In their genocidal war on Gaza, the zionists have targeted Palestinian children. The aim is to wipe out even the next generation of Palestinians.
Notwithstanding the vile anti-Palestinian propaganda, International Law and UN resolutions authorize people under occupation to resist their occupiers by any means necessary. This is precisely what the Palestinians are doing.
Israel has not only been defeated militarily but also suffered political and geostrategic defeat in Gaza. The mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians merely reflects its frustration.
‘Uthman, the third successor to the Prophet (pbuh), opened the Treasury to benefit the people. It led to the emergence of a class of people who thought it was their right to expect large stipends. The consequences were disastrous for the Ummah.
Not only is Uncle Sam being driven out of the rest of the world, the Empire is also in deep trouble at home. The travails of two geriatric men, and a lady of color reflect its problems.
American politicians never lose an opportunity to lecture others about the “ruled-based” global order. The US, however, follows no rules. The torture camp at Guantanamo Bay is reflective of American hypocrisy and gangsterism.
NATO was created during the west’s rivalry with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War. The Soviet Union is no more. It is time to disband NATO, too. Yet the western warmongers appear in no mood to do so.
Pakistan was created amid great hopes even if its birth was marked by much bloodshed and mayhem. The mafias led by the military that have hijacked its polity have driven it into the ground. Its very survival is at risk. Pity the people of Pakistan.
Three years after a chaotic US withdrawal, Afghanistan under the Taliban finds itself at the crossroads of competing global influences. Their relations with China, Russia, and Iran reflect a strategic pragmatism aimed at securing economic and political stability.
There is heightened speculation about the BRICS bloc creating its own currency to replace the US dollar. While US sanctions have antagonized many countries, most of them BRICS members, much work needs to be done to create a viable currency.
The ulama are supposed to be successors to the Prophet. They can only perform this role if they follow the teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah and Seerah. If they follow taghuti powers for short-term worldly gains, they betray the trust of the masses.
The Islamic movement is the natural platform to pursue and advance the Islamic agenda in all spheres of life: political, social and economic. It needs the building of trust but this will not be possible if Muslims play politics with Allah’s Deen.