A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: US imperialism

Showing 81-100 of 305
Daily News Analysis

Biden’s ludicrous demand on Iran nuclear deal a non-starter

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 25, 14422021-02-07


Biden: Obama 2.0, Minus the Soaring Rhetoric


Jumada' al-Akhirah 19, 14422021-02-01

A new (even if rather old) face in the White House has led to the mistaken belief among some people that the US would return to normalcy now. Apart from some cosmetic changes, America’s policy of belligerence, militarism and exploitation is unlikely to change.


Nuclear Hypocrisy

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Ula' 17, 14422021-01-01

Nuclear weapons have such destructive power that they could virtually wipe out life on earth. Yet there is much hypocrisy surrounding nuclear policy. They should be eliminated completely if humanity is to be saved but the major nuclear powers are rank hypocrites. They refuse to comply.


End of the American Empire!


Safar 14, 14422020-10-01

The US is not only in terminal decline, the empire is dead. As it faces a serious threat of civil war, many American commentators have written its obituary realizing that the American (half)-century is over.

Daily News Analysis

On Iran sanctions, Trump acts as a gang of one!

Crescent International

Safar 05, 14422020-09-22

Main Stories

US Humiliated in the Security Council over Iran Arms Embargo

Tahir Mustafa

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

Never before has the US been so humiliated in a forum that it virtually controls as it was on August 14 at the UN Security Council. The US tried to push a resolution to extend the arms embargo against Iran. Other members repudiated this illegal US attempt

Book Review

Exposing US Propaganda And Lies about Its Never-ending Wars

Zafar Bangash

Muharram 13, 14422020-09-01

Since its founding, the US has used propaganda, lies and false flags to wage wars of aggression and grab other people’s lands starting with America’s First Nations that were subjected to genocide. Robert Fantina meticulously documents the long-list of US crimes in his latest book.

News & Analysis

America’s Long List of Enemies!

Abdul Haqq ibn Omar

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

America’s list of enemies is not only long, it keeps growing. It is America’s systemic need. By conjuring up fear of real or imagined enemies, the US Deep state keeps diverting trillions of dollars from development toward armaments to further enrich the oligarchs

News & Analysis

China’s Economic Challenge to the US

Tahir Mustafa

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14412020-08-01

Since the US has declared China as enemy number one, Beijing’s economic plans of which the Belt and Road Initiative is a major component, have been targeted through huge negative propaganda. Lies peddled through the media are simply mind-boggling

News & Analysis

Trump Wants Out of Afghanistan, Establishment Says “Not So Fast!”

Kevin Barrett

Dhu al-Qa'dah 10, 14412020-07-01

For Trump, exit from Afghanistan before the November presidential elections is the one act that he can present as ‘achievement’ of sorts. But is the American establishment prepared to allow him to do so?

News & Analysis

US Pushing for Extension of Iran Arms Embargo under A Deal It Repudiated!

Waseem Shehzad

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

The Trump regime wants to have it both ways. It repudiated the nuclear deal with Iran yet wants to use its provisions to push for continued sanctions against Iran. Other signatories of the JCPOA as well as members of the Security Council are not enthused by Trump’s antics.

News & Analysis

Coronavirus Launches 4G/5G War on China

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

Is the US itching for war with China because the latter is making huge economic progress that will leave the US far behind? There is a long history of the US’ false accusations to convince the American public to support wars against perceived enemies.

News & Analysis

Will COVID Crisis Prolong US Hegemony, or End It?

Kevin Barrett

Shawwal 09, 14412020-06-01

The US economy has been badly affected by COVID-19 (some analysts have said it was already in the dumps before the virus outbreak). Will it end US global hegemony or prolong it? The jury is still out on this.


COVID-19 Ushers Global Power Shift


Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

The pandemic has exposed the US as a failed state. Others have done far better looking after their citizens. Dramatic changes are underway with countries realigning their policies and relations moving away from reliance on the US.

Week In Review

US further escalates the situation in Iraq and Syria

Sha'ban 12, 14412020-04-06

Special Reports

Post-US Withdrawal Plots Against Afghanistan

Zia Sarhadi

Sha'ban 07, 14412020-04-01

The US and its NATO allies do not give up on mischief. They may withdraw all forces from Afghanistan but their destabilization activities will not cease.

Showing 81-100 of 305

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