Were it not for oil, most rulers in the Middle East would still be herding camels in the desert. Nobody would pay the slightest attention to them. Yet oil wealth has gone to their heads and they are acting way above their capacity. Their fall would be painful.
Arab League summits are pretty pathetic affairs. Arabian rulers talk big but there is little action. Nothing can be expected from puppets but last week’s summit in Mauritania hit new lows!
1Major changes are underway in global politics as the US-led unipolar world comes to an end. A multipolar world is emerging in which new more robust players are active. Islamic Iran is a central component of this new arrangement.
Why has the refugee crisis evoked such strong sentiments in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere? We look at the figures that provide clue to what is afoot...
The takfiri phenomenon that has erupted in the Middle East and parts of Africa is the creation of the imperialists and Zionists and their puppets in the Arab world. Addressing the issue, the Rahbar Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei asked the assembled scholars to deconstruct this latest menace to unity in the Muslim world.
Despite the hype about fighting them, the US and its allies have nurtured the takfiris for nearly a decade to be used for the broader plan to dominate the Middle East.
The US uses a number of tools in its arsenal to advance its agenda in the Middle East. Soft power is one of them.
There is something bizarre in the manner in which 49 Turkish diplomats and employees of the Turkish Consulate in Mosul were released from the clutches of the takfiris.
Even 13 years after 911, most Americans refuse to accept the official version of the events. Architects, structural engineers and academics continue to raise pertinent questions that the Washington warlords refuse to answer.
Excerpt from the forthcoming book, Islamic Resistance to Imperialism by Eric Walberg.
It is revealing that Muslim regimes in the Middle East that eagerly give billions to takfiri terrorists to kill fellow Muslims are completely silent about zionist killings of Palestinians.
The ISIS takfiris may have ripped the Sykes-Picot agreement of a century ago but what they plan to replace it with is hardly what Muslims are looking for.
The world has a new poster boy in al-Baghdadi. Some naive Muslims will be taken in by his brandishing a kalishnakov instead of the sword but it is important to look deeper. Emotional outbursts are no substitute for clear analysis and understanding.
The emerging, new Muslim East (aka the Middle East) is not the one Condoleezza Rice had envisioned; it is more confident and assertive and pursuing an agenda to serve the interests of the people rather than imperialist/Zionist powers.
Even by the brutal standards of the Egyptian military, the mass death sentences in one case—529 people sentenced to death for the killing of one policeman—have sent shockwaves globally. The regime may be digging its own grave.
This month marks the 35th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It also marks a nightmare for the illegitimate regimes in the Muslim East led by the Saudi clan.
It would be unrealistic to assume that Arabian dictatorships or their masters in Washington have really changed their behavior. They have been forced by circumstances to adopt a different posture but caution in dealing with them would be in order.
The tyrannical regimes in the Middle East are a bundle of contradictions. They are not sure who their friends or enemies are. While they are fighting each other, there are major contradictions in their relations pointing to extreme opportunism rather than policies based on principles.
The Muslim East has undergone radical change over the last two years. There are new political alignments that spell trouble for the US.