consequences will reverberate for decades.

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