A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Hizbullah

Showing 21-40 of 144
Daily News Analysis

Israel’s Armenia policy and its Lebanese angle

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 15, 14422020-11-01

Daily News Analysis

Israel's illegal strikes kill 11 in Syria

Ayman Ahmed

Muharram 14, 14422020-09-02

News & Analysis

America’s Long List of Enemies!

Abdul Haqq ibn Omar

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

America’s list of enemies is not only long, it keeps growing. It is America’s systemic need. By conjuring up fear of real or imagined enemies, the US Deep state keeps diverting trillions of dollars from development toward armaments to further enrich the oligarchs

Daily News Analysis

Israel overplayed its hand and suffered a political setback

Crescent International

Dhu al-Hijjah 06, 14412020-07-27

News & Analysis

Economic Warfare on Syria

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

The latest round of Western sanctions on Syria are meant to starve the people and push them to a point where they will rise up against the government. This is likely to fail, as have previous attempts even if it creates much misery for ordinary Syrians in the short-term.


When Goliath is an Israel and David is a Muslim

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Ula' 06, 14412020-01-01

Zionist Israel and their backers are in panic mode. They witness the rise of Islamic Iran and the Resistance axis with alarm and feel the heat. In their desperation, they might trigger a war with Islamic Iran that would put paid to the illegitimate entity in Occupied Palestine.

Daily News Analysis

Hizbullah inflicts humiliating defeat on Israel

Crescent International

Muharram 04, 14412019-09-03

News & Analysis

Netanyahu’s war crimes

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 02, 14412019-09-01

Benjamin Netanyahu is a nasty creature and a compulsive liar. In order to enhance his chances of successes at the poll, he is prepared to kill not only people in other countries but also his own. Such are the ways of criminal politicians!


Shifting Global Alliances


Safar 23, 14402018-11-01

The world is changing fast. This can be witnessed in the new alliances that are emerging to challenge US hegemony.


US-Zionist Threats Against Iran and Hizbullah


Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

While there is marked increase in threats from the US and Zionist Israel against Islamic Iran and Hizbullah, should either of the aggressors blunder into launching an attack, they will find the outcome very grim for them.

Editor's Desk

Hizbullah-led Alliance Wins in Lebanon


Ramadan 16, 14392018-06-01

In the confessional ridden political set-up in Lebanon, the Hizbullah-led alliance still emerged on top despite US, Zionist and Saudi manipulation and disruption.

Daily News Analysis

Hizbullah-led Alliance Wins Majority in Lebanese Election

Crescent International

Sha'ban 22, 14392018-05-08

The people of Lebanon voted for stability and security in the parliamentary elections giving the Hizbullah-led alliance a comfortable majority with 67 out of 128 seats.

Special Reports

Resistance to Hegemony

Zaakir Ahmed Mayet

Rabi' al-Awwal 12, 14392017-12-01

Hizbullah has shown how to resist the Zionists and defeat them at their own game. The colonial order imposed on the Middle East is being successfully challenged and defeated.

News & Analysis

Hizbullah vs Israel: Cold, not hot war

Tahir Mahmoud

Muharram 11, 14392017-10-01

There is growing realization among officials of the colonial settler entity, Zionist Israel, that Hizbullah is a formidable force and taking it on militarily would be suicidal.

Special Reports

Hizbullah’s prowess scares Zionist Israel

Zaakir Ahmed Mayet

Muharram 11, 14392017-10-01

Both as a result of its defensive capabilities in the Zionist-imposed war of July 2006 and more recently following its battlefield experiences in Syria, Hizbullah has become a formidable force in the Muslim East. Zionist Israel knows this and is worried.

Special Reports

Zionism’s doomsday scenario

Zaakir Ahmed Mayet

Dhu al-Hijjah 10, 14382017-09-01

Since its illegal creation, Zionist Israel’s fundamental policy has been to instill fear in the Palestinians and Arabs. This was predicated on Israel’s military might. Thanks to Hizbullah’s resistance, this policy has been made redundant.

Islamic Movement

The Liberation of Mosul

Hassan Nasrallah

Dhu al-Qa'dah 08, 14382017-08-01

Mosul’s liberation from the clutches of the takfiri terrorists was announced on July 10. Next day, Hizbullah leader, Shaykh Sayed Hassan Nasrallah addressed the issue. Below is the transcript of his speech.

Showing 21-40 of 144

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