Despite suffering setbacks, the Lebanese Islamic resistance movement Hizbullah has shown remarkable resilience. The movement is not personality-based. Rather, it is rooted in ideology based on the Islamic faith.
A ceasefire of sorts has gone into effect between the zionist war criminals and Hizbullah in Lebanon. While observers are debating whether it would hold, what is certain is that the zionists have lost and Netanyahu wants to save his thick hide from further humiliation.
That Hamas and Hizbullah cannot match the fire power of the zionists is a given. But they more than make up for their lack of material possessions with faith, determination and a willingness to sacrifice their lives. This is something the zionist war criminals cannot match.
Netanyahu’s two objectives in intensifying the war on Hizbullah in Lebanon are to separate it from the Palestinian struggle in Gaza, and assuage public anger over his failure to return the squatters to their settlements in Occupied North Palestine. He will fail in both.
Muslims unfamiliar with ground realities in West Asia want to see Islamic Iran and Hizbullah launch a full-scale war on Israel. This would play into Israel and US hands. Like a frog in a pot, Israel is being boiled slowly. It will wear it down leading to its demise.
Should Israel make the blunder of launching a full-scale war against Hizbullah in Lebanon, it will receive a very harsh response. The illegitimate entity may not be able to survive the punishment it will receive.