A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Gaza

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News & Analysis

Is The US An Honest Broker In Mediating A Truce Deal In Gaza?

Omar Ahmed

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

American officials have been to-ing and fro-ing between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Doha and Beirut in an attempt to force Hamas to accept US-Israeli terms for a temporary ceasefire. The warmongers’ aim is to secure the release of Israeli prisoners so that Netanyahu can continue his war on innocent Palestinians.

Daily News Analysis

South Africa's DA Leopard Will Not Change its Spots on Palestine

Iqbal Jassat

Dhu al-Hijjah 24, 14452024-07-01

Daily News Analysis

Zionist utopia crumbling under internal, external pressures

Crescent International

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14452024-06-18

Daily News Analysis

South Africa’s election and Muslim confusion about secular democracy

Imran Khan

Dhu al-Qa'dah 27, 14452024-06-04

Daily News Analysis

2024 - Historic al-Quds Day

Eric Walberg

Ramadan 28, 14452024-04-07


What Inspires Gaza’s Resistance


Ramadan 22, 14452024-04-01

The odds facing the people of Gaza are immense. They face the biggest and most ruthless military machine in the region. Yet the Palestinian people remain steadfast in the face of indescribable brutality and oppression. What give them such strength?

News & Analysis

Starvation As A Weapon Of War

Iqbal Suleman

Sha'ban 20, 14452024-03-01

In tandem with its genocide in Gaza, the zionist war criminals are also using starvation as a weapon of war. Almost the entire population of Gaza faces starvation. There is enough food, water and medicines waiting outside Gaza’s border with Egypt, but the zionists refuse to allow it in.


From The Trench Of Al-Ahzab To The Tunnels Of Gaza

Zafar Bangash

Rajab 20, 14452024-02-01

The tunnels in Gaza have proved a very effective means of confronting the zionist invaders of Gaza. The Palestinian Islamic resistance has inflicted significant damage on the zionists. It has striking parallels with the trench the Muslims dug in Madinah as defence mechanism in the Battle of Ahzab.

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