The Ansarallah in Yemen have shown true grit and determination in supporting the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. They have targeted Israeli-bound ships and have increased the cost of shipping to the zionist entity.
Among many trouble spots in the world, two stand out: Kashmir and Palestine. People in both locales face a ruthless enemy hell-bent on wiping out their identity. The people of Kashmir have been struggling for their basic rights for more than 70 years. They need our support.
Few would have imagined that Yemen’s revolutionary forces would be able to withstand the combined onslaught of several aggressive powers yet nearly six years into the war, they are winning. We look at the latest developments.
March 26, 2020 will mark five years since Saudi Arabia’s murderous war on dirt-poor Yemen. The aggressors have got nowhere despite killing more than 100,000 people and causing mass starvation. Instead, the Yemeni defenders have inflicted massive blows on the aggressors.
Yemen’s Ansarallah revolutionaries have given the Saudis a bloody nose and forced them to seek a negotiated settlement. Saudi failure in Yemen may result in Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman losing his position, and perhaps even his head!
The Ansarallah fighters in Yemen have shown what can be achieved with steadfastness and determination.
The Ansarullah Islamic movement in Yemen has astonished most observers as it has withstood the five-year onslaught waged by a coalition of heavily armed states.
The spectacular drone strikes by Yemen’s resistance movement on Aramco facilities has sent shockwaves throughout the medieval Saudi kingdom as well as their patron saint the US.
While the Yemenis have suffered horribly at the hands of the Saudi-led attack, the victims are striking back with true grit and determination. They are delivering massive blows to the aggressors.
Despite a much-touted ceasefire in Hodaydah that was negotiated in Sweden, the Saudi war-mongers and aggressor and their co-conspirators are doing everything to undermine it.
Ansarullah would not have accomplished what they have so far if the Yemenis believed this was an Iranian takeover or that it’s a Sunni vs Shia conflict.
As the Najdi Bedouins assemble their Arabian cousins and an assortment of Muslim rulers and dictators in Riyadh for a collective pledge of loyalty to the new master in the White House (aka Donald Trump), other news in the region appear to have fallen off the radar screen.
The Ansarallah fighter’s missile strike at a Saudi air base near Jeddah has sent the Saudi regime into frenzied panic. The Bani Saud have unleashed their paid agents worldwide accusing the Houthis (the label used for Ansarallah fighters) of firing the missile at the Kaaba with the intention of destroying Islam’s holiest site. Nothing could be further from the truth but as the saying goes, a lie is half way around the world before truth has had a chance to tie its shoelaces.
2With failure staring them in the face in their ill-conceived military campaign against Yemen, the Saudi regime has intensified attacks on civilians. Their latest outrage was committed on October 8 when more than 140 civilians were killed and some 525 injured in a missile strike on a gathering at a funeral ceremony. The Saudis have murdered more than 10,000 civilians in Yemen since March 2015. There are 22 million people facing starvation.
2Have the Bani Saud been sufficiently chastened and beaten to sue for peace in Yemen? Recent reports suggest they have held secret talks with the Houthis and will be holding further discussions. Their one-year-long war has caused a lot of civilian casualties leading to war crimes charges. Perhaps they want to cut their losses and end the war that is going nowhere. The next few days and weeks will tell.