Almost all people claim to follow some principles but when it comes to their personal interests, principles are often quickly abandoned.
They have no diplomatic relations but that has not proved a hindrance to the Najdi Bedouins and the Zionists publicly embracing each other against Islamic self-determination.
History is repeating itself. The enemies of Allah and of the committed Muslims are once again getting together to destroy the Islamic State. Like the Prophet’s (saws) time, the neo-Ahzab fail.
The US has maintained its dominance of global affairs through militarism and the dollar. If the dollar were retired as a global currency, US militarism and aggression would be dealt a severe blow.
The takfiris did not emerge in a vacuum. They have been financed, trained and armed by a number of countries for their nefarious designs. We expose the conspirators.
The Najdi Bedouins’ attack on Yemen has resulted in not only Saudi casualties but also given rise to freedom movements inside the kingdom. The Bedouins may have bitten more than they can chew.
The West makes much noise about preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons but they themselves are not prepared to live up to their obligations as the latest SIPRI report shows.
1How Islamic Iran should deal with Russia is the subject of this analysis in which a realistic assessment of the reality is called for.
The AKP has suffered a serious setback in last month’s elections and its hold on power is no longer assured.
The much-hyped refugee problem with boatloads of people streaming out of North Africa and the Middle East is the direct result of EU-Western meddling in Muslim affairs.
Where Imam Khomeini’s anniversary drew hundreds of people to the program, it also attracted an odd assortment of parasites and anti-Islamic mobsters that had escaped from Iran because of their links with the despicable regime of the Shah.
1Even while there are many problems afflicting the Muslim world, the issue of al-Quds and Palestine cannot be forgotten. That is what makes the annual Quds Day rallies so important.
Omar Khadr has finally won freedom, thanks to the dogged determination of his lawyers Dennis Edney and Nate Whittling. It wasn’t easy; the Harper regime fought them tooth and nail but the courts finally sided with Omar Khadr.
It kills innocent people including children but refuses to accept any responsibility. The Zionist military insists it has done “nothing wrong”. The reality is different.
The Egyptian military regime and its kangaroo courts have sentenced scores of people to death, including the first-ever elected president in Egypt’s history, Mohamed Mursi. It has evoked strong global condemnation.
The abrupt halt to the trial of a Swedish citizen last month because it would have exposed British intelligence agency’s links to terrorist groups in Syria has shed light on the sordid role of the British government.
Muslims are suffering everywhere but the regimes’ silence is deafening. Why?
A Madinah-born citizen condemns the “Saudi” rulers and insists they have no right to be in control in the Arabian Peninsula.
A writer from prison finds the Crescent International a blessing in his quest for acquiring knowledge and understanding of the global situation.