The people of Arabia are governed by fear, a dull fear that seeps into every crack and crevice of daily life and makes one think twice about saying or doing anything to overturn the bad situation. One wrong move and one could end up in prison or worse.
The Bani Saud may think they are unique but people in the Arabian Peninsula are beginning to speak out and demand change, writes a native son, Mohammed Siddiq.
Mohammed H. Siddiq, a native son of Arabia exposes the true nature of Bani Saud.
2A native son of Arabia, Mohammad H. Siddiq says there are ‘No freedoms in Arabia!’
Mohammed H. Siddiq, a native of the Arabian Peninsula, reveals the ugly truth of Bani Saud.
A reader ridicules the lifestyle of the hordes of Saudi princes whose extravagance has caused immense suffering to the people.
The artificial kingdom of Bani Saud is doomed because events are spinning out of their control, writes Muslim Mahmood from Nigeria.
In “Saudi” Arabia, as soon as a dissident makes himself known, he disappears, never to be seen again.
A Madinah-born citizen condemns the “Saudi” rulers and insists they have no right to be in control in the Arabian Peninsula.
A native-born of Arabia tells his people not to celebrate corrupt rulers that have no legitimacy.
A native son of Arabia, Mohammed H. Siddiq, describes what the so-called ruling family is all about.
People in Arabia continue to suffer one family rule. When one old man dies, he is replaced by another old man. The people are denied their basic rights.
Originally from the Hijaz, writer Mohammed H Siddiq says he is sick and tired of the corruption, incompetence and gross mismanagement of the House of Saud.
The Saudi regime is rotten to the core and must be removed for the sake of the people of Arabian Peninsula and the broader Muslim Ummah, says letter writer Mohammed H. Siddiq who is originally from the Hijaz.
This reader takes a satirical look at King Abdullah’s antics.
A native of Arabia tells the ailing and aged king Abdullah to quite because his system has only compounded the problems of the people.
Neither the Saudi ruler nor King Abdullah are fit to rule the Arabian Peninsula.
The aging and ailing King Abdullah has been asked to quit because he has no capacity to govern. Poor health, lack of education and of course old age make him unfit to rule. Besides, hereditary kingship has no place in Islam.
A citizen of Saudi Arabia advises the king to leave while there is still time. He can leave now in honour or face the inevitable humiliation that will be his lot and that of his family.
This book challenges the legitimacy of the Saudi monarchy as well as attempts to draw attention to the unjust activities of the regime...
In the wake of the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the United States and its allies pushed through the UN Security Council a series of resolutions imposing tough sanctions against Iraq. These sanctions, which remain in place today, six years after the eviction of the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, have inflicted tremendous hardship and suffering on the innocent civilian population of Iraq.