A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Dr Aayesha Soni


Daily News Analysis

Israel paints Palestinian Mothers’ Day with Blood

Dr Aayesha Soni

Dhu al-Qa'dah 08, 14452024-05-16

Daily News Analysis

Colonization of Kashmir: A Human Catastrophe

Dr Aayesha Soni

Dhu al-Hijjah 13, 14402019-08-14

Wiping away Kashmir’s special status has been a dream of many BJP supporters who have spoken of a Greater Hindustan, a Hindu-dominated land that scoops up Pakistan, Bangladesh and other parts of South Asia.

Daily News Analysis

Sisi’s Dictatorship Ravaging Egypt

Dr Aayesha Soni

Rajab 01, 14402019-03-08

The video is chilling: 23-year-old Mahmoud el-Ahmady desperately appeals to the judge in an Egyptian court. His testimony is agonising to watch: a young man who has obviously been brutalised by an unfair regime, now trying to prove his innocence before a flawed justice system.

Daily News Analysis

Apartheid South Africa vs Apartheid Israel

Dr Aayesha Soni

Jumada' al-Akhirah 11, 14392018-02-27

This year, the 14th Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) will be commemorated in nearly 200 cities around the world. Commonly referred to as IAW, I as a South African do not think that a more apt name could have been chosen to highlight the atrocities carried out on a daily basis by the Israeli Zionist regime.

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