A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Bani Saud

Showing 81-100 of 332
Letters To The Editor

Hajj Experience

Mahmoud Ali Khan

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

The Saudi officials were rude; there was too much waste of food, especially in hotels where pilgrims from North America and Europe stayed. The Saudis have imposed different tiers of Hajj: five star to basic.

Daily News Analysis

Saudi Head-choppers Go Berserk over Canadian Criticism of Rights Abuses

Crescent International

Dhu al-Qa'dah 28, 14392018-08-10

In the week since the Bedouin-dominated kingdom of Saudi Arabia went berserk over Canadian criticism of its atrocious human rights record, things have not cooled off. The Saudis ordered the Canadian ambassador to leave Riyadh in 24 hours. It also recalled its own envoy from Ottawa and ordered 15,000 Saudi students at Canadian universities to return home by September 1.


Prejudices are What Rule the Vulgar Crowd

Abu Dharr

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

In their drive to Saudi-ize the economy, the Bani Saud have launched a war of attrition against foreign workers. Tens of thousands have been forced to leave under a relentless extortion racket demanding thousands of riyals from these poor souls.

News & Analysis

Banu Saud Impede Muslims’ Access to Hajj

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

Not only are the Banu Saud totally incompetent, they have also imposed arbitrary restrictions on Hajj that have no basis in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the noble Messenger (pbuh).

News & Analysis

Time to Banish Banu Saud

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Dhu al-Qa'dah 19, 14392018-08-01

The Arabian Peninsula, especially the two holy cities of Makkah and al Madinah (called the Haramayn), are not the personal property of the greedy ruling family. Their un-Islamic behavior has put the Haramayn at risk. They should be banished to protect the holy cities.

Letters To The Editor

Needed: Regime Change!

Ahmed Abdullah

Shawwal 17, 14392018-07-01

The Muslim world is full of nasty regimes and obnoxious rulers. The Saudi regime tops the list. The Saudi clown prince, Bin Salman, is a truly toxic character who stoops to kiss the boots of his Zionist and imperialist masters but has no compunction about killing innocent people as in Syria and Yemen.


Israel Plans, Saudi Finances, Qatar Facilitates, Britain, France, and USA Execute

Abu Dharr

Sha'ban 15, 14392018-05-01

The plot to create chaos and mayhem in the Middle East originates in the criminal minds of the Zionists that the Bani Saud pay for, their Bedouin cousins in Qatar facilitate while the US, UK and France execute them.

News & Analysis

Bin Salman Repeatedly Lied During US Visit

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Sha'ban 15, 14392018-05-01

On his US visit, Saudi crown prince Bin Salman missed no opportunity to tell big lies about the regime’s ‘moderate’ policies. Respect for human rights and people’s basic freedoms are not part of such moderation.

News & Analysis

Time to Study Wahhabi Zionists

Tahir Mahmoud

Sha'ban 15, 14392018-05-01

Wahhabis and religious Zionists share a number of common traits. It is time to study these properly to understand how closely their policies are aligned and why they have openly embraced each other.


Saudi Sectarianism: A Disease Characterized by Hardening of the Categories

Abu Dharr

Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

To divert attention from their subservience to imperialism and Zionism, Saudi sectarians have unleashed their paid agents to tarnish the image of Islamic Iran and its committed leadership.


Bin Salman’s US Pilgrimage


Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

Among many others, Muhammad bin Salman’s basic reason for visiting the US was to seek Trump’s permission to become king!


Saudi War on Yemen Enters Fourth Year


Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

The Saudi-led war on Yemen has caused massive civilian casualties and led to the greatest humanitarian disaster in history. The Bani Saud are guilty of war crimes.

News & Analysis

Billionaire Beggar Mooches off Anglo-Zionist Masters

Kevin Barrett

Rajab 14, 14392018-04-01

Bin Salman’s US trip is aimed at enticing American businessmen to invest in the bankrupt kingdom. This ignorant man does not realize that Americans take, not give money.

Daily News Analysis

Massive Protests Greet Saudi Terror Prince During British Visit

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14392018-03-07

Used only to flattery from sycophants in the medieval kingdom, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman faced widespread protests during his visit to London starting today.

Editor's Desk

Saudis Want Their Terrorists Back!


Jumada' al-Akhirah 13, 14392018-03-01

In one of the most glaring admissions of its role as sponsor of terrorists, Saudi Arabia asked Iraq to extradite 400 of its citizens captured in the fight against Da‘ish and convicted of terrorism by Iraqi courts

News & Analysis

Bin Salman: Trump’s Boy in Riyadh

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Jumada' al-Ula' 15, 14392018-02-01

Saudi clown prince tries to ingratiate himself to the Americans to secure his hold on power. Will he succeed?


What Future for Arabian Regimes?


Rabi' al-Thani 13, 14392018-01-01

The Arabian regimes do not have legitimacy since they are a creation of colonial intrigue. Now they have also exposed their treachery against Islam and Muslims thereby short-circuiting their existence.

News & Analysis

Who would Want to Have Dinner with Bin Salman?

Yusuf Dhia-Allah

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 14392018-01-01

In the Banu Saud’s ongoing circus about succession, crown prince Muhammad bin Salman had lured other princes to the Ritz Carlton Hotel for dinner and then promptly arrested them. Who would want to believe this blighter in future?

Letters To The Editor

More ‘moderate’ BS?

Tariq Akhtar

Rabi' al-Thani 13, 14392018-01-01

Following Saudi crown prince Muhammad bin Salman’s announcement that the medieval kingdom would henceforth follow “moderate” Islam, a number of other policies have come to light.


Mu‘awiyah fooled us once, shame on him; Bani Saud fools us twice, shame on us

Abu Dharr

Rabi' al-Awwal 12, 14392017-12-01

The Saudi-engineered Sa‘ad Hariri resignation has important implications for leaders of the Islamic movement worldwide. Are they prepared to learn the proper lessons or continue the chase the money trail with disastrous consequences?

Showing 81-100 of 332

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