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Islamic Movement

The Role Of Ulama In Society: South Africa’s Case

Mohamed Ousman

Image Source - Pixabay Free Content.

Have they not read Allah’s Words: “And do not incline toward, and do not rely upon, those who are set on injustice lest the Fire [of the hereafter] touch you: for [then] you would have none to protect you from Allah, nor would you ever be supported [by Him]” (The Ascendant Qur’an, Surah Hud, verse 113).

Where are the ulama to put these guiding words of Allah into the context of political strategy? What is the way forward for the Muslims of South Africa?

Where did this piece-meal deen and formula for power-sharing come from? Should Muslims continue salivating between two year/local elections and five year/national elections?

Should Muslims keep shuffling and reshuffling what’s on offer without an independent Islamic vision and strategy ... without Islam, in effect? Should the Muslims funding the ANC continue to throw crumbs to smaller political parties so they serve the ANC?

Leading to elections that were held at the end of May, one Muslim party leader said, “before I left I greeted him and said, Mr. President, I’m waiting for your call and I’m ready to serve”. Should the Muslim political parties disband, stop abusing the misery and suffering of the people of Palestine for votes and (re)join the Islamic Movement?

As straight forward as some of the answers are supposed to be, unfortunately, it is not that simple as most Muslims have problems with Islamic solutions. Few Muslims are up for the task of spade work. They prefer being parachuted into high office to eat off the zionist menu on behalf of the oppressed people of South Africa.

Yet for others, the solution is simple.

We do what Allah’s Prophet did through 13 long years of hard struggle in Makkah.

We build the Islamic Movement with its independent worldview as well as working relationships with the oppressed peoples as movements not political parties.

Political parties should be avoided as much as possible, especially the ANC that cannot make-up it’s mind as to whether it is a ruling political party or a political movement.

It meets the zionists as government but meets the Muslims as a movement. It flip-flops and somersaults between these positions for political expediency.

It cannot be over-emphasized that Muslims must urgently reinvest their time, energy and resources into rebuilding the independent Islamic movement and cultivating working relationships with other oppressed movements so that this nightmare of having to endlessly carry the begging bowl to newcomers who take over the changing political fortunes from others can come to an end.

There’s a serious need for Muslims to get rid of our previous strategy of subservience and sycophancy. The inferiority embedded in minority/fiqh al aqalliyaat and nationalism/fiqh al mawatanah must fall!

Another correct step is to disband these political parties claiming to be Islamic. There is general ignorance regarding Islamic politics and ideology for which we go back to Allah’s Words and His Prophet’s implementation, not a secular liberal constitution.

The ANC has not been able to do anything effective to change the political and economic system despite having a two-thirds majority at one time. In their heydays within the ANC, Muslims had an acting President, many ministers and senior figures. They achieved nothing.

It defies logic to think that Muslims can achieve anything strategic out of 1% or 2% that currently is in disarray. The political process is utterly controlled.

The ruling Party is controlled. The opposition is controlled. The traditional leaders are a 50:50 space. The clergy-class are controlled.

Instead of taking Islam to the political leaders, they bring political leaders and their agenda to the Muslims. They are trying to co-opt civil society as well (even though the clergy-class are already co-opted).

It is the last segment that still can change the game... we don’t know for how long this will be the case.

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 54, No. 6

Muharram 26, 14462024-08-01

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