There is an election of sorts taking place in Egypt right now. The sole candidate is General Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, the brute in uniform whose only opponent used to be his campaign manager. This farce is being enacted in order to provide a veneer of legitimacy to a blood-soaked regime.
By locking up all challengers, dictator el Sisi wants to be crowned uncontested king in Egypt’s presidential elections.
Egypt under the military dictatorship of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, has been rewarded yet again by the United States for being a faithful ally in America’s quest for dominance in the North African region straddling the Mediterranean.
It was three years ago that the Egyptian army perpetrated a bloodbath against innocent civilians in Cairo. General Sisi was and remains head of the military regime. Far from condemning the killings of innocent, Sisi is welcomed in Western capitals.
The besieged enclave of Gaza has been plunged into darkness as a result of Israel’s cutting off electricity to the two million people bottled up there.
The fickleness of Arabian potentates was again on display today as the Egyptian dictator Abdel Fatah el Sisi landed in Riyadh. The aged and dementia-afflicted Saudi King Salman received him at the airport as Sisi stepped off the plane. Did Salman recognize the balding man from Cairo?
There is little in common between the Egyptian and Saudi regimes even if both are puppets of the West and the Saudis have tried to buttress the crumbling Egyptian economy. Their differences are coming to the fore amid rising tensions between the two oppressive regimes.
A common threat from the takfiri terrorists has forced the two regimes in Egypt and Syria to cooperate with each other. This is a blow to Saudi machinations in the region.
2It came as a shock to the Saudis that they were not only not invited to the Islamic conference in Grozny but that the final communiqué even excluded them from being Sunnis.
1The Zionists are not shy about declaring that hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been visiting ‘Saudi’ Arabia even though the two regimes have no formal diplomatic relations. We need to bear in mind that Zionist maps show Makkah and Madinah as part of ‘Greater Israel’.
Using the garb of Sufism, the self-styled religious preacher, Fethullah Gulen has turned out to be a US-Zionist puppet who is prepared to advance their agenda. This is how the enemies of Islam operate.
2Will the Saudis achieve their political and military objectives by building a bridge across the Red Sea to link-up with Egypt? If the bridge between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain is any guide, it will merely mean more Saudis satiating their carnal desires, this time going West. As far as the Saudis creating an anti-Iran alliance is concerned, which is what the bridge is reality meant for, it will be a non-starter. The Saudis will not survive.
The ballot papers were all printed and arranged in neat piles in each polling station. The ballot boxes duly locked were also delivered to the appropriate polling stations. There were even election officials present — a remarkable achievement in a country where the bureaucracy is notorious for its lethargy.
The Egyptian military regime and its kangaroo courts have sentenced scores of people to death, including the first-ever elected president in Egypt’s history, Mohamed Mursi. It has evoked strong global condemnation.
While unable to directly block UN-brokered peace talks on Yemen in Geneva that started today, the Najdi Bedouins, displaying childish behavior, forced the Egyptian regime to refuse permission for the plane carrying Yemeni representatives from flying over its territory. In the absence of Ansarullah and representatives of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, the talks are bound to fail.
No single Arabian army or a combination of them has ever won a single battle. Their sole achievement has been to conquer their own hapless people. A new plan proposes an “Arab” army; it will be used to suppress internal dissent, more efficiently!
Judges in Egypt act like executioners and serve as slaves for the brutes in uniform. Handing death sentences by the scores has become routine in Egypt under the Pharaohs.
An Egyptian court has handed down another batch of mass death sentences. The victims include leader of the Ikhwan al Muslimoon Mohamed Badie and 13 others. An additional 31 persons in prison will be sentenced on April 11. Egyptian courts have earned the dubious distinction of delivering farcical verdicts that have nothing to do with the law and everything to do with pleasing their masters in uniform.
Egypt is a basket case. It needs massive infusion of aid to survive. The Saudi regime and the putative potentates of the Gulf shaikhdoms cannot continue to finance the dictatorship indefinitely. It has had to beg the west for bailout.
Now Egyptian dictator General Sisi wants Muslims to abandon Islamic historical texts. What qualifications does he have to make such pronouncements?