One thing the Zionists are really good at is killing Palestinian civilians. This is what Israel did in its latest onslaught on Gaza when 161 civilians were slaughtered and more than 1300 injured.
Zionist Israel can always count on its drumbeaters ensconced in western governments and the media to project it as ‘victim’ even when it kills Palestinian civilians with unrelenting ferocity.
Killing a large number of people is not the only factor that determines the outcome of wars. Zionist Israel murdered 32 times more Palestinians than the latter did to the Israelis yet the Zionists failed in their objectives in Gaza.
The US has no intention of leaving Afghanistan even if President Barack Obama loudly proclaims that all combat troops will be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014. American officials are negotiating with the Afghans to keep US troops in the country permanently.
Zionist Israel is definitely guilty of war crimes but do not expect its political and military rulers to be brought to justice anytime soon. The political dynamics, however, are changing and the Zionists may soon find themselves at the end of the line.
In a tightly reasoned and passionately written article, Abu Dharr urges Muslims to be true in their honour and respect of the Messenger of Allah (saws) and love those whom he loved: his Ahl al-Bayt. Among these was Imam al-Husein who was martyred on the plains of Karbala.
Muslims have been at the receiving end of western aggression long before the events of 911 that the west has used to justify its wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and other Muslim countries.
The travails of President Mohamed Mursi clearly highlight the pitfalls of accepting half-measures and working within the existing jahili system. The old guards are fighting back frustrating the march toward a constitutional-based order in Egypt.
With King Abdullah virtually incapacitated—and according to some reports in a coma—the battle for succession has heated up. The appointment of Mohammad bin Nayef gives clue that he might become the king of Saudi Arabia in the near future.
In order to deny providing citizenship rights to Muslims, the British government has started stripping British Muslims stranded on other countries of their citizenship altogether.
The British internal intelligence agency is openly spying on Muslims and forcibly recruiting Muslims to spy on fellow Muslims my blackmailing them.
‘Get the vote out,’ was a common refrain heard by Muslims from the minbar prior to the November 6 elections. Salina Khan asks whether the same Imams would be just as eager to link up with people standing for justice and peace.
The Internet can be used as well as abused so Muslims have to be wary of how they approach it.
Anders Breivik was neither an aberration nor a ‘lone nut’. He represents a carefully programmed monster by the anti-Islamophobic Zionists that have worked in a systematic manner to target a particular group of people. There are millions of Breiviks waiting to be unleashed.
Zionist Israel was not the only loser in the eight-day war on Gaza. Almost all the Arabian regimes as well as Turkey also lost. The clear winners were Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Iran and Hizbullah.
To suggest the Obama would be any different than Romney is deluding oneself about the political system in America.
America’s drone warfare has caused thousands of innocent deaths in Pakistan. When will this nightmare end?
Unity seems to elude Muslims but can they not learn from the geese and how they help each other?
Malala Yousufzai has been turned into a poster child for a nefarious agenda.
Why Arabian rulers were not able to offer more than rhetorical support to the Palestinians? Some like the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Jordan did not bother to do even that.