There is little in common between the Egyptian and Saudi regimes even if both are puppets of the West and the Saudis have tried to buttress the crumbling Egyptian economy. Their differences are coming to the fore amid rising tensions between the two oppressive regimes.
Al Jazeera tries to project itself as the voice of the Arab street but in reality it is an echo chamber for Western propaganda.
Both Jewish and Christian scholars have debunked the myth of the Judeo-Christian civilization. In fact, there is a rising Islamo-Christian civilization in the making.
Western regimes like to project themselves as enlightened and tolerant but their record of abuse of Muslim minorities exposes their fraudulent claim. In Muslim majority countries, Islamic Iran stands out as a beacon of tolerance with not even a hint of propaganda against religious or ethnic minorities.
Unlike most other countries, Iran’s economy is deeply linked to its political and security situation. Without taking this aspect into consideration, its economis progress cannot be properly evaluated.
While the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmarga forces have launched operations from the southeast and northeast respectively into Mosul, the western corridor to Syria remains wide open for the takfiris to escape. Why?
2While the rise of Russia is seen as a good sign to contain America’s belligerence, on the flip side, Moscow is courting the Serbs in Bosnia threatening the Muslim majority country in the Balkans.
2Major donors to political parties and to individual politicians have totally corrupted the American political system. This explains why wars are waged all over the world leading to much bloodshed and hatred for the US.
2Using the garb of Sufism, the self-styled religious preacher, Fethullah Gulen has turned out to be a US-Zionist puppet who is prepared to advance their agenda. This is how the enemies of Islam operate.
2Britons voted to leave the European Union. Coupled with Turkey’s failed coup, it has changed the global situation radically. There will now be new political realignments in the region.
1More than 7,000 heavily armed police surrounded the Incirlik airbase in Adana, southwest Turkey amid speculation that it was meant to thwart another coup attempt. The police came with armored personnel carriers as well as dump trucks.
1America's 'sacred war' in Afghanistan is a total disaster but no one wants to talk about it. Instead, the US and its Nato allies want to shovel more billions into a bottomless pit that has been destroyed beyond repair. This film, even by Hollywood's low standards, is excruciatingly tasteless as Eric Walberg finds out.
1The unelected regime of Ilham Aliyev in Azerbaijan is incapable of protecting the interests of the people as evident from his lack of interest in protecting Karabakh that is illegally occupied by Armenia.
By announcing withdrawal of the bulk of its forces from Syria, Russia has signaled that it is genuinely interested in seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Syria. It is now for Nato countries to show whether they want peace.
For decades, the Bani Saud claimed to be leaders of the Muslim world. Now they claim to be leading the ‘Sunni’ world against the ‘Shias’. They are nothing but agents of imperialism and Zionism and stand exposed because of their own policies and actions.
1While the sanctions have been officially lifted, imperialists and Zionists have not given up on mischief-making. Sabotage of the Islamic Republic will continue in other forms.
The Bani Saud’s latest concoction of an ‘anti-terror alliance’ is no more than an attempt to appease their imperialist-Zionist masters to intensify Shi‘a-Sunni conflict.
It is imperative for Islamic movement activists to study carefully how the imperialists and Zionists subverted their genuine aspirations for change. The old guard are back in power even after tens of thousands of people protested for months.
Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian plane over Syria is an act of great provocation. It has increased the threat of global war several notches.
The strategic shift caused in Syria through Russian involvement is self-evident. NATO’s project against Islamic Iran in Syria has collapsed but what are the ramifications beyond Syria?