Despite the media lies and hype, the actual voter turn-out in the 2024 election was 16,290,156 out of approximately 42 million eligible voters.
This was significantly lower than the already low 17,672,851 in 2019 when eligible voters were approximately 39 million.
This means that in 2024, the government has been elected by 38.8% of the electorate compared to 45.3% in 2019.
It is a minority government, as was the racist apartheid regime, although not in racial terms. The significance of this will be discussed shortly.
The Devil’s Alliance will not be highlighted either.
Muslims and people of conscience should by now have steered clear of them.
This article sheds light on the stealthy danger.
Visualizing with the light of Allah, He is paving the way making things easy for Muslims to lead them on a difficult journey.
Generally, all the significant political parties are weaker after this election.
As South Africa heads for rocky terrain, Muslims have an opportunity to turn things around.
Taking the opportunity requires selflessness, untold sacrifices, sharing and sincerity.
Muslims can turn this mess around sooner than we think on condition that we extend that Islamic hand of care, mercy and compassion to the oppressed peoples of South Africa.
As the political party cookie crumbles, the destiny decision to be determined is this.
Will Muslims reassess their excursion of the past 30 years into the secular liberal political system and willingly, deliberately and conscientiously travel the Islamic path?
Or they will continue on the short cut of seeking Islamic ends by adopting the kuffaar means?
We do not, however, have a choice.
If we are sluggish to shoulder the Islamic responsibility of setting a directional course of re-aligning man to the Divine power culture, rescuing South Africa and beyond, everyone will suffer because no one else has the guiding light from Allah to salvage the situation.
For the benefit of the doubting Thomases, let us first illustrate how seeking the kuffaar means have failed the people of Palestine and South Africa.
The Islamic Resistance group Hamas has been condemned repeatedly by the DIRCO Minister of the ANC-led government and referred for investigation for war crimes.
While arrest warrants are sought against the Islamic Resistance group, Muslim politicians and Muslim political parties are silent.
The ANC with the most votes in recent elections, welcomes these arrest warrants for leaders of the Islamic Resistance.
That effectively closes South Africa to them unless they want to court arrest.
The ANC has not called Hamas a terrorist organization.
But it was among the first to condemn them for the October 7 operations without any evidence.
The possible next step will be a clampdown on financial support for the Islamic Resistance as South Africa is grey-listed in terms of FATF.
It is eager to show that it is not a hub of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
Yet, trade between Israel and South Africa has increased by over eight per cent for the past five years.
Muslims who relied on the ANC may find themselves on the receiving end of the pro-zionist legal stick.
Unfortunately, some may even distance themselves from the Islamic Resistance group or even condemn it.
Despite its rhetoric, the Israeli Embassy in Pretoria and the South African “Embassy” in Israel remains open.
Deceptively, the DIRCO minister makes claims to the contrary.
Mandela’s grandson recently called on “Cde Minister to shut down the Embassy of South Africa in Tel Aviv, expel the zionist ambassador and shut the embassy in Pretoria down.”
Muslims in these secular political parties are outside the House of Islam.
They do not influence these political parties with Islamic politics and ideology.
The sad reality is that they get stripped of Islam within these political parties and then infiltrate the Muslim community with liberal and secular ideology in order to strip them too.
If they were doing their Islamic duty within, there would not be general ignorance regarding Palestine about which they cannot even set the record straight.
The same minister says “you can’t take innocent people hostage.”
That is correct.
But which zionist Israeli Jew in that militarized colony is innocent?
One day they wear civilian clothes, the next they’re in military uniform!
Is the Islamic Resistance supposed to be fooled by attire?
Or wait for these zionist Israeli Jews to change clothes?!
If the Israelis are civilians, then they must get out of the way and not blur the lines between civilians and soldiers.
When they kill Muslims, they call it collateral damage. So then?
This is the problem with equating the struggle in Palestine with South Africa.
While South Africans faced a brutal, terrorist and racist regime, there are significant differences too.
1. In colonized Palestine, “civilians” carry heavy weapons, machine guns and sub-automatic assault weapons;
2. Military personnel are in suburbs, malls, places of worship;
3. Israel has almost half-a-million active reservists;
4. The Apartheid regime in South Africa did not bomb townships whereas Israel bombs civilian areas;
5. The Apartheid regime did not designate SA a homeland for all whites or all white Christians of the world whereas Israel designates itself a homeland for all Jews of the world;
6. The Apartheid regime did not, despite the Group Areas Act, expel people en masse, whereas Israel dispossesses and dislocates people en masse;
7. The population of Palestine is Muslim that takes guidance and inspiration from Allah and His Prophet, whereas the South African struggle lacked an ideological anchor.
The ANC supports both Israel and Palestine.
It supports the two-state solution giving Israel 78% of Palestine and it supports Palestine retaining 22% of the land.
It supports arresting less genocidal leaders of Israel and it supports arresting more oppressed leaders of Palestine.
It supports arming Israel to commit genocide and it refuses to give arms to Palestine so it can be genocided.
It condemns the Islamic leadership of the Palestinians in the strongest terms but is only perturbed by Israel.
This is double-speak.
In trying to explain the duplicity of the ANC, the minister shows political schizophrenia.
She parts with principle and explains that there is an ‘activist’ role and a ‘ministerial’ role. International politics demands unprincipled behavior.
That role demands that one upholds the international order, hence “things must only happen through the UN.”
But principles should never fluctuate based on roles.
A principled Muslim should say “I’m not condemning the Islamic Resistance. I resign.” But when position trumps truth and justice, then they sell-out and justify it with all sorts of excuses rather than hold on to principle and relieve oneself of the role.
The uMkonto weSizwe (MK), with the third most votes in recent elections secured its position with the support of members of churches that support Israel.
Its leader, as then ANC President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma condemned attacks on Israeli soldiers and went further to express condolences on behalf of the government and the people of South Africa.
Yahud have played another political masterstroke in South Africa.
In December 2023, Yahudi Rob Hersov tik-tokked a day before the launch of MK and said emphatically, “tomorrow President Jacob Zuma will launch his own political party.”
This should tell the politically astute who the movers and shakers behind the scenes are.
(Next: South Africa and Muslim political parties)