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Daily News Analysis

Syria heading for Sectarian Civil War and Subsequent Balkanization

Mohamed Ousman

The zionists and imperialists have succeeded in their regime change project in Syria through support of a number of proxies within Hay’at Tahrir Al Shaam (HTS).

The tragedy of the Syrian people continues as they pass from one brutal regime to the next.

The power in Syria has passed on through a military coup.

The Asad family came to power through a military coup as has HTS, an umbrella group constituted by a number of different ideologies and players ranging from sincere and committed Muslims to bigoted sectarians.

It appears that the rebranding and name this umbrella group adopts depends upon which faction the zionists and imperialists prefer to support.

The dominant front group in this ever evolving situation is currently HTS.

Previously (until 2016), the dominant front group operated under the brand of Jabhat Al Nusrah, ISIS and Al Qa’ida.

What brought them together was their common goal to rid Syria of its non-representative brutal government.

Their handlers—mainly Israel, United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar—learnt from previous crimes and improvised their strategy such that organ eating and beheadings will no longer be done in front of the camera.

In order to derive maximum benefit from this regime change project their handlers have determined that a moderate image is required. Hence, cosmetic changes to trimmed and tidy beards as well as three-piece suits became necessary.

However, despite this moderate makeover, away from the cameras it appears that sectarian bloodshed and crimes are beginning to resurface.

Usually, the first step to ethnic cleansing and genocide is dehumanization of human beings.

Among those targeted are former Syrian Army soldiers and minorities and civilians who shared the Alawi ideology.

It needs to be mentioned that the lame-stream/main-stream corporate media is complicit in covering up these sectarian crimes through active removal of content.

Kurdish women are disappearing and being kidnapped by the Turks, the primary backers of HTS.

While the zionist Israeli invasion of Syrian territory continues, even “religious” symbols have not been spared by the ‘moderate’ rebels.

In this instance, HTS had to pin the blame on rogue elements within it and apologize in order to keep the make-up on their ‘moderate’ faces. The Syrian Ministry of Information, now under these ‘moderates’, tweeted that it is prohibited to publish content of a sectarian nature rather than prohibit the crimes and punish the perpetrators.

A tweet that sectarian cleansing should continue clandestinely was made initially by a relative of Abdullah Azzam.

Ahmad Al Shara’a Al Jolani recently met Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and alluded to what is to follow when he stealthily blamed Iran for problems in the region.

What is to be expected in the immediate aftermath of the regime change in Syria is that sectarian strife will continue to be characterized as “isolated incidents” while the new regime attempts to strengthen its grip on the institutions of state.

The ministries of education and information will be the key ministries through which soft-power will be used to drive the sectarian agenda.

Thereafter, it is likely that such sectarian killings and ethnic cleansing will gradually become more frequent, should dissenters refuse to leave Syria or fail to acquiesce to the new regime.

The key question is: what end is the sectarian strife geared towards?

The zionist and imperial hand will work actively on all sides to raise tensions among different ethnicities to increase mistrust and persecution such that those excluded from state power will recoil into their narrow identities and regroup along these lines.

This could push the Alawites to regroup along the Mediterranean Coast of Syria, the Druze in the south, the Kurds in the North East and what remains of Syria will be occupied by the Sunnis.

This carving up of Syria facilitates the zionist and imperialist strategy to further divide and weaken Syria to the extent that it will never be a threat to their colonial project as is the case when Arabia was divided into impotent Arabian/tribal fiefdoms.

It, therefore, remains an existential imperative that the people of the Levant, (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan—all artificial creations of western colonial powers), work around the clock to reconstitute their pre-colonial reality, guard against division and reject support from Israel, the United States and their sidekicks, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

There shall be no coercion in matters of faith [conviction]. Distinct has now become the rightly mature way from [the way of] erroneousness; hence, he who rejects the powers of inordinate and unbridled power structures and commits to Allah has indeed taken hold of a support most unfailing …. (The Ascendant Qur’an, Surat Al Baqarah, verse 256).

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