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Keyword: Zionist Israel

Showing 21-40 of 192

Demonizing Hamas To Justify Israel’s Genocide In Gaza


Rabi' al-Thani 17, 14452023-11-01

Telling lies is part of politics, especially in the west. Politicians, however, lie to promote the interests of their own countries. In zionist Israel’s case, western politicians tell lies to justify zionist crimes against the Palestinian people. It is truly disgraceful.

News & Analysis

Prisoners: Palestinians And Israelis

Waseem Shehzad

Rabi' al-Thani 17, 14452023-11-01

Hamas’s capture of Israeli prisoners, erroneously called “hostages”, gives huge advantage to the Palestinians resisting zionist aggression. Israel is holding more than 10,000 Palestinians. We highlight the contrasting treatment of the two sets of prisoners to show who is civilized and who is the barbarian.

Daily News Analysis

Western media’s diabolical role in promoting wars

Firoz Osman

Rabi' al-Awwal 28, 14452023-10-13

News & Analysis

Contradictions And Challenges In Saudi-Israeli Normalization

Omar Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

The Americans, especially Joe Biden is desperate to clinch a deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. So is Netanyahu but Saudi crown prince is playing coy. What is MbS up to with his on again off again normalization plan?

News & Analysis

Israel Will Not Survive Another War With Hizbullah

Ayman Ahmed

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

It appears zionist Israel has a death wish. It is issuing threats against Hizbullah but should another war break out between Israel and Hizbullah, it is almost certain that Israel will be obliterated. Even Israeli analysts admit this outcome.


Saudi-Israel Normalization Unlikely To Materialize

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

Amid the US-Israel generated hype about normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia, the plan does not seem to be heading for fruition any time soon. Whether the Saudis will be able hold out on their demands, however, is a caveat. Only time will tell whether it succeeds.

News & Analysis

End Of The Zionist Project In Palestine?

Ayman Ahmed

Safar 15, 14452023-09-01

That the Zionist settler-colonial entity is illegitimate is well-known. It has managed to maintain its occupation through brute force. Now the practitioners of that force—the Israeli army and air force etc—no longer appear willing to maintain the criminal enterprise.

Main Stories

Israel Has Normalized The Killing Of Palestinian Children

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Dhu al-Hijjah 13, 14442023-07-01

Zionist occupation forces have intensified their campaign of killing Palestinians, especially children. Last month witnessed a new level of zionist barbarism targeting children.


The Zionist Disease


Dhu al-Hijjah 13, 14442023-07-01

Zionism is not only a racist ideology it is also a disease that has infected many people. It has to be eradicated to have a healthy society in Palestine.


Dealing With The Zionist Menace


Dhu al-Qa'dah 12, 14442023-06-01

Since the implantation of the zionist entity in the heartland of Islam, there has been no peace for the people of Palestine or indeed the broader region. The racist ideology of zionism must be defeated for there to be a chance for peace in the region.

News & Analysis

Is The End Nigh For Zionist Israel?

Ayman Ahmed

Shawwal 11, 14442023-05-01

Zionist Israel is an artificial entity. It illegally occupies the land of the Palestinians, the Indigenous people. The land is called Palestine. Zionist contradictions are fast catching up with and its demise in now being openly talked about by even many leading Israelis.

News & Analysis

US Complicit in Zionist Crimes Against The Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

Zionist Israel would not be able to get away with the crimes it perpetrates on a daily basis against the Palestinian people were it not for American support. Thus, the Washington warlords are complicit in Israeli war crimes.

News & Analysis

US, Israeli Strikes On Syria Constitute War Crimes

Tahir Mahmoud

Ramadan 10, 14442023-04-01

The US and Israel, two outlaw regimes, continue to perpetrate war crimes by constantly attacking Syria and the hapless Palestinian people. Both countries, however, are currently convulsed in internal crises.

Daily News Analysis

America’s casino capitalism swallows its banks!

Crescent International

Sha'ban 22, 14442023-03-14

News & Analysis

Zionist Terrorists Kill More Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 09, 14442023-03-01

That the zionists are terrorists and mass murderers is not in doubt. Their latest assault on the historic Palestinian city of Nablus provided ample proof of their terrorist nature.

Main Stories

Israeli Killers Intensify Murderous Campaign Against Palestinians

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Akhirah 08, 14442023-01-01

Never conducting themselves in a civilized manner, the zionists have intensified their barbaric attacks against the Palestinians making 2022 one of the deadliest years since 2005. Men, women and children have all been targeted and brutally murdered.

News & Analysis

Neo-Nazis Increase Their Role In The New Zionist Regime!

Ayman Ahmed

Jumada' al-Ula' 07, 14442022-12-01

Israeli neo-Nazis have made major inroads into the body politic of the zionist entity. Their anticipated capture of important portfolios in the new cabinet means more suffering for the Palestinian people.

Daily News Analysis

AU: A paradigm of war exists in Palestine, Expel Israel

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Thani 14, 14442022-11-09

Daily News Analysis

Arms Barons Fuel America’s Military Hegemony

Iqbal Jassat

Rabi' al-Thani 12, 14442022-11-07

Showing 21-40 of 192

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