Emboldened by the execution of 37 innocent people in April, Bani Saud now plan to execute more people after Ramadan among them some leading Islamic scholars.
There are no good kings, period! For court cleric to try and present them in a positive light sets a bad example for Muslims everywhere.
If Muslims were to remove their sectarian blinkers, they will discover that a Sunni is a Shi’i and a Shi’i is a Sunni.
It would be tempting but wrong to assume that Islamophobia is peddled only by white extremists. There are powerful forces behind the scenes, many of them Zionists that are financing the nasty work of frontline donkeys!
From Toronto City Hall to the provincial assemblies of Ontario and Quebec, Islamophobia is being given official sanction. In Toronto, the Zionists have been pushing for a ban on Al Quds Rally. While not entirely successful, the craven manner in which City politicians have accommodated their racist demands shows which way the wind is blowing.
The Zionists are furiously trying to take over al Majid al Aqsa, the first qibla of Muslims. In violation of their own laws, they have trespassed on the holy sanctuary on numerous occasions aided and abetted by heavily armed Israeli soldiers.
Five-year-old Aisha Lulu living in Gaza’s al-Bureij locality had brain tumor and needed surgery at al-Maqasid Hospital in Jerusalem. The Zionists refused to give her mother a visa to go with her. A stranger took her but the poor child died soon after returning because of the trauma that she suffered, showing the Zionists callousness.
After huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf for several weeks against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Donald Trump was forced to make a climb-down. On a visit to Tokyo on May 27, Trump said he was not after “regime change” in Iran; he only wanted to make sure they do not have nuclear weapons. Iran does not, but who gave Trump the right to decide that anyway?
Pakistan debt continues to climb and going to the IMF for another bailout package is not a good omen for the future.
The rise of far right parties in Europe and indeed even in North America reflects the moral and political decline of the West.
Hiding under the protective umbrella of imperialism and Zionism, the Bani Saud are moving full speed ahead with the crimes both at home and abroad.
Surprising as it may sound, there is a strong pro-Israeli bias in the Russian media.
China’s Belt and Road initiative is not the only game in town. There is a road and rail link planned between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey that would have much positive impact on the development of the region.
Zalmay Khalilzad is a hardcore neo-con. Born in Afghanistan he went to the US as a teenager and immediately fell in love with it. Now he is busy betraying the country where he was born in order to advance the US’ imperialist agenda.
The SNC-Lavalin scandal does not seem to be going away but what it shows is that Western politicians are quite happy to consort with third world dictators if it advances their material interests.
Six rounds of talks have been held between the Taliban and US representatives in Doha, Qatar. Based on Western media reports, most people are under the impression that the talks are aimed at securing a safe withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.
It was heartening to read in CI (May 2019) that Yemen’s revolutionary fighters have scored major hits against Saudi invaders.
Most Muslims yearn for unity even if they are not fully aware of how to achieve it.
While much of the Western world has been extolling the nonexistent virtues of Indian democracy, one aspect hitherto overlooked is the number of candidates facing serious criminal charges.