Not only are the Banu Saud totally incompetent, they have also imposed arbitrary restrictions on Hajj that have no basis in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the noble Messenger (pbuh).
After more than seven years of foreign-instigated blood-letting, the Syrian army drove the takfiri terrorists out of Dar‘a. It was in this non-descript town that the ‘uprising’ was instigated because it was close to the Jordanian border.
Scientism has mesmerized many people including some Muslims but it does not offer any answers to critical questions in life.
In recent weeks American officials have made calls for direct negotiations with the Taliban that they had earlier vowed to kill. Is the Americans’ change of heart genuine or is it another dishonest moves to trap the Taliban?
In their drive to Saudi-ize the economy, the Bani Saud have launched a war of attrition against foreign workers. Tens of thousands have been forced to leave under a relentless extortion racket demanding thousands of riyals from these poor souls.
Despite media hype about the terrorist threat, the US itself is the biggest sponsor of terrorist outfits ranging from al Qaeda, al-Nusra Front, ISIS and the Mujahideen-e Khalq Organization (aka Munafiqeen).
The Zionists are terrified of Palestinian youth flying kites over Gaza. They have used missiles fired from drones as well as artillery fire against the youth flying kites.
With the passage of the New State Law last month, Zionist Israel has confirmed that it is an apartheid state. Palestinians and justice-loving people everywhere had known this but the Zionist entity itself confirmed this.
The US annual military budget at $719 billion is more than the next nine countries put together. IS the US really ‘secure’ or is it deliberately induced fear in order to justify massive outlays on weapons to line the pockets of greedy politicians, generals and contractors?
The Arabian Peninsula, especially the two holy cities of Makkah and al Madinah (called the Haramayn), are not the personal property of the greedy ruling family. Their un-Islamic behavior has put the Haramayn at risk. They should be banished to protect the holy cities.
The heroic act of Yunis Safarov has led to social earthquake in Azerbaijan putting the dictatorial regime in a bind: ignore the protests and appear weak, use the iron-fist and provoke more backlash.
The UNHCHR report detailing massive abuses by Indian occupation forces in Kashmir has led to hysteria in India. The regime in Delhi and its media are thrashing about violently in a desperate attempt to discredit the report.
Who are the bomb planters in various shopping malls in Durban and why CCTV camera footage has not been used to determine the identity of the perpetrators.
The Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki has sent American establishmentarians into a frenzy but is the summit the beginning of new détente or mere window dressing?
How realistic is Canada’s multicultural image when there is an army of Islamophobes that operate freely spreading hatred and creating an atmosphere for attacking Muslims?
The US Supreme Court has endorsed Trump’s racist ban on citizens of several Muslim countries. The excuse advanced is that inclusion of non-Muslim North Korea and Venezuela in the list indicates it is not Muslim specific.
Zionist Israel is one of the principal backers of ISIS but its attempt to use Hamas to advance its own agenda has failed miserably.
Without Soviet power, Communism in Eastern Europe has slipped into crude nationalism bringing people to power with clearly fascist tendencies.
Even as the US ferries ISIS terrorists out of Syria into Afghanistan in unmarked helicopters, regional countries are taking steps to confront this menace to their security. The intelligence chiefs of Russia, China, Iran, and Pakistan met in Islamabad last month to chalk out a strategy of dealing with these terrorists.
Libya’s plight accurately captures the West’s way of dealing with Third-World countries. First, destroy a country, and then come with promises of “help.” It was announced on July 17, amid much fanfare, that Western investors, The Guidry Group, are launching a billion-dollar infrastructure project to change the face of the war-torn country.
NATO, which stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was created to confront the challenge posed by Warsaw Pact countries led by the erstwhile Soviet Union during the Cold War.
The easiest way to confront American gangsterism is not by military means but by ditching the US dollar as global reserve currency.