As the Taliban grapple with the issue of recognition, they should study the Covenant of Madinah (aka the Constitution of Madinah) as to how the noble Messenger (pbuh) brought diverse groups together into a formal compact to establish the first Islamic State.
Muslim unity is a Qur’anic command although unfortunately there are some Muslims that have fallen into the trap of sectarianism and has caused much damage to the Ummah. Disunity among Muslims has also given an opportunity to predatory powers to destroy many Muslim countries.
The noble Messenger (pbuh) was sent not only to communicate the message of Islam but also to implement it in society. This was also the message of all the earlier Prophets of Allah. The last and final Prophet (pbuh) was able to both communicate the message and transform people organized in a state.
There are sectarians among the “Sunnis” and there are sectarians among the “Shi’is”. Both must be confronted in order to establish a genuine Islamic ethos in the Muslim world where regrettably many “Islamists” seem not to be able to develop a clear understanding of the challenges facing them.
The Taliban may not have achieved formal recognition from any country so far but they continue to be received by neighboring states. They certainly have de facto recognition and it is only a matter of time before they get formal recognition.
Zionist Israel continues to act in the most outrageous manner. Its latest assault is on human rights organizations and civil society groups. The Zionist entity wants to shut down all monitoring of its crimes. The rest of the world should take note and stop its criminal conduct.
Despite its defeat in Afghanistan, the US has not given up on mischief. It is exerting pressure on Pakistan to provide overflight rights to carry out attacks in Afghanistan. Pakistan should resist any such attempts.
The Saudi regime is trying to engage its people in hedonistic culture by organizing concerts and dance programs while it continues to kill ulama, human rights defenders and those who dare ask for basic human rights.
Zionist Israel claims that it represents the interests of the Jewish people everywhere. This fraud was exposed when it blocked Orthodox Jews from moving to Iran where they had sought asylum.
Islamic Iran is determined to push back against the Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan from providing a foothold for Zionist Israel on the border with Iran.
India under Narendra Modi has become a fascist state. Nowhere is this more evident than in its brutal suppression of the Kashmiri people that have been struggling for the right of self-determination for more than 70 years.
Israeli historian debunks the Zionist myth that the Jewish people are descendants of the Hebrew tribes and, therefore, have a historical link to Palestine. It will definitely annoy the Zionists who peddle this fiction.
Erdogan continues to embarrass himself by political antics that have resulted in his losing much domestic support. They have also undermined prospects of the ruling AKP.