A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Zionist Israel

Showing 41-60 of 192
Main Stories

Zionist Occupiers Escalate Terrorist Attacks Against Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Thani 06, 14442022-11-01

The zionist occupiers are attacking Palestinians in the Aqsa Compound and the surrounding localities in East Jerusalem. Add to that the attacks on Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil (Hebron), Jenin and Nablus, and a clear pattern emerges. Despite such brutalities, the Palestinians refuse to give up the struggle.

News & Analysis

Changing Dynamics Of Struggle In Occupied Palestine

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 05, 14442022-10-01

That the Palestinians have not been cowed down despite the horrific cruelty of the Zionist occupiers is a testimony to their courage. Now, they are getting better organized in confronting their occupiers. Palestine Islamic Jihad has emerged as a leading challenger to the Zionists in the West Bank.

News & Analysis

Regime Change in Pakistan Meant to Normalize Relations With Israel

Tahir Mahmoud

Rabi' al-Awwal 05, 14442022-10-01

Pakistani generals believe that if the country were to recognize Israel, the Americans will shower them with dollars. Trial balloons in the form of visits by Pakistanis, mainly from the US, to Israel have been organized to test public reaction. Imran Khan was removed from office because he refused to along with this plot.

News & Analysis

Rogue Regimes, US and Israel, Steal Oil and Gas

Waseem Shehzad

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

The US Empire and zionist Israel are based on theft of land and resources of others. Their latest robbery involves stealing Syria’s oil and Lebanon’s gas. This could easily escalate into war. Both sets of thieves need to be confronted to prevent their grand larceny.

Main Stories

Israel on His Mind as Biden Heads to the Middle East

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Dhu al-Hijjah 02, 14432022-07-01

Joe Biden will be heading to the Middle East later this month. He has made clear it is to secure Israel, meaning that he will push for Saudi recognition of the zionist entity. Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Mohammad bin Salman is desperate for rehabilitation following his involvement in the gruesome murder of Jamal Khashoggi that made him an international pariah.

Main Stories

Zionist Israel’s Impending Doom!

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

Zionist Israel is the most heavily-armed garrison state in the Middle East yet its survival is not guaranteed. This is the prognosis of not its enemies but some of its leading lights among them Ehud Barak, a former army chief and prime minister.

News & Analysis

The Great Exodus

Khadijah Ali

Dhu al-Qa'dah 01, 14432022-06-01

Israel is supposed to be the state for all Jewish people while America is supposedly the land of opportunity where everyone chases the American dream. Neither Israel nor America seems to live up to their contrived image. There is an exodus of people from both, debunking their myths.

News & Analysis

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Report Confirms Israeli Apartheid

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 29, 14432022-04-01

Another report, this one by the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine confirms yet again that zionist Israel is an apartheid state. Its horrific crimes against Palestinians are methodically documented to expose the brutal nature of the zionist regime.

News & Analysis

Zionist Entity: The Abnormal State

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

There is nothing natural about the Zionist state of Israel. It is established on stolen land (of Palestinians) by settler colonialists from Europe, Russia and North America. Its ideology is racist and unlike other states, it has no defined borders, pointing to its expansionist nature.

Daily News Analysis

South African Foreign Policy on Israel Needs to Follow Iran

Iqbal Jassat

Jumada' al-Ula' 16, 14432021-12-20

Daily News Analysis

Human Rights as Terror: Authoritarianism as Democracy

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Ula' 05, 14432021-12-09

News & Analysis

Zionist Israel would Sign Own Death Warrant If It Launches Another War against Hizbullah

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Rabi' al-Thani 26, 14432021-12-01

Zionist Israel routinely issues threats against Hizbullah, Iran and the Islamic resistance movement in Palestine. In Palestine, the Zionists continue to arrest, torture and murder Palestinians without international opprobrium. Should Israel attack Hizbullah or Iran, it may receive a very harsh blow.

News & Analysis

Israel Replicates South Africa’s Apartheid Banning of Civil Society Groups

Iqbal Jassat

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

Zionist Israel continues to act in the most outrageous manner. Its latest assault is on human rights organizations and civil society groups. The Zionist entity wants to shut down all monitoring of its crimes. The rest of the world should take note and stop its criminal conduct.

News & Analysis

Why Israel is Blocking Jewish Asylum Seekers from Moving to Iran?

Khadijah Ali

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

Zionist Israel claims that it represents the interests of the Jewish people everywhere. This fraud was exposed when it blocked Orthodox Jews from moving to Iran where they had sought asylum.

Book Review

Israeli Historian’s Study of the Origin of Jewish people

Brecht Jonkers

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

Israeli historian debunks the Zionist myth that the Jewish people are descendants of the Hebrew tribes and, therefore, have a historical link to Palestine. It will definitely annoy the Zionists who peddle this fiction.

News & Analysis

South African Human Rights Organisations Challenge Israel’s Observer Status at AU

Iqbal Jassat

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

The Zionist state of Israel does not belong to Africa yet the gatekeeper of the African Union, one Moussa Faki Mahamat took it upon itself to grant it “observer status”. South African human rights organizations have launched a legal challenge against this decision.

Showing 41-60 of 192

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