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Keyword: Toronto (Canada)

Showing 21-25 of 25
Daily News Analysis

Toronto prepares for biggest-ever Quds Day rally in history

Crescent International

Ramadan 16, 14352014-07-14

Zionist Israel's brutal assault has exposed yet again the criminal nature of this illegitimate entity. People of conscience throughout the world have protested such brutalities. This year's Quds Day rallies held over the last weekend of Ramadan are expected to draw tens of thousands. Toronto has the honor of hosting massive rallies each year. This year's would be historic.

Daily News Analysis

Thousands rally in Toronto against Zionist barbarism in Gaza

Crescent International

Ramadan 14, 14352014-07-12

Thousands at Toronto rally slam Israeli crimes and the Harper regime's shameless support for them. Tiny Gaza has been under attack again since July 8. The zionists have murdered at least 125 Palestinians, most of them civilians, especially children.

Daily News Analysis

Toronto’s historic International Solidarity Conference on Kashmir

Crescent International

Sha'ban 20, 14372014-05-27

The issue of Kashmir may be ignored by the UN and other organizations and countries but not by committed people--Muslims as well as non-Muslims--that want to ensure that the gross injustices perpetrated against the Kashmiri people for several decades should not be buried under the debris of history. On May 24, the Friends of Kashmir organized an international conference in Toronto addressed by an array of international speakers.

Daily News Analysis

Kashmiris’ legal, human rights discussed at Toronto Seminar

Crescent International

Muharram 20, 14352013-11-24

Kashmir dispute is the longest unresolved issue facing the world. The rights of the Kashmiri people to self-determination have been denied since the problem arose in October 1947. Unfortunately, there is little information about the dispute outside a core of Kashmiri activists and the people of Pakistan. The Toronto seminar was meant to break this situation by bringing together a vast array of speakers to highlight the issue.

Daily News Analysis

Toronto’s image takes battering with porn arrests

Crescent International

Muharram 10, 14352013-11-14

Toronto--and by extension--Canada had a good reputation. No more. A child pornographic ring has just been busted in Toronto as well as several other countries. The pornographic company was based in Toronto. These revelations come on the heels of scandals involving Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (shown in photo) who has admitted to taking illegal drugs, and drunk driving. He refuses to resign.

Showing 21-25 of 25

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