Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that he was self-isolating himself as his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau was exhibiting mild flu-like symptoms and had a low fever last night. Results came back later confirming she had tested positive.
First Nations people in Canada, as indeed in the US and Australia have been subjected to genocide by the European colonialists that first set foot on the continent. Today First Nations people are found on reservations living in appalling conditions.
The arson attack at the sole mosque in Peterborough, ON, has been roundly condemned by a wide spectrum of the political leadership in Canada, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...
The breath of fresh air that has swept the stale corridors of power in Canada. Justin Trudeau has not only surprised many with his election victory but has taken steps that are bold and imaginative. As he announced the day after his stunning election victory, "We're back!" Welcome the new, more compassionate Canada that had virtually been consigned to oblivion by the hate-filled policies of Stephen Harper.
Canada has just lived through a fairytale decade, complete with evil jinn and youthful hero. Think of “Jack and the Beanstalk,” starring youthful naif, Justin Trudeau, and the giant raining evil down on Canadaland from the clouds, Stephen Harper.