There is a convergence of interests between Zionism and Islamophobia. The Zionists are behind the hysterical campaign against Muslims.
Despite his soaring rhetoric and projecting an image of liberalism, Barack Obama was directly responsible for the rise and sustenance of the terrorist group, ISIS.
Donald Trump is acting as a bulldozer demolishing everything that comes in his way. He has especially targeted Muslims barring citizens of seven Muslim majority countries to enter the US as well as renewed his pledge to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.
Far from fighting the takfiri terrorists, the US wants to reintegrate them into society. In fact, they are being kept on hold for mischief and mayhem elsewhere in the Muslim world.
Against all odds, Donald Trump’s bigotry against Hispanics, Latinos, Muslims and Sikhs has catapulted him to the White House.His extremist vitriol made him quite popular among evangelical Christian Zionists, ultra-right wing White extremists and even the White middle class.
1One of the remarkable aspects of the American system is that people actually believe they have a say in how their president is elected. The media plays its role in pushing the establishment’s agenda to perpetuate the myth.
2Poverty and Saudi Arabia may appear a contradiction in terms yet the kingdom’s economy has suffered massive blows because of wrong-headed policies. The kingdom is on the verge of bankruptcy.
3For the first time during Barack Obama's presidency, the US Congress has overridden his veto of a bill. It relates to the Congress approving a bill that would allow families of 911 victims to sue Saudi Arabia and seek compensation for their losses. The Saudis are shell shocked and cannot believe what has happened despite spending tens of millions of dollars in lobbying efforts.
3The Zionists not only want to occupy the whole of Palestine but their special target is al Masjid al Aqsa, the holy sanctuary. They have intensified their attacks in recent weeks as Muslim attention is diverted elsewhere.
1Canadian writer and scholar Eric Walberg reviews two books that consider Barack Obama’s legacy as president. Eric Walberg considers the Obama legacy through the eyes of James Petras who wrote The End of the Republic and the Delusion of Empire (Clarity Press, 2016; 254pp., $24.95 pbk), and Jeremy Hammond, author of Obstacle to Peace: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Worldview Publications, 2016; 538pp., $22.99 pbk).
The Saudis were involved in the 911 attacks, says Julie Beckett from Los Angeles.
Will Barack Obama be able to close the notorious prison camp at Guantanamo Bay before he leaves office early next year? He may want to--as was stated by his Vice President Joe Biden one more time in Sweden today--but will Congress allow him to do so? Further, will Obama be able to muster the courage to oppose Congress and end the barbaric practice that has sullied America's already tarnished reputation?
1US President Barack Obama has given a blunt message to the illegitimate Arabian rulers: your problems are internal--lack of representation, high unemployment and corruption--rather than any imaginary threat from Iran. The message can only add to the jitters of these frightened rulers.
Amid all the doom and gloom, Iraq and Syria have taken steps to mend fences. This comes at about the same time as Barack Obama’s admission that the takfiris arose because of George Bush’s foolish decision to invade Iraq in 2003.
There were two conferences back-to-back on combating terrorism last month. The first was in Washington DC, the second in Makkah. The irony is that the host countries are the biggest supporters of terrorism.
Barack Obama’s real plan is regime change in Syria. The takfiris are being used as a pretext to bring in ground troops.
When the west says peace, it means war. Consider the drumbeating in Washington that has just got louder as Barack Obama prepares to make an important announcement about extending the bombing campaign into Syria from Iraq. The pretext for this latest belligerence is the group of takfiris rampaging through the region. They are a creation of the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia but a handy tool to advance western war agenda.
Five years after promising to shut down the torture camp at the illegally-occupied Cuban island of Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo), it remains open. In fact, there are plans to expand the gulag. The American regime acts as an outlaw.