General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi claims to have “won” a third term as president. With opposition candidates also rooting for him, Sisi was a shoe-in. Why did he have to go through this ritual and whether he will be able to solve the myriad economic problems that he himself created?
Under the oppressive rule of General El-Sisi, Egypt’s economy has been run aground. While most Egyptians cannot afford bread, the brute in uniform and his henchmen indulge in grand larceny stealing billions of dollars. Egypt has been reduced to a basket case.
There are at least 65,000 political prisoners in El-Sisi’s dungeons where they are subjected to extreme torture. Many prisoners suffer from various ailments such as heart disease, diabetes etc but they are deliberately deprived of medication. A number of them have died in prison as a consequence.
General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has been in power for seven years but he has made a real mess of everything in Egypt. Far from solving any of the problems, he has created new enemies abroad while the people continue to suffer grinding poverty
In a surprising development, the people of Egypt have shed their fear of the brutal Sisi regime and come out in the streets to demand his ouster. They responded to the call from an unlikely source: a former military contractor familiar with widespread corruption. He is currently living in exile.
The Sisi regime in Egypt is one of the most brutal in the long tortuous history of the country. In Egypt’s dungeons, political opponents are tortured to death but the West still receives this brute in uniform in their capitals.
The death in cage in a Cairo courtroom of Egypt’s only elected President Mohamed Mursi was pre-planned because the regime deliberately denied him medication and proper care. In death, Mursi has become a martyr.
That Dr Mohammad Mursi, the first ever democratically elected president of Egypt, was murdered is not in doubt. He may have collapsed in a Cairo court and died but there is a history to his six years of incarceration suffering extreme mistreatment at the hands of regime thugs.
Nothing could more graphically capture the barbarism being practiced by Egypt’s Pharaoh, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi than the sudden death of Mohamed Mursi, the first-ever democratically elected President of Egypt.
Last month, there were two noisy and violent elections—one in Zionist Israel and the other in Hindu India. In both, war criminals sought reelection. The Indian farce is still underway. These elections once again confirm that they are only meant to rubberstamp war criminals back into power.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Egyptian Pharaoh Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his henchmen have just enacted another farce to keep the thug in uniform in power forever!
Whether they know it or not, both the Salafis and Sufis are being used by the intelligence agencies of Western countries against the interests of Islam.
The video is chilling: 23-year-old Mahmoud el-Ahmady desperately appeals to the judge in an Egyptian court. His testimony is agonising to watch: a young man who has obviously been brutalised by an unfair regime, now trying to prove his innocence before a flawed justice system.
The three-year dictatorship of the Egyptian Pharaoh, El-Sisi has increased the misery of the people and there is no end in sight for any relief.