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Daily News Analysis

Torontonians prepare for massive rally as pro-Gaza rallies held worldwide

Crescent International

The zionist regime's vile propaganda is no longer accepted by people, as the worldwide rallies show. Toronto is gearing up for its own massive rally on Sunday August 10 outside the Israeli consulate. The American consulate has issued a warning to its citizens to avoid the rally and to not take photos or videos because of possible backlash against US policy of blind support for Israeli war crimes.

Toronto, Crescent-online
Saturday August 09, 2014, 20:27 DST

Tens of thousands of people are expected to attend a Toronto rally against Zionist crimes in Gaza. The rally scheduled for 2:30 pm on Sunday August 10 outside the Israeli consulate in downtown Toronto is sponsored by a number of peace and anti-war groups. Students and labor groups as well as Palestinian, Arab and Muslim organizations have also endorsed the rally and are expected to be present in large numbers.

Called at short notice, the rally has already attracted wide attention. It is likely to be one of the largest rallies held in Toronto in recent years. On July 26, the annual Quds Day rally attracted more than 25,000 people and filled University Ave from Queens Park to the US Consulate two km away.

Sunday’s rally is likely to fill Bloor Street, a main shopping area near the intersection of University Avenue. A number of anti-war, peace activists and Muslim and Palestinian speakers will address the rally.

The ongoing protests against Zionist crimes in Gaza show that the world is no longer taken in by Zionist propaganda even if regimes in Washington, Ottawa and London continue to support Israeli crimes.

The Zionist regime has continued its onslaught on Gaza killing at least seven Palestinians even today raising the total number of Palestinians killed so far to 1920. At least 30 air strikes were launched against the Palestinians trapped in tiny Gaza.

Rallies held worldwide today included 160,000 attending in London (UK) with similar tens of thousands attending rallies in Cape Town (South Africa), Barcelona (Spain), Paris (France) and even in Santiago (Chile). There were also rallies in several American cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Boston.

In Canada, the small industrial town of Hamilton west of Toronto with a strong anti-war movement has emerged as a leading place for pro-Palestinian rallies. Hamiltonians held a rally today outside City Hall.

In Asia, there were rallies in Karachi (Pakistan), Mumbai (India), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Jakarta (Indonesia). Everywhere, tens of thousands of people participated denouncing Zionist crimes and demanding an immediate end to the siege of Gaza.

The British Foreign Office Minister Baroness Seyyeda Warsi who resigned in protest against the British government’s policy of supporting Zionist crimes has gained widespread support across Britain and the globe. Peace activists globally have applauded her courageous move that has put to shame the pathetic Arab rulers. These agents of imperialism and zionism have openly supported Zionist crimes against the Palestinians.

In Cairo meanwhile Hamas representatives said they would not participate in any further talks unless the Zionist regime and the Egyptian regime lift the siege of Gaza that has choked the tiny enclave since 2007.

The zionists have not only besieged Gaza but have also bombed people’s homes, schools, hospitals, media buildings, centers for the disabled as well as the sole power generating plant in Gaza. Mosques have also been targeted; of the 110 mosques bombed so far, 66 have been destroyed completely.

Of the 1920 Palestinians murdered by the zionists since July 8, at least 80 percent are civilians that include 432 children.

The zionists continue to perpetrate war crimes and crimes against humanity. The world, however, is no longer prepared to remain silent in the face of such crimes even if western officials continue to advance scandalous excuses for them.


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