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Keyword: Toronto (Canada)

Showing 1-20 of 25
Daily News Analysis

Walking in Toronto to support genocide in Gaza

Khadijah Ali

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14452024-06-09

Daily News Analysis

2024 - Historic al-Quds Day

Eric Walberg

Ramadan 28, 14452024-04-07

Daily News Analysis

Zionist terrorism in the streets of Toronto!

Crescent International

Shawwal 02, 14422021-05-14

Editor's Desk

Quds Day, Toronto City Hall, and Racism


Jumada' al-Akhirah 24, 14402019-04-01

Under pressure from pro-Israeli groups, Toronto City Hall has come out swinging against the annual Quds Day rally and want to deny it public space that the fascists, racist, zionists and white supremacists enjoy without any hindrance.

Daily News Analysis

Canadian rally condemns Zionist siege of Masjid al Aqsa

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 05, 14382017-07-29

Canadians from all walks of life participated in a rally outside the Israeli consulate in Toronto on Saturday July 29 to condemn the Zionist siege of Masjid al Aqsa. Participants included Muslims, Christians and Jews. Among the latter group there was also a large contingent of rabbis.

Letters To The Editor

Zionist hysteria over Quds Rally

Ahmed Mohamad Ali

Shawwal 27, 14372016-08-01

Reader Ahmed Mohamad Ali explains why the Zionists are getting hysterical about the success of Quds rallies in Toronto.

Daily News Analysis

Toronto rally condemns Indian army killings of innocent Kashmiris

Crescent International

Shawwal 11, 14372016-07-16

There has been widespread revulsion at Indian crimes in Kashmir. Over the past two weeks, there has again been an escalation in violence by the Indian army of occupation against innocent Kashmiris. Hundreds of Canadians of all backgrounds also added their voices to condemn the violence and brutality unleashed by the Indian occupation army on the Kashmiri people. A rally was held outside the Indian Consulate July 16 to condemn India.

Daily News Analysis

Thousands pack Toronto streets for Quds Day Rally

Crescent International

Ramadan 28, 14372016-07-03

This year's Quds Day rally in Toronto again attracted thousands including Christian and Jewish speakers who condemned Zionist crimes against the innocent Palestinians. Starting in a park north of Queens Park because the Zionist-dominated provincial government and security establishment refused permission to use the legislative grounds for the start of the rally, participants marched through the streets to the US consulate.

Daily News Analysis

Toronto rally condemns army massacre of Muslims in Nigeria

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 07, 14372015-12-19

The massacre of Muslims may have occurred in Nigeria but it aroused the concern of people from all walks of life worldwide. Rallies protesting the horrific massacre have been held in London (UK), Washington DC and New York (US) and Toronto (Canada). There have also been protest rallies in Iran, Pakistan, India and a host of other countries. In each locale, there were calls for the arrest and trial of the Nigerian army chief Tukur Buratai.

Daily News Analysis

Thousands rally in Toronto, and across Canada against Bill C-51

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Ula' 23, 14362015-03-14

Canadians from all walks of life denounced today Stephen Harper's fear mongering and Islamophobic bill that is being rushed through parliament. Rallies were held in Toronto and 70 other cities attended by tens of thousands of people. It was the strongest expression yet of the rejection of the politics of hate and fear mongering by the right wing Conservative party.

Daily News Analysis

Canadian Peace Alliance

Crescent International

Shawwal 14, 14352014-08-11

Torontonians come out in the thousands and from all faiths and walks of life to denounce zionist crimes in Gaza. Following Sunday's rally, they vowed to continue the struggle until the siege of Gaza is completely lifted and zionist occupation of Palestine is ended.​​​​​​​

Daily News Analysis

Thousands pack Toronto streets for Gaza rally

Crescent International

Shawwal 14, 14352014-08-11

Torontonians come out in the thousands and from all faiths and walks of life to denounce zionist crimes in Gaza. Following Sunday's rally, they vowed to continue the struggle until the siege of Gaza is completely lifted and zionist occupation of Palestine is ended.

Daily News Analysis

Torontonians prepare for massive rally as pro-Gaza rallies held worldwide

Crescent International

Shawwal 12, 14352014-08-09

The zionist regime's vile propaganda is no longer accepted by people, as the worldwide rallies show. Toronto is gearing up for its own massive rally on Sunday August 10 outside the Israeli consulate. The American consulate has issued a warning to its citizens to avoid the rally and to not take photos or videos because of possible backlash against US policy of blind support for Israeli war crimes.

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