A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Zionists

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Main Stories

Zionist Baby Killers

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Muharram 26, 14462024-08-01

In their genocidal war on Gaza, the zionists have targeted Palestinian children. The aim is to wipe out even the next generation of Palestinians.

Main Stories

Shaikh Sudais Desecrates Masjid al Haram by Kowtowing to Zionists

Kevin Barrett

Safar 14, 14422020-10-01

It is a sad reflection of the Muslim world that some court ulama are prepared to distort the teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah to appease their paymasters. And they do so from the most sacred Mosque, al-Masjid al Haram in Makkah.

News & Analysis

Arabian Dinosaurs Rush to Embrace Zionist Occupiers of Palestine

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

Fearing for survival, the Arabian potentates have openly embraced the Zionist occupiers of Palestine. Decades of behind the scene dealings have now been publicly admitted. The Islamic strugglers’ task has been simplified.

Main Stories

‘Deal of the Century’ or Recipe for Disaster?

Ayman Ahmed

Rajab 06, 14412020-03-01

Donald Trump is desperate to get re-elected as US president in the November 2020 elections. Aware that he would need the support of the Israeli lobby in the US, he is willing to give them anything they want and then some. His so-called deal of the century is part of this plan but far from bringing peace, it will lead to more chaos and turmoil in the region.

Special Reports

Financiers of the Islamophobia Industry

Hayy Yaqzan

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

Islamophobia not only poses an existential threat to Muslims it is also growing because some very powerful figures are financing it. Most of them are hardcore Zionists.


Condescending and discriminatory Beliefs are of Satan — Not Allah

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14402019-01-01

Exposing the Zionists and Bani Saud as bosom pals and enemies of Allah, the Muslims and of humanity at large.


Rising American violence: Images and Reality

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14402019-01-01

Violence is as American as apple pie. The country with the largest military budget by far has caused great mayhem abroad while Americans continue to kill each other in large numbers.

Main Stories

Syria Endgame

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Thani 24, 14402019-01-01

The imperialist-Zionist regime change plot has been defeated in Syria but it may be premature to celebrate total victory until Zionism has also been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Daily News Analysis

Toronto Holds North America’s Largest Quds Day Rally Despite Zionist Blackmail And Attempted Disruption

Crescent International

Ramadan 25, 14392018-06-10

In keeping with its tradition of hosting the largest Quds Day rally in North America, Toronto once again maintained this position on June 9.

Daily News Analysis

Zionists Spread Lies About Toronto Quds Day Rally

Crescent International

Ramadan 23, 14392018-06-08

The annual Quds Day rally has got the Zionists all riled up. Unable to prevent the marh despite using illegal tactics, they have resorted to spreading lies about it.

News & Analysis

The Weaponization of Human Rights

Kevin Barrett

Sha'ban 15, 14392018-05-01

Human rights are a tool used by the imperialists and zionists to advance their nefarious agenda worldwide. They have nothing to do with helping the victims.

News & Analysis

Islamophobia: Neocon-Zionist PR Campaign Bears Strange Fruit

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14392018-03-01

The alarming rise in Islamophobic attacks in the US is related to manipulation of public perception about the need for perpetual scapegoats and the imaginary threat of Muslims.

News & Analysis

Treacherous Arabian rulers

Waseem Shehzad

Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 14382017-09-01

The Bani Saud’s alliance with the Bani Israel became public recently but the history of Arabian rulers’ treachery against Islam and Muslims dates back more than a century.

News & Analysis

Muslim on the outside, Zionist/Imperialist on the inside

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 14382017-03-01

The Arabian rulers have exposed themselves by their unrelenting hostility towards the Islamic Republic when they should have embraced it. These hypocrites put on the appearance of being Muslims but are in reality stooges of Zionism and imperialism.


New Hamas leadership to renew resistance


Jumada' al-Akhirah 02, 14382017-03-01

Hamas’ new leader in Gaza, Yahya al-Sinwar is a veteran of armed resistance and has spent many decades in Israeli dungeons. Under his leadership, the resistance front is expected to be re-activated after a period of quietude.

Daily News Analysis

Thousands pack Toronto streets for Quds Day Rally

Crescent International

Ramadan 28, 14372016-07-03

This year's Quds Day rally in Toronto again attracted thousands including Christian and Jewish speakers who condemned Zionist crimes against the innocent Palestinians. Starting in a park north of Queens Park because the Zionist-dominated provincial government and security establishment refused permission to use the legislative grounds for the start of the rally, participants marched through the streets to the US consulate.

Letters To The Editor

Saudi Zionists

Ahmed Ali Khan

Rabi' al-Thani 11, 14362015-02-01

The Saudis are not only cousins of the Zionists but are actually Zionists themselves.

Showing 1-20 of 28

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