A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Palestine

Showing 1-20 of 283
Daily News Analysis

Western media’s ‘credibility’ demolished

Crescent International

Muharram 16, 14462024-07-22


Asserting The Political Power Of Islam

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

Despite the indescribable suffering inflicted on the Palestinian people, Islam’s political power is re-emerging in the world. It is this rise that terrifies the zionists and imperialists. Committed Muslims are changing the political dynamics of the world.

News & Analysis

Is The US An Honest Broker In Mediating A Truce Deal In Gaza?

Omar Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Doha and Beirut in an attempt to force Hamas to accept US-Israeli terms for a temporary ceasefire. The warmongers’ aim is to secure the release of Israeli prisoners so that Netanyahu can continue his war on innocent Palestinians.

Daily News Analysis

Allah favours those who abide by His Commands

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 09, 14452024-06-16

Daily News Analysis

South Africa’s election and Muslim confusion about secular democracy

Imran Khan

Dhu al-Qa'dah 27, 14452024-06-04

Main Stories

Islamic Resistance Vs Zionist Invaders

Ayman Ahmed

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

There is little doubt that the zionists are perpetrating horrific crimes against the defenceless people of Gaza. This shows their barbarism yet such cruelties have not deterred the Islamic resistance from continuing to confront the invaders and inflict significant damage on them.

News & Analysis

Hajj And The Plight Of The Palestinian People

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14452024-06-01

Hajj is an important pillar of Islam and the largest assembly of the Ummah. Yet under the control of Bani Saud, it has been reduced to empty rituals. Discussion of burning issues like the plight of the Palestinians facing the zionist onslaught is strictly forbidden. Why?

News & Analysis

Hizbullah Decolonized South Lebanon, Northern Palestine Is A Work In Progress

Omar Ahmed

Ramadan 22, 14452024-04-01

Hizbullah’s pressure on the zionists in northern Palestine has emptied out occupied areas of illegal settlers. It may not be long before the whole of Palestine is liberated and back in the hands of its indigenous population. Hizbullah will be a major component of this effort.

Main Stories

Zionists’ Escalatory Threats To Masjid Al-Aqsa

Ayman Ahmed

Sha'ban 20, 14452024-03-01

While Zionist genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza continues, a more serious threat to Masjid al-Aqsa has gone unnoticed. Jewish terrorists have brought five unblemished ‘red heifers’ (cows) for ritual slaughter in Masjid al-Aqsa as prelude to its destruction and building of the mythical ‘third temple’ in its place.


From The Trench Of Al-Ahzab To The Tunnels Of Gaza

Zafar Bangash

Rajab 20, 14452024-02-01

The tunnels in Gaza have proved a very effective means of confronting the zionist invaders of Gaza. The Palestinian Islamic resistance has inflicted significant damage on the zionists. It has striking parallels with the trench the Muslims dug in Madinah as defence mechanism in the Battle of Ahzab.

Daily News Analysis

Impact of boycott on pro-Israeli businesses

Crescent International

Rajab 10, 14452024-01-22

Main Stories

Genocide in Palestine: The Whole World Is Watching

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

Zionist Israel’s genocide in Gaza is the most televised crime in world history. It is backed by western powers led by the US. Israel is guilty of collective punishment and its rulers—civilian and military—must be held accountable.

Editor's Desk

Muslim Regimes’ Betrayal Of Palestinians


Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

The Qur’an refers to Muslims as “one Ummah”. This places certain responsibilities upon them to assist their suffering brothers and sisters in any part of the world. Yet most regimes in the Muslim world have failed to come to the aid of the Palestinian people.

News & Analysis

Apartheid Israel Gripped By Delusion For The ‘Day After’

Tahir Mahmoud

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14452024-01-01

Wars are waged to achieve certain political objectives. The zionists have no clue what would come after their genocidal war on Gaza ends. All their calculations have come to naught. It is the zionist entity that is likely to disappear.

Daily News Analysis

Anti-Palestinian Racism Widespread in Canada

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 14452023-12-12

Showing 1-20 of 283

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