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Daily News Analysis

Trump gets an extra hole in his ear!

Crescent International

Out of gas Donald Trump, leaning on FBI agents' shoulders, is carried away from the platform after a shooter fired a bullet through his ear but missed his head

Donald Trump, former US president and the presumptive Republican nominee for this year’s presidential election, now has an extra hole in his ear.

This feat was accomplished by a 20-year-old shooter named by the FBI as Thomas Matthew Crooks.

He managed to fire five rounds into Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13.

One unnamed spectator was also killed and two others critically injured.

The shooter, who fired shots from a rooftop outside the rally, was also killed.

He deserves to be.

After all, how could he miss the basketball-sized head of Trump and only put a hole in his right ear?

True, it would have made little difference even if he had put a bullet through Trump’s head.

There is no grey matter there.

Besides, what’s the point of piercing his ear when he doesn’t use either of them?

Knowing Trump the narcissist and an exhibitionist, he would most likely put a huge gold ring in his ear to remind people he was shot at.

American politicians of all stripes condemned the attack and said, political violence has no place in America.

President Biden deplored the attack, calling it “sick”.

“There’s no place in America for this kind of violence,” he said. “Everybody must condemn it.”

Former US President Barack Obama also chimed in saying there “is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy.”


How do they explain the assassination of four US presidents and attempted assassinations of nearly a dozen more in US history?

On March 30, 1981, then US president Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt.

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was not so lucky.

He was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas as his open motorcade drove through the city.

The killer was identified as Lee Harvey Oswald who in turn was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

Serious questions have been raised about Ruby’s motives and others who may have been behind Kennedy’s assassination.

Robert Kennedy, the younger brother of John F. Kennedy, who was seeking the Democratic Party nomination was killed in June 1968.

This was followed in 1972 by an attack on George Wallace, the racist governor of Alabama.

He was also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.

Wallace was shot five times and left paralyzed from the waist down.

Gerald Ford, the accidental and accident-prone president, was attacked twice but survived.

The American web portal, Axios has listed the names of all political figures—presidents and seekers of nomination—who were killed or survived assassination attempts.

Perhaps Biden, Obama and other American politicians who prattle about “political violence has no place in our democracy” should read the Axios article.

“Violence is as American as apple pie”, in the famous words of H. Rap Brown (Muslim name Jamil Abdullah al-Amin).

This expression has since gained currency with others as well.

Rev. Gordon Myers, a retired pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, referred to the culture of violence that pervades American society.

In June 2022, he wrote about why people were shocked at the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, 2022.

The shooter killed 19 students and two teachers before he was killed by the police.

Rev. Myers traces the history of genocide of the Indigenous people as well as the slavery of black people in America.

The US has indulged in industrial scale violence on other peoples and societies throughout its history.

Since 911, more than 30 million people, mostly Muslim, have been slaughtered by successive US regimes.

In the US itself, on average 36,000 to 40,000 people are killed every year.

“As of Dec. 7 [2023], at least 40,167 people have died from gun violence in the US this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive – which is an average of almost 118 deaths each day.”

This was reported by ABC News.

“Of those who died, 1,306 were teens and 276 were children,” the ABC report went on.

There are more than 390 million weapons in the hands of a population of 333 million.

Should it come as a surprise if there is so much gun violence in America?

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