Despite the Pakistan army’s relentless war on Imran Khan and his party workers, the former prime minister’s popularity continues to soar. There are now fears that the army might attempt to murder Imran Khan. The people must prevent this crime from being carried out.
Corruption has finally caught up with Nawaz Sharif and his family. In a landmark decision on Friday, a five-member bench of the Supreme Court disqualified Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding public office over what came to be called the Panama Papers scandal.
It is completely false to claim that Pakistan has a democracy. A mafia paid by foreign powers, is holding the country hostage. Unless these traitors are apprehended, the country will not make progress.
The Saudi regime is rotten to the core and must be removed for the sake of the people of Arabian Peninsula and the broader Muslim Ummah, says letter writer Mohammed H. Siddiq who is originally from the Hijaz.
The American political system has been described as the best democracy money can buy. Financial scandals are rampant but even in this business of sleaze, some politicians show greater flair for it than others. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez is one of them. He is under FBI investigation for bribes as well as consorting with prostitutes. Some might say this comes with the turf.
The “corruption scandal” in Turkey is not so much about corruption per se as it is about power struggle between the ruling AKP and the Gulenists that are working in tandem with the CIA and Zionist Israel.