Toronto, Saturday July 29, 2017
Canadians from all walks of life participated in a rally outside the Israeli consulate in Toronto on Saturday July 29 to condemn the Zionist siege of Masjid al Aqsa. Participants included Muslims, Christians and Jews. Among the latter group there was also a large contingent of rabbis.
Being Sabbath, the Rabbis were unable to speak directly but a statement was read on their behalf in which they affirmed that the Zionist regime does not represent all the Jewish people. In fact, they do not even represent the majority of Jews. They called for understanding and peace between people of all faiths, unlike the brutal Zionists.
The large array of speakers, again representing different faith communities condemned Zionist crimes in and around Masjid al Aqsa as well as the complicity of Western regimes, including Canada by their silence in the face of Zionist crimes. Some speakers also took the Toronto police to task for refusing to allow a high volume sound system so that speakers could be heard properly among the huge crowd.
The police put forward the excuse that such high volume sound was not permitted between 2 – 6 pm. It needs recalling that during the Quds rally in Ramadan in Toronto, the Jewish Defence League (JDL), a bunch of violent Zionist extremists had brought huge speakers blaring music and other obscenities during the Quds Day rally. The police did nothing to stop them from spewing hatred yet when it came to people standing up for the rights of the Palestinian and Muslim peoples, the police advanced this ludicrous excuse.
The Zionists have laid siege to Masjid al Aqsa since July 14. At least 10 Palestinians have been killed during this time and hundreds injured. Muslims have also been denied access to al-Masjid al Aqsa to offer prayers, including the main weekly prayer on Friday. This is in complete violation of the Zionists’ agreement with the Government of Jordan signed in July 1994 under which a Waqf would administer the affairs of Masjid al Aqsa. The Jordanian government would be in charge of the Waqf.
After two weeks of massive protests by the residents of Jerusalem, the Zionists were forced to lift the siege—they had installed turnstiles as well as metal detectors and imposed an arbitrary age limit of 40 years on Palestinian males barring their entry into the Noble Sanctuary—on July 27. While theoretically the Zionist siege was lifted, the same day 37 Palestinians were injured when they came to pray.
The Zionists have continued their attacks against unarmed Palestinian Muslims. The people of Jerusalem, however, shown remarkable determination in the face of such Zionist crimes and forced both their own leadership as well as the Zionists to take notice.
It would be wrong to assume that the Zionists would give up their nefarious designs of trying to undermine the Noble Sanctuary because they allege this to be the site of their second temple that was destroyed in 70 CE by the Romans. They want to destroy al Masjid al Aqsa, the Dome of the Rock and other structures in the Noble Sanctuary so that they could build their mythical third temple.
In this criminal enterprise, the Zionists have the full backing of all the Western regimes. The dictatorial Arabian regimes are also aligned with the Zionists and have maintained a deathly silence in the face of grave threats to the Noble Sanctuary.
Only the determined efforts of Muslims and other people committed to peace and justice would be able to protect the Noble Sanctuary. The Toronto rally of July 29 was, therefore, an important stand in support of this noble cause.