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Daily News Analysis

Massive Rallies for Palestine continue worldwide

Crescent International

People across the globe continue to hold rallies for Palestine.

They have a simple demand: ‘Ceasefire Now’!

While this demand is falling on deaf ears of rulers in western capitals where the regimes are all partners in Israeli war crimes, the groundswell of support among the masses is overwhelming.

In Canada, for instance, rallies have been held every weekend, sometimes in even two or three different locations in the same city.

Toronto, Canada’s largest city, has seen multiple rallies the same day in different parts of the city with participation of thousands of people.

On Saturday November 18, there was another massive rally outside the US Consulate in Toronto.

Thousands participated. The rally was also addressed by a representative of the First Nations whose lands the European colonialists have occupied for more than two centuries.

Like the First Nations, the Palestinians are being subjected to genocide by European colonial settlers.

Today (Sunday November 19) another rally is being held in Toronto on the occasion of the World Children’s Day.

Organized by the Canadian Health Workers Alliance for the Children of Gaza, it will be addressed by Maryum Masud Laam, a prominent youth ambassador for children as well as Dr Izzeldin Abueleish.

Children will also speak at the rally to express solidarity with the children of Gaza and to remember those that have been killed.

Dr Abueleish lost three daughters and a niece in 2009 when an Israeli tank fired directly into their apartment in Gaza.

In addition to the standard slogans on placards like ‘Ceasefire Now’ and ‘From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free,’ people are producing more creative slogans now.

One placard at the November 18 rally in Toronto caught the attention of our photographer who captured it on camera.

It read: “We are New Muslim Reverts: Netanyahu… You reduced our Numbers in Gaza! But we are multiplied by Allah!”

The placard was a reference to the surge in interest among non-Muslims in Islam.

There has been a growing demand among non-Muslims to acquire a copy of the Qur’an.

They want to know what provides strength to people undergoing so much suffering yet they remain steadfast.

The number of people reverting to Islam in North America and Europe has increased rapidly.

Allah works in His own mysterious ways.

Despite overwhelming odds, the Palestinians’ steadfast resistance in Gaza has awakened the conscience of people worldwide.

This is reflected in the rallies that are held regularly throughout the world.

On November 18, at least 4,000 people took part in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Geneva.

They marched to the United Nations’ European headquarters, where a minute of silence was observed in memory of those killed in Gaza.

Similar rallies were held in Milan (Italy), Lisbon (Portugal) and Barcelona (Spain) on November 18.

Spain’s Minister for Social Rights, Ione Belarra,

condemned the silence of western leaders and called for sanctions against Israel.

She pointed to the double standard saying while human rights abuses in Ukraine have been decried, there is a “deafening silence” on the victims of Israeli bombardment.

Three Palestinian human rights organizations have lodged a formal case at the International Criminal Court (ICC) to charge Israeli political and military leaders for war crimes and genocide.

In the US, the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR) as well as several Palestinian-Americans have lodged a court case charging President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin with aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes.

In Canada, too, legal notice has been served on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie and Justice Minister Arif Virani for aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes.

People will continue to hold rallies as long as the Israeli onslaught and war crimes in Gaza continue.

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