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Letters To The Editor

Yemen’s Resistance

Ally Gamal

The Ansarallah fighters in Yemen have shown what can be achieved with steadfastness and determination. Relentless bombardment by Saudi aggressors and their allies have caused massive civilian casualties and destroyed much of Yemen’s infrastructure. These, however, have not cowed the Yemenis. They continue to hold on to Sana‘a, the country’s capital, and have instead carried out bold retaliatory strikes deep into the heart of the medieval Kingdom. The two biggest blows were delivered last September when Yemeni drones hit Aramco oil facilities causing panic among the Saudis and their American masters. Two weeks later, hundreds of Saudi soldiers were captured together with their equipment in Najran. Pictures of Yemeni children clutching Kalashnikovs and riding on the shoulders of captured Saudi soldiers were a feast and a spectacle to watch.

Ally Gamal
Dearborn, MI, US

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 48, No. 10

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

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