A new book by the American spiritual philosopher, Charles Upton, exposes the fraud of UFOs and how they are being used for social engineering purposes by the oligarchs that control America.
The recent discovery of thousands of graves of indigenous children in Canada has led to the burning of churches. This is not the way to seek redress and reconciliation.
Islam calls for the protection of the sacred sites of not only Muslims but also other faiths. Further, the protection of minorities living in Muslim societies is also according to the Prophetic Sunnah.
The Prophet’s covenants with the Christians of the world provide clear guidance for Muslims’ conduct towards Christians anywhere. There is absolutely no room in the covenants to mistreat Christians or destroy their places of worship.
Some people including some Yemenis have been so brainwashed about the situation in Yemen, especially relating to Iran’s role in it, that they refuse to see what the Saudi criminals are doing to their society. For them, only Iran is to blame!
Bani Saud, the illegal occupiers of the Arabian Peninsula, are busy destroying the sacred sites in Makkah and al Madinah yet the Muslim Ummah is either ignorant or largely silent on these crimes.
Islam is very clear about protecting the religious places of other faith communities, especially churches. Yet, the dictatorial regime in Egypt is using this as a cover to refurbish its jaded image .
The Bani Saud are guilty of wiping out most sacred Islamic heritage sites in the world. This is a loss to Islam, Muslims and humanity at large.
Those baying for a poor Pakistani Christian woman’s blood accusing her of blasphemy seem to have totally ignored the noble Messenger’s (pbuh) own conduct in such cases.
We need to recognize unity in diversity and appreciate the differences we may have over minor issues, says Dr John Andrew Morrow.
Just as imperialists used Salafism in the past to advance their agenda, today Sufism has become their favorite vehicle and tool. Will the Muslims ever learn?
We continue our conversation with Dr John Andrew Morrow about his views on the role of Muslims in North America.
North America is afflicted by a peculiar phenomenon: that of celebrity “shaykhs”. We talk to Dr John Andrew Morrow about this.
Hamza Yusuf is a celebrity preacher in North America that jet sets to different parts of the Middle East to receive money from all kinds of unsavory characters. Unfortunately, he also carries a chip on his shoulder!
American soldiers that first forced the First Nations people—women, children and the elderly—to surrender in return for their safety, were then mercilessly butchered. The killers were awarded medals of honor!
The same forces are at work to ‘create’ Kurdistan that implanted the Zionist monstrosity in the Muslim East.
Many US officials make wild allegations against Muslims including their being ‘terrorists’, prone to violence and other anti-social behavior. Statistics prove otherwise. Muslims in the US are some of the most law-abiding, educated and hardworking.
Murdering and mutilating men, women, and children; read and find out who did this.
10,000 Religious fanatics cheered on the torture, castration, and burning alive of a teenage boy, not in present-day Syria or Iraq, but in the Waco, Texas!
Takfirism and Islamophobia are two faces of the same coin. Both feed on each other and are used by predatory powers to target innocent Muslims.
While accusing Muslims of hating Americans, America itself was built of hate: hatred of the First Nations, hatred of African-Americans, Catholics, Hispanics and now Muslims.
An anti-Islamic Youtube video presented by one Hussein Aboubakr, and promoted by “Prager University”, immediately poses a problem of credibility. Prager is not a university; it is merely a Youtube channel promoted by the right wing radio host, Dennis Prager.
Despite his soaring rhetoric and projecting an image of liberalism, Barack Obama was directly responsible for the rise and sustenance of the terrorist group, ISIS.
Far from fighting the takfiri terrorists, the US wants to reintegrate them into society. In fact, they are being kept on hold for mischief and mayhem elsewhere in the Muslim world.